This excellent list came from The Healthy Back Institute Newsletter. Some would say that inflammation is the root cause of all disease, so it is nothing to take lightly. Include more of these 10 foods in your daily diet and you will be doing yourself a favor:
10. Fermented Foods – excellent source of beneficial bacteria known as probiotics. These good bacteria help to curb systemic inflammation in your body.
9. Tart Cherries – contain inflammation-fighting antioxidants known as anthocyanins. Tart cherries have been found to reduce numerous biomarkers of inflammation, including inflammation of abdominal fat, plasma and the heart.
8. Blueberries – protective effect against inflammation.
7. Broccoli – helps prevent the activation of inflammatory enzymes in your body in a way similar to anti-inflammatory drugs, but even better.
6. Green Tea – increase beneficial anti-inflammatory substances and decrease inflammatory ones, making green tea an ideal addition to your anti-inflammatory diet.
5. Nuts – contain antioxidants, omega-3 fats, L-arginine and magnesium, which work together to modulate inflammation in your body.
4. Ginger – has potent anti-inflammatory benefits, and actually shares pharmacological properties with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (without all of the side effects).
3. Boswellia (Indian Frankincense) – fights inflammation as well as most NSAID drugs, but without the stomach irritation or ulceration. Its benefits are due to a mixture of naturally occurring organic acids, which inhibit pain and inflammation-causing enzymes.
2. Turmeric – a powerful anti-inflammatory. Curcumin, its active ingredient, has been shown to work as well as ibuprofen in treating pain, such as that from knee osteoarthritis.
1. Proteolytic Enzymes – “systemic” enzymes with a number of important purposes, including breaking down excess fibrin, a natural substance that helps your body with wound healing, but which often builds up in your body, causing additional inflammation and pain.
Check out The Healthy Back Institute website for lots more great info. on pain relief and back care
Parsley – Potent Cancer Fighter
Don’t toss that parsley garnish off your plate. Eat it. Or sprinkle a little dried parsley on your meal. Your body will thank you!
From blog – “Dried parsley — with 13,000 mg per 100 grams — is one of the most abundant sources of apigenin. On the other hand, fresh parsley has a good amount as well, with 225 to 300 mg per 100 grams. To get a 10 mg dose as used in a clinical trial by Prof. Harald Hoensch of the University of Frankfurt, you would need to take one tablespoon of raw chopped parsley per day. Or you could sprinkle a small amount of dried parsley into your food.
“…When you begin to add parsley to your meals, here’s a tip: much of the vitamins and volatile compounds are lost during cooking, so eat it raw or add it at the end of cooking, right before serving.“
Drug Interactions
The article goes on to say, “As far as the safety of eating parsley, cancer advisor Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D. warns that while generally safe, apigenin may cause undesired interactions with other drugs. There was one laboratory study that seemed to show that apigenin interfered with a standard chemotherapy drug used in the treatment of leukemia. So, Dr. Moss suggests, ‘It might be wise to NOT take high doses of this chemical if you are currently undergoing chemotherapy for cancer.’”
Parsley also has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, so it makes a great addition to the anti-inflammatory list in the first article.
Reduce EMF Radiation in Your Home
Healing Properties of Lavender
Aside from smelling wonderful, lavender has many healing properties for the respiratory system, digestive system, and circulatory system. The essential oil can be used to make an antibiotic inhaler when added to steaming water, and can even be applied directly to burns and scrapes. Lavender oil and flowers can be added to a bath for deep relaxation. Lavender tea can be made with the flowers to heal and support digestion.
Perhaps best of all, lavender oil can kill staph germs! From “Most exciting, though, is that lavender oil has been found 100% effective in lab testing to treat some infections, including MRSA. That means it could be used to treat staph infections that drugs can’t touch. This fact alone should make it clear how dramatically underestimated lavender essential is as a legitimate medicine.”
What a wonderful healing herb!
Read More About the Healing Properties of Lavender
Sage Tea to Cure What Ails
Who knew that the song Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme was all about powerful medicinal herbs? (I guess they forgot lavender.) There’s a big sage bush right off my back deck, so I’m going to have to try this one.
From the blog “Also known as Salvia officianalis, sage is an antibacterial, antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti… pretty much anti-anything-that-feels-lousy. All joking aside, this is a highly medicinal herb that is effective for a host of minor ailments like cold and flu, as well as major ones like cancer, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes.”
Here’s the recipe for sage tea:
*Important: never use aluminum utensils or containers for your tea extractions. Glass, porcelain, silver, and Pyrex are best!
1 Quart Water
12 Fresh Sage Leaves (Dry is ok too, but fresh is more potent!)
2 Tablespoons Local Honey
2 Tablespoons Fresh Lemon Juice
A pinch of Cayenne Pepper
1. In a teapot or saucepan, bring water to a boil.
2. Add the sage leaves and remove the teapot or saucepan from heat.
3. Let steep for 15 minutes.
4. Stir in the remaining ingredients.
There you have it. Enjoy often and stay healthy this winter with the help of Mother Nature!

New Earth Ambassador — Sharing Health, Wealth & Faery Magic to Uplift Your Life and the World!
What I love best is holding space for people to tap into the New Earth reality — a reality of harmony, cooperation and prosperity for all. I call it the New Camelot! I spend most of my time creating courses, workshops, blogs and art to support citizens of the New Camelot in their ongoing quest for health, abundant wealth and the magic of the Otherworlds.
I am passionate about protecting Nature, a healthy whole-plant-foods diet, artistic creativity, graphic design, connecting seekers with the faery realm, Celtic and Arthurian lore, my family, writing and gardening.
All my services are all listed at (my portal site)