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Relax Into Well-Being with Energy Healing

Let’s start with one of my favorite quotes from Abraham-Hicks:

The very best approach to medicine is, “Well, I see your physical body is sick, what’s been bothering you? What are you worried about? What are you angry about? What are you frustrated about?” Because that is what is at the root of all of this.

And then say, “Let it go, let it go, let it go.” That’s the message, and if they could hear you and do that, then they would all be well right away.

Are you ready to let it go?

My Top 4 Healing Modalities:

1. Intuitive Energy Healing with Reiki, Acupressure & More

Intuitive Energy Healing is all about harmonizing and balancing your body, mind, and soul. Clients report feeling a sense of relief and deep relaxation after a session.

RelaxThis is my favorite way to work with clients, because I can intuitively balance your energy system, with the help of your spirit guides and animal allies, addressing exactly what you need in the moment. Sometimes a subtle energetic shift is all it takes to unleash a cascade of healing.

Intuitive Energy Healing helps to clear and balance your energy meridians and chakras as well as all levels of your auric field and physical body.

I will often include a variety of modalities such as: chakra clearing (from Peruvian shamanic tradition), energy meridian therapies (acupressure, EFT, Jin Shin Jyutsu), and Usui Reiki. If so guided, I may also add Faery Doctoring, Faery Reiki, shamanic work with spirit guides, sound, drumming, visualization, ritual, and more.

We can also include a guided visualization journey if you choose. Let me know if that is what you would like.

Available in person in Graton, CA – West Sonoma County (about one hour north of San Francisco with light traffic)

2. The Bars

Intuitive reiki energy healing - Reiki, EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, Bars

The Bars is an energy clearing modality that focuses on aligning and balancing the energy of your brain. Some say it is like deleting unused files from your computer, or taking out the trash.

I think of it as a brain cleansing. It is very relaxing and increases mental clarity. The Bars can change your life!

Available in person in Graton, CA – West Sonoma County (about one hour north of San Francisco with light traffic)

3. EFT & Matrix Reimprinting

Most health issues start on an emotional level. That’s where EFT and Matrix Reimprinting can be extremely valuable. 95% of the time you will experience noticeable relief, sometimes even in the first few minutes.

Based on tapping acupuncture points, these energy healing modalities can relieve your:

  • EFT Tapping for Healthphobias
  • negative habits
  • physical or emotional discomfort
  • weight issues
  • food cravings
  • stage fright
  • and a multitude of other problems faster than anything else I’ve found – and without negative side effects.

I have been practicing EFT since 1996 and I’ve seen it work wonders for myself and others. Are you ready to give it a try?

Available via Zoom, Skype or phone worldwide, or in person in Sonoma County, CA (about one hour north of San Francisco depending on traffic)

(Note: If you are on psych medications, or have serious psychological issues, please seek the help of a licensed psychotherapist or psychiatrist.)

4. Reiki in the Wine Country – Deep Relaxation

Designed to unravel the stress of traveling, sight seeing and wine tasting in beautiful Sonoma County California – but also great for anyone who wants to relax and heal.

Reiki in the Wine CountryRelaxation allows your body, mind, and spirit to align with the Universal Life Force Energy for Health and Healing.

A Wine Country Reiki session is classic Usui Reiki that sends a flow of healing Life Force Energy into your body and energy field encouraging a deep state of Relaxation – so deep that clients often fall asleep!

Usui Reiki can ease your discomfort, calm your nerves, and remind your cells of the natural healthy vibration they were born with, thus enhancing your healing process.

Conveniently located right down the street from the Underwood Restaurant in Graton, CA.

Available in person in Graton, CA – West Sonoma County (about one hour north of San Francisco with light traffic) – Long Distance Reiki also available worldwide

What Can Energy Healing Do for You?

Energy healing helps you align with your natural well-being. It feels like taking a walk in Nature while you are fully relaxed.

Are You Feeling Mental, Emotional, or Physical Distress? Energy healing can help bring relief.

Energy Healing Can Help if You Struggle with Any of These Issues:

      • Discomfort or Dis-ease
      • Not Feeling Good Enough
      • Not Feeling Lovable
      • Feeling Like a Victim
      • Disappointment
      • Poverty Consciousness
      • Fear
      • Sorrow
      • Emotional Turmoil
      • Anger
      • Overweight
      • Lethargy
      • Anxiety
      • Tension
      • Bad Habits
      • Food Cravings
      • Past Traumas

Let’s Work Together to Release Your Stress and Discomfort with Gentle Energy Healing Techniques

Over 95% of the time you will notice improvement in your first session!
You Deserve:
  • Emotional Freedom
  • Health & Vitality
  • Relief from Anxiety
  • Deep Relaxation
  • The Body of Your Dreams
  • Prosperity
  • And HOPE

How Can I Assist You?

If you feel sick, hopeless, weighed down, or stuck, it is a sign that your energy flow is restricted in some way. We all feel that way sometimes. It is part of being human.

Sometimes it’s hard to get your energy flowing freely on your own, even when you can see the problem and you want to let it go.

Other times, you may not even know what is wrong. You just know that something feels “off” or stuck.  These are good times to reach out for help.

We are all going through tremendous energetic changes right now, as our planet raises her frequency. Sometimes it can be physically or emotionally uncomfortable as our bodies and emotions adjust to the new vibrations of light and love that are flooding into our world. I am here to assist!

As your Intuitive Energy Healing Practitioner, I can feel where your energy is restricted and gently guide it to move more freely.

The healing comes from you. I will just help you relax and let go of the tension that holds old and uncomfortable patterns in place.

I work with the help of spirit guides, angels, plant spirits, faeries, and animal allies, and I may use a variety of energy healing modalities in one session.

Whole Plant Foods Nutrition & Health Coaching

Healthy whole plant foods dietFood is another form of energy healing. It may not seem like energy, because it is solid. We can pick it up and feel the weight of it, but just like our bodies, food is also made of energy.

Some foods have a lot more life-giving energy than others. Those are the foods that will help to create vibrant health and happiness.

Learn more about boosting your energy with nutrition at my website.

Unlike medical drugs, these energy healing modalities:

  • Have no negative side effects
  • Are relaxing and pleasant
  • Support all aspects of your being
  • Create more harmony and balance

Are you ready to let go of your physical and emotional discomfort? Schedule an Appointment Now

Email Bernadette Wulf

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About Bernadette Wulf – Energy Healing

Bernadette Wulf - Reiki Master, EFT, Energy HealingNaturopath Certification – Nutrition Focus

Reiki Master Certification

Matrix Reimprinting Certification

Access Consciousness Bars Facilitator Certification

EFT Meridian Tapping Practitioner (Emotional Freedom Techniques) since 1996

Over 15 years Health and Nutrition Coaching & Law of Attraction Coaching

Disclaimer for HealItAll website, newsletter, and blog.

This site, blog, newsletter, its content and any linked material are presented for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or prescription. Nothing contained in or accessible from this site should be considered to be medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or prescribing, or a promise of benefits, claim of cure, legal warranty, or guarantee of results to be achieved.

Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog or in any linked material. Bernadette Wulf is not a medical doctor or other licensed healthcare practitioner or provider. Consult with a licensed healthcare professional before altering or discontinuing any current medications, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health condition that requires medical attention.

Do Your Own Research

The United States Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated any statement, claim, or representation made in or accessible from this site or any linked material. The content of this site and any linked material does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Bernadette Wulf and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up-to-date.

This site may contain links to other resources on the Internet. These links are provided as citations and aids to help you identify and locate other Internet resources that may be of interest, and are not intended to state or imply that Bernadette Wulf recommends, endorses, supports, sponsors, or is in any way affiliated or associated with any person or entity associated with the linked material, or is legally authorized to use any trade name, registered trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may be reflected in the linked material. 

Copyright© 2021 Bernadette Wulf, All Rights Reserved.

This website is for educational purposes and is not FDA approved, but is protected under the U.S. Constitution rights of freedom of speech and your right to self medicate.