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Spirulina, 114-Year-Old’s Top 5 Foods, Aloe Vera, Medical Medium Dental Health, Organic from China?

WulfWorks Wellness News

Spirulina, 114-Year-Old’s Top 5 Foods, Aloe Vera, Medical Medium Dental Health, “Organic” from China?

In This Issue: 

  • Spirulina Superfood
  • 114-Year-Old Man’s Top 5 Foods
  • Is Organic Food from China Really Organic?
  • Aloe Vera – Skin Healer
  • Medical Medium on Dental Health

Happy Halloween!

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Message from Bernadette Wulf

Greetings and Happy October!

It is getting to be my favorite time of year, time for black cats and pumpkin pie, nostalgic crispness in the air, falling leaves, raucous choruses of wild geese, and the plaintive whistle of red winged blackbirds. Ghosts and goblins come out to play. Boo!

Samhain or Halloween is coming soon, the beginning of winter in the Celtic calendar. It is time to celebrate the final harvest of the year and get ready for the dark, cold, days ahead. Now we draw our energy inward, to become more contemplative and more in touch with “the worlds beyond the veil.”

Maybe it’s also time to add Hawaiian Spirulina to your diet. Just two teaspoons a day will strengthen your bones, muscles, and nails, as well as providing a potent antioxidant punch. You can stir it into a glass of water, add it to a smoothie, or even mix it into a dip.

Though diet isn’t the only factor in longevity, it is always interesting to see what those who live beyond 100 years have been eating. A 114-year-old man gives us his recommendations. Then we take a look at the shoddy “organic” standards of food coming from China, the wonders of aloe vera, and link to a great Medical Medium radio show on dental health.

By the way, I’ve read multiple predictions pointing to this particular season, autumn 2016, or even October 2016. Of course, predictions come and go, and most of the time the changes they predict are quite subtle in the physical world, but they are all saying to expect big changes.

I was just remembering this morning how I handled some things back in my 20s and 30s and I realized how much I’ve grown since then – and how much growing I still have to do. Big changes have already happened, both in myself and in the world around me, and they seem to be coming faster and faster. Will we see big changes this month? I don’t know, but it feels like things are heating up. Be prepared.

I am always open to hearing what you want to read about. Feel free to send requests, suggestions, or any sort of feedback. I appreciate hearing from my readers. Email Bernadette

To your health!

Bernadette Wulf


spirulina superfood - healitall.comSpirulina Superfood

Spirulina is probably one of the best foods on the planet. Not only is it super nutritious, it also helps to clear heavy metals out of your body. (The Medical Medium says Hawaiian Spirulina is superior to those grown in other places.) Here are just a few of the healthy benefits of Spirulina from –

Vitamins and minerals. Spirulina is packed with vitamins A, B12, K1, K2, iron, manganese, and chromium, as well as healing phytonutrients like carotenoids, phycocyanin, GLA, and SOD. And when we say packed, we mean it—spirulina contains 2800% more beta-carotene than carrots, 3900% more iron than spinach, and 280% more antioxidants than blueberries…just to cite a few examples.

Fats and protein. Spirulina contains an astounding level of highly absorbable protein—a whopping 39 grams in a single ounce—as well as a wealth of perfectly balanced omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Check out the entire article for more great information on spirulina –

114-Year-Old Man’s Top 5 Foods

Once in awhile we hear about someone who has lived a lot longer than average. Everyone, including me, seems to be curious about how they managed to live so long. This man was 114 years old when he was interviewed about his diet. I don’t think you will be surprised that he recommends organic fruits and vegetables and a daily walk, but what’s the deal with chocolate?

It is surprising how many of these octogenarians say they eat chocolate every day. I love chocolate, but I usually think of it as an indulgence, rather than a longevity food. I guess, as long as we avoid the dark chocolate brands with high levels of lead and cadmium, a little chocolate can make our lives sweeter – and maybe even longer. I wish I knew of an organic brand of dark chocolate that doesn’t have heavy metals, but so far I haven’t found one, so now I stick to Endangered Species 72%. That one is on the safe list, and at least they contribute to animal welfare.

Here’s an excerpt from the article on –

LaPallo says he has not been sick one day in his life and accredits this to eating all organic fruits and vegetables, walking every morning, and avoiding red meat, fried foods and fast food at all costs. He says his father instructed him at an early age to stay away from red meat and he has always believed this to be best for good health.

So what are the five foods he eats to stay healthy and age well?

Garlic, chocolate, cinnamon, olive oil, and honey. That’s right, LaPallo eats these foods daily in addition to organic fruits and vegetables and accredits these five special foods to his success.

I wouldn’t go hog wild on the olive oil. Any oil can be hard on your liver, especially if it is already sluggish. A tablespoon of oil is all you need to supply your necessary fatty acids each day. Be sure to also include foods like walnuts, chia seeds, hemp seeds, algae, or cold water fish, so you get your essential omega fatty acids. Of course, a tablespoon of olive oil along with avocado and a bunch of nuts and seeds is probably more than most livers can easily handle in a day, so adjust accordingly.

Is Organic Food from China Really Organic?

This article speaks for itself. I don’t trust anything from China anymore. Buyer beware!

Aloe Vera – Skin Healer

Aloe Vera has been ingested and used topically since the time of ancient Egypt, and it is still a potent healer. Rumors are that it was responsible for Cleopatra’s legendary beauty, but it has much more to offer than surface beauty. It is great for healing your digestive tract, and any skin conditions you may have. Here’s what has to say about it –

You kind of can’t go wrong when it comes to taking aloe vera—just know that the studies cited [in the article] all reported positive cumulative effects when the plant was taken every day. Aloe vera is easily purchased in topical or oral forms in most health food stores and pharmacies.

Aloe Vera Reduces Wrinkles by Increasing Collagen (and much more)

If you have ever tried eating or drinking aloe vera, you already know about the bitter taste, but you can hide that by adding it to a flavorful smoothie. Of course, your skin won’t mind the taste when you apply it topically, and many of its benefits can be absorbed through the skin. The Medical Medium recommends the Lakewood brand aloe vera juice.

teethMedical Medium on Dental Health

I love every Medical Medium radio show I’ve listened to, but this one is particularly clear and helpful if you have any sort of dental issues. The information on mercury-silver amalgam fillings is particularly interesting. Find out when (and how often) you should have your fillings removed and, perhaps more importantly, when to leave them in. If you are having health issues, he doesn’t recommend removing them, which goes counter to what many holistic dentists are saying.

There is also some interesting information about root canals and the cause of receding gums, as well as recommended products for healing teeth and gums. Have a listen here –


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