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Supplement Questionnaire, Heart Disease, Prevent Breast Cancer, Eye Health, Melatonin

WulfWorks Wellness News

Supplement Questionnaire, Heart Disease, Prevent Breast Cancer, Eye Health, Melatonin

In This Issue: 

    • No Cost Nutritional Supplement Questionnaire
    • Prevent Heart Disease Naturally
    • Help Prevent Breast Cancer with Vitamin D
    • Save Your Eyes
    • Melatonin for Health

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Message from Bernadette Wulf

Bernadette Wulf - Reiki Master, EFT HealerGreetings!

I wasn’t planning it this way, but we seem to have a general focus on preventing breast cancer and Vitamin D this month, along with good stuff about avoiding heart disease, getting a good night’s sleep, and protecting your eyes. The Nutrition Questionnaire is pretty awesome, too. As I expected, I pretty much have my bases covered nutritionally, but my results did include a fun little surprise.

I’ve been busy messing around with websites and trying to balance the computer time with gardening and art. (I’ll be announcing new developments on the art front soon.) The weather has been so nice that I want to be outside as much as I can to soak up that vitamin D and all the other good stuff the sunshine provides. I hope you’ve had time to get out there to enjoy what is left of summer.

As always, I would love to hear what you want to read about. Feel free to send your requests, suggestions, questions, or any sort of feedback. I always appreciate hearing from my readers – Email Bernadette

To your health and happiness!

Bernadette Wulf – Visit my new website Plant Based for Life

Nutrition questionnaireNo Cost Nutritional Supplement Questionnaire

Confused about which supplements you really need? Here’s a cool online nutritional supplement questionnaire that can help you pinpoint the best supplements for your personal situation. It doesn’t cost a thing, but you will have the option of buying the supplements from them in handy morning-and-evening packets if you like. It will even tell you why they recommend each supplement based on your answers.

Personally, I follow the Medical Medium advice to take VeganSafe B12, Ionic Zinc, and an algae-based Omega fatty acid supplement, along with occasional EsterC, and vitamin D3. Frequent spirulina, wild blueberries, and barley grass juice powder in the MM heavy metal detox will also supply lots of vitamins and minerals. However, I learned from this test that taking probiotics and enzymes can help with my seasonal allergies, so I’ll be adding those in springtime. Though, sticking to the MM protocol already seems to be alleviating allergy symptoms a lot.

Find out what’s missing in your supplement regime. (BTW, I think the Vitamin D recommendation is a typo and way too high – see article on Vitamin D below.) You will have to provide a little information, so they can assess your needs. Here’s the link –

prevent heart diseasePrevent Heart Disease Naturally

Even though a whole foods, plant-based diet has been shown to prevent and even reverse heart disease in study after study, heart disease is STILL one of the biggest killers of men and women in America. Even children are starting to show signs of heart disease at younger and younger ages.

I guess most people didn’t get the memo, or they are too addicted to junk food and animal products to give them up. That is sad, especially for children who have to trust adults to safeguard their health. Personally, I don’t think eating that stuff is worth the risk.

I doubt that following the advice in this article will undo the effects of a Big Mac, shake, and fries, or the bacon and eggs you had for breakfast, but it could buy you a little more time on this planet. Plus, it’s good advice for anyone, even if you are not at risk for heart disease.


Three Nutrients that Reduce the Risk of Heart-Related Death

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids
  • Vitamin D
  • Magnesium: [ ] Chlorophyll is green because it has a magnesium atom at its center. [ ] But, failing the culinary approach, magnesium [glycinate is best form – Ed.] supplements can be highly effective at attaining a therapeutic and/or cardioprotective dose.

Four Natural Compounds to Help Unclog the Arteries

  • Pomegranate
  • Arginine
  • Garlic
  • B-Complex

Three Things To Avoid

Read more about how you can prevent or heal heart disease –

Prevent breast cancer with vitamin DHelp Prevent Breast Cancer with Vitamin D

Vitamin D is associated with a strong immune system, but it also appears to be important in preventing breast cancer. That makes sense, since there is a viral component in breast cancer. Anything you can do to support your immune system with help.

Most of us do not spend enough time in the sun to make adequate amounts of vitamin D, so supplementation with Vitamin D3 is recommended, especially if you live north of the latitude of San Francisco (in the Northern Hemisphere). Most vitamin D3 supplements are made from lanolin from sheep’s wool, but if you want a vegan version, Mary Ruth’s Gummy Vitamin D3 is a good one, and it’s delicious.


Researchers discovered that there was an 82% lower incidence rate of breast cancer in women with 25(OH)D concentrations ≥60 versus those with levels under 20 ng/ml.

“Increasing vitamin D blood levels substantially above 20 ng/ml. appears to be important for the prevention of breast cancer,” stated first study author Sharon McDonell.

It is easy and inexpensive to make sure you get enough Vitamin D, so don’t put it off. You might want to get a blood test to find out where you are starting out. Even if you don’t have that information, it’s a good idea to take at least the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin D, which is 600 IU. Since your body can store Vitamin D, you can even break up the dose into 2000 IU twice a week.

Read More About Vitamin D and Breast Cancer –

Eye health
Photo by Ben Aronoff

Save Your Eyes

Since vision is one of the senses we depend on the most, it makes sense to give our eyes some extra care. I suppose there is nothing that can counteract the effects of staring at a computer or cellphone screen day in and day out, but at least we can minimize the damage.

Here are a few tips to keep your eyes healthy from

  1. Avoid Cholesterol-Lowering Statin Drugs [ ] For more information read our article “Cholesterol Drugs Linked to Eye Damage, JAMA Study Confirms Anew” or view the statin citations on our Cataract page.
  2. Curcumin (Turmeric extract)
  3. Lutein
  4. Wheatgrass:  According to a study published in the journal Biogerontology in 2005 titled, “Aging reversibility: from thymus graft to vegetable extract treatment — application to cure an age-associated pathology,” wheat grass may actually REVERSE LENS OPACITY ASSOCIATED WITH CATARACTS [Haven’t seen any studies on this, but my guess is that barley grass juice powder would be even better than wheatgrass. – Ed.

Read more about how to make sure your eyes get what they need to stay healthy –

melatonin for healthy sleepMelatonin for Health

Melatonin is known for promoting sleep, but it has a lot of other benefits, including helping to prevent breast cancer. Our bodies produce melatonin when it gets dark, but artificial lights, especially the blue light of computers, cellphones, and televisions, can prevent melatonin production.

Even a small amount of light in your bedroom can also disrupt melatonin production, so it helps to turn off or cover all LED lights, or night lights, and block out light coming in through your windows.

If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, it may help to temporarily take a melatonin supplement about an hour before bedtime. If you fall asleep easily, but wake up and often can’t get back to sleep, taking time-released melatonin at bedtime can be very helpful.

Of course it is much better to help your body create its own melatonin, and supplemental forms should only be used for a few days at a time to help reset your internal clock.

Getting a good night’s sleep is not the only benefit of melatonin. It is a powerful antioxidant. This article from is a great overview of melatonin. Here’s a summary:

  • A healthy amount of melatonin can help prevent disease including breast cancer.
  • Your body needs sleep to produce melatonin.
  • Electro-pollution truly is becoming one of the biggest health threats worldwide.
  • Melatonin in the body has also shown to have an effect on cancer.
  • Some ways to increase melatonin include:
    • Increase sleep
    • Limit Wi-Fi exposure
    • Turn off devices before bed
    • Lower stress
    • Supplement

Read more about the health benefits of melatonin –

On the other hand, some brands of melatonin are contaminated with possibly dangerous chemicals. I would only trust the Medical Medium recommended brand Pure Encapsulations 3mg Melatonin.

Here’s what Dr. Greger has to say about melatonin safety.