Reach your Ideal Weight
the Healthy, Natural Way
Are You Ready to Reach and Maintain Your Ideal Weight?
It may be a lot easier than you think – especially when you learn a few rules of good nutrition!
Ideal Weight Coaching
Email Bernadette Wulf
Find Your Own Ideal Weight –
The Alkaline Food Secret to Detoxing, Losing Weight and Keeping it Off
Weight issues can often start with your emotions, but there are also important nutritional factors to consider. Here’s a little known fact about why your body stores fat – the more acidic and toxic your body becomes, the more fat it has to store in order to keep the pH balance of your blood in the narrow range that can support life.
So maybe your excess fat is actually keeping you alive! Give it some appreciation and acknowledge that your body has a wisdom of its own.
Acid-forming foods are:
- meat
- eggs
- fish
- sugars
- high fructose corn syrup
most grains
- pasteurized milk and dairy products
- most nuts
- most beans
- fried foods
- alcohol
- coffee
- chocolate
- prescription drugs
- over-the-counter drugs
- recreational drugs
- all artificial preservatives and flavorings
- and pretty much anything you find for sale in a box or bag
Sounds like the typical American diet, doesn’t it?
Not only will this acid-forming diet make you gain weight, it will undermine your health in multiple ways that can lead to osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, lowered immunity, and auto-immune diseases.
Why? Because the body has to work a lot harder to maintain its pH balance when you overload it with acids. It can only function properly when there is an alkaline reserve, otherwise it pulls alkaline minerals like magnesium and calcium out of your bones to keep the proper mineral balance in your blood. Not good!
By now you may be wondering what is left to eat. Don’t worry, there are plenty of delicious alkaline-forming foods:
Alkaline-forming foods are:
leafy greens
- most fruits and vegetables
- most seeds
- millet
- amaranth
- quinoa
- black eyed peas
- almonds
- carob
- seaweeds
- small amounts of flax oil
These should be the predominant foods in any healthy diet (at least 80 %), whether you are trying to lose weight or not. In fact, with the exception of vitamins B12 and D, these foods supply ALL the nutrients needed for optimal health, particularly when eaten raw or sprouted.
Important: Some alkaline-forming foods can be very acidic, like lemons and other citrus fruits, yet because of their mineral content they have an alkalizing effect in the body. It is not the pH of the food itself that matters, it is the effect it has on the pH inside your body, so please don’t avoid lemons and other citrus fruits. They are excellent foods. Just be sure to rinse your teeth with water after eating them!
Important Supplements for Maintaining Your Ideal Weight
Many people are deficient in vitamin B12, and vitamin D regardless of their diet, particularly as they get older. I highly recommend supplementing with 1,000 units of vitamin D3 (with an equal amount in units of Vitamin A and 75 mcg Vitamin K2 from fermented chickpeas) every day if you are not out in the sun between 10am and 2pm. Get sunshine on your bare skin as often as possible (while avoiding sunburn, of course).
It is even more important to take a good quality B12, like Vegansafe or Vimergy, especially if you are vegan, vegetarian or over 60 years old.
Most people (some sources say almost all of us) are also deficient in magnesium, particularly if under stress or if exposed to toxins (who isn’t), drugs, artificial ingredients, and excess calcium, or if you are taking a vitamin D supplement. Magnesium glyconate is the best supplemental form. I also like Calm unflavored magnesium.
Note: There is apparently no adequate test for magnesium, B-12, or Vitamin D levels. For example, even tests showing plenty of B-12 in your blood cannot tell you whether your liver is getting enough. I’d rather cover my bases by supplementing. Wouldn’t you? Since B-12 is water soluble, you don’t have to worry about getting too much.
If you are constipated, have muscle cramps, or trouble sleeping, it is very likely that you would benefit by supplementing with magnesium glyconate or Calm magnesium. Keep increasing the dose until you have comfortably loose stools, then drop the dose just a bit and you should be getting the right amount.
Ideally, you would get enough magnesium from your food, but that is getting harder and harder, because of all the chemicals we are exposed to, and because of farming methods that deplete the minerals in our soil.
Note: When taking Vitamin D supplements, it is wise to also take a small amount of Vitamin A to keep them in balance with each other. I usually take 5,000 IU of vitamin A with 5,000 IU of vitamin D a couple of times a week. Since these are fat soluble vitamins, your body can store them. That means you can take your Vitamin A every third or fourth day, even if you need 2,000 units of Vitamin D daily. Vitamin K2 also seems to be important in working with D3 to make sure the calcium in your diet goes to your bones rather than lining your arteries! Take K2 according to directions on bottle.
Keto Recovery! Clearing Out Toxins the Medical Medium Way
Even though you CAN lose weight quickly on a Ketogenic diet, it is NOT a detoxifying diet and I strongly recommend against it. In fact, it is a very high fat diet that blocks your liver from eliminating toxins! Though ketosis can be helpful for short term medical interventions, it can be very dangerous as a long-term diet.
Ketogenic diets, as well as “Paleo” diets rely on high fat intake and very limited carbohydrates. Not only does this mean you will lose out on all the amazing phytochemicals in fruits, but you will also be overloading your liver and gallbladder with fat which will lead to a stagnant liver. A stagnant liver equals weight gain, so if you stay on the ketogenic diet long enough you will gain back the weight you lost and probably more.
In addition to damaging your liver, a high fat diet can also lead to insulin resistance, thick blood, low blood oxygen, glucose depletion, and arterial sclerosis. The Medical Medium protocols, on the other hand, provide the healing phytonutrients and all-important glucose that is needed by your brain, liver and every cell in your body. This diet is adaptable to vegans and meat eaters alike (though I recommend avoiding all animal products, because they have been shown to undermine your health in so many ways).
The foods can be eaten either raw or cooked, so there is a lot of room to adapt the diet to your own particular needs and tastes. As you remove liver-clogging fats and toxins, excess weight will eventually melt off effortlessly, and you will be far healthier than when you started. High fat Ketogenic and Paleo diets will only undermine your health over the long term.
What to Avoid
The main factors in the Medical Medium protocols are avoiding all GMO foods, (soy, corn, canola oil), and also gluten, MSG, eggs, dairy products, pork, vinegar and nutritional yeast. DO include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables of any kind, including potatoes and yams. Moderate amounts of beans, seeds, nuts, and gluten-free grains can make up the rest of your diet.
Whole food starches like potatoes, sweet potatoes, and gluten free grains are important sources of calories that will keep you from getting hungry or losing weight too fast. As long as you avoid high fat foods like nuts, seeds, avocados, animal products and oils, you can eat as much as you like.
If you want to eat meat or fish, make sure it is wild or pasture raised and keep it to one serving a day (about the size of a deck of cards).
Warning: It is very important to eat plenty of fresh fruits and whole food carbohydrates, because glucose is a vital nutrient needed by your brain and muscles. Don’t be fooled by all the Ketogenic anti-carb hype in the media!
It may take longer to lose weight on the Medical Medium protocols, but it will happen in a healthy way. You will be clearing out toxins and your overall health will be improving daily – which is the opposite of what a ketogenic diet will do.
80% Raw Foods Way to Reach Your Ideal Weight
Over and over again, I hear people say that they lost weight when they started on a high raw foods diet. Most of them weren’t even trying to lose weight. One reason is that raw fruits and vegetables are generally alkaline. They help balance the pH which allows the body to eliminate toxins that trigger fat storage, so the excess pounds drop away effortlessly along with the toxins.
Another reason is that raw fruits and vegetables are not calorie dense foods. They contain a lot of water that hydrates your cells and helps to flush out toxins.
When I first discovered how easy it is to lose weight by eating a mainly raw-foods diet, I wasn’t even trying to lose weight. I was just looking for a healthier diet and I like to experiment on myself. Even though I only had a few extra pounds to lose, I was amazed to find that I could eat quite a lot and still lose weight, until I stabilized at my ideal weight.
Fresh Fruits & Vegetables!
I ate lots of fresh fruits, green salads, leafy green smoothies with fruit, raw vegetable soups, avocados, nuts, seeds, and salad dressings – even raw deserts!
According to Raw Foods expert and sports nutritionist Dr. Douglas N. Graham, the ideal nutrient balance is 80% or more carbohydrates (mainly from raw fruits and vegetables), 3-9% protein (mainly from leafy greens and seeds), and 3-9% fats (mainly from fruits and seeds). The Medical Medium information is similar, though if you don’t want to lose weight, you can include up to 20% of your calories from fatty foods like avocado, nuts and seeds.
If you want to lose weight faster, cut back on the fatty foods and concentrated carbs (like dried fruits – especially refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup, both of which you should avoid anyway) until you reach your ideal weight. Read the 80/10/10 Diet by Dr. Douglas N. Graham.
The easiest way to include leafy greens in your diet (aside from salads) is to add them to a fruit smoothie. With mild flavored greens like spinach or lettuce, you won’t even taste them. Experiment and you will find flavor combinations you love. To prevent mineral imbalances, be sure to rotate your greens, so you are not using the same ones too many days in a row.
Dr. McDougall’s Weight Loss Program
Dr. McDougall has been helping people lose weight for decades and he has it down to a science. Check out the link below for a comprehensive program to help you achieve and maintain your ideal weight –
Sneaky Weight Gain
There is a strange thing that happens as we get older, for women in particular. Suddenly it becomes easier to gain weight and harder to lose it. According to Anthony William, the Medical Medium, that happens as the liver gets congested and sluggish. Even though you may be eating less and exercising more, the pounds can add up, just a couple pounds a year, and often any attempts at dieting and exercise don’t seem to make any difference!
In my research, I’ve learned that it is actually a good thing for women to gain about ten pounds at menopause, because this helps moderate hormone swings. Very thin women often have a harder time with hot flashes and mood swings during menopause. It would do them good to put on a few pounds, but gaining more than ten pounds can be detrimental to health.
At one point, I hit the ten pound gain – and kept going. That was scary, because there seemed to be no end in sight! I had easily maintained my ideal weight of 125 lbs for twenty years after my children were born, but suddenly it wasn’t so easy anymore.
Why Crash Diets, Keto & Exercise Don’t Work
No amount of dieting or exercise seemed to help – until I discovered how to detox my liver. What a relief it was to find that a simple change to a healthier diet could make such a difference!! The Medical Medium 28 day raw fruit and vegetable cleanse was a lifesaver. It is simply 28 days of eating nothing but raw fruits and vegetables and it is a great way to detox and keep weight under control.
Another great Medical Medium tool is daily celery juice. Drink 16 oz. on an empty stomach every morning and your liver will start to heal itself. In my experience, drinking celery juice may be the single best thing I have done for my health aside from sticking to a whole foods plant diet.
The Medical Medium heavy metal detox has also been an important health saver! We are all exposed to heavy metals constantly and those toxins can make it hard to release excess weight. I highly recommend it!
The Hormone Connection
Hormones can also play a part in sneaky weight gain. To understand more about hormones, here’s a great article by Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP –
Contact Bernadette Wulf for assistance with your weight and diet issues. I’m here to help!
Email Bernadette Wulf
EFT Practitioner – Reiki Master
Ideal Weight Coach
Vegan Health Coach
This website is for educational purposes and is not FDA approved, but is protected under the U.S. Constitution rights of freedom of speech and your right to self medicate.