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Bernadette Wulf - Health Coach
Photo by Ben Aronoff

Bernadette Wulf
Law of Attraction Coach
Ideal Weight Coach
EFT Therapist

Reiki Master

Earth News

Earth News
Earth has a message for us. Can you hear it?

All this time
The Sun never says to the Earth,

"You owe me."

What happens
With a love like that,
It lights the whole sky.”

― Hafiz
Heal It All Natural Wellness News for Body Mind and Spirit
Natural Wellness News
Vol. 1, No. 90 * * * February 2014

B12, Liver Health, Cold Water Healing, Walnuts Prevent Diabetes
In This Issue:
Message from Bernadette Wulf
Vitamin B12 for Energy!
Wonderful Walnuts Prevent Diabetes
The Healing Power of Cold Water
Nourishing Your Liver
Contact Info

Year of the horseMessage from Bernadette Wulf

Greetings and Happy Imbolc!

It is the year of the horse in the Chinese calendar, and the first day of spring in the Celtic calendar, though in many parts of the US it sure doesn't look that way. Record breaking storms continue to batter most of the country, while the worst drought since the 1800s plagues the West Coast. However, I noticed the first yellow acacia blossoms popping out the other day, so spring is definitely on the way.

It is hard to complain with day after day of sunshine, but we all know there may be a big price to pay for this unseasonal weather if it continues much longer. May the year of the horse bring more balance and harmony to our world and our weather!

This month we have a good reminder to get your B12 levels checked, especially if you are feeling tired and run down. It is easy and inexpensive to supplement and highly recommended, even if you are not a vegan or vegetarian.

Some good news about walnuts should make you want to include them in your daily diet. And maybe a bracing splash of cold water can give you the health boost you've been looking for. The ancient yogis highly recommended it.

Finally, a really good article on liver health by well-known herbalist, Susun Weed. I don't agree with everything she says, but overall it is a very informative and useful overview of liver health and healing.

To Your Health!
Bernadette Wulf

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B12 for energyVitamin B12 for Energy!

Have you been feeling run down and tired even though you get enough sleep? Maybe it is caused by a B12 deficiency.

From article: "A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2010 showed that almost 75% of British vegans are either depleted or deficient in B12.
 - 50% were actually deficient, enough to experience neurological damage. That's a shocking statistic!
 - And 21% were considered "depleted."
 - In people following an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet, 7% were deficient and 17% were considered depleted.

"If you eat a vegetarian or mostly vegetarian diet, you absolutely need to supplement with B12. But because B12 supplements are absolutely safe, it's also advised for anyone to include it as part of their program, considering the fact that our environment is a little too sanitized to insure proper B12 stores for a lifetime."

If you don't like the idea of swallowing pills, you can get a B12 patch that supplies B12 through your skin, or use a sub lingual spray. If in doubt, you can get an inexpensive blood test to determine your B12 level. Even meat eaters are often deficient, especially as they age, so this is something everyone should be concerned about.

Read More About Vitamin B 12 and Energy

walnuts prevent diabetesWonderful Walnuts Prevent Diabetes

Isn't it wonderful when something as delicious as a walnut can also prevent one of the most dreaded diseases of our time? I think so. That doesn't mean we can gobble down excess sugar and animal products and expect walnuts to repair the damage, but it is good to know we have this humble nut on our side.

From "Women who ate two or more ounces of walnuts per week, on average, had a 24% lower risk for type 2 diabetes…those who ate just one ounce of walnuts per week had a 13% lower risk.

"Other types of nuts conferred some benefits, but mainly through weight control, the researchers said. The walnut, however, has a number of properties that make it a winner in the fight against diabetes. For one thing, of all the common tree nuts, walnuts are highest in polyunsaturated fats, containing 47% of these fats by weight—and there is good evidence that polyunsaturated fats have favorable effects on how the body uses insulin. Walnuts also are the richest of all nuts in a particular type of healthful polyunsaturated fat called alpha linolenic acid. What’s more, walnuts are high in fiber and plant protein and have been shown to decrease total cholesterol and LDL “bad” cholesterol. These nuts also are loaded with vitamin E and polyphenols that have antioxidant properties. Bonus: Even though walnuts (like other nuts) are high in calories, they don’t seem to cause weight gain in a balanced diet—perhaps because they are so filling and satisfying.

"Do men get similar protection against diabetes from eating walnuts? Research will have to prove it, but odds are good that they would."

Nuts have been shown to increase life span in people who eat a small handful a day. It appears that walnuts have the added benefit of protecting us from diabetes, so toss them in your salads, or mix them into your morning cereal and enjoy a delicious and nutritious treat.

Read More About Walnuts

cold water healingThe Healing Power of Cold Water

For most of us, taking a cold shower or bath, especially in the dead of winter, is not appealing at all, but the ancient Yogis discovered that cold water has amazing healing properties. Now that we have hot and cold running water in our homes, it is so easy to finish off a hot shower with a chilly burst. This will not only help to close your pores to protect your skin from pollution, but it will stimulate circulation and bring healing to all the organs of your body. It can even help with weight loss.

Here is one tried and true approach - from "Place your fingertips under cold water, at least that will have positive effects on the brain.  When you want to renew your cells, apply cold water to the front of your neck and let it run to the rest of your body.

"When applied to the chest and the front of the body, your blood chemistry changes for the better. Step under the cold water, then outside the water and massage the body feeling the warmth come on. Continue this process for 12-15 minutes."

The article recommends rubbing almond oil on your skin before getting wet, which is a good idea, though coconut oil may offer even more health benefits. If nothing else, the cold water will wake you up!

Read More About Healing with Cold Water

liver healingNourishing Your Liver

This is a great article about liver health and I highly encourage you to read it. However, I don't agree that we should avoid raw foods. Cooking a tree-ripened peach or a fresh strawberry destroys enzymes and vitamins, not to mention the delicious flavor and vitality of perfect ripeness. I'd say, wash them well and enjoy! On the other hand, if your liver is compromised, or your immune system is not functioning well, then yes it would be prudent to cook your produce.

Here's what Susun Weed has to say about liver health, from "Chemicals [ ] do not build up in the liver, despite what you may have read. The liver sends unneeded water-soluble chemicals, such as ammonia, to the kidneys to be excreted. (To get a sense of how quickly this happens, eat some asparagus, which contains a harmful natural chemical, and notice the smell of your urine, and how quickly you have to "go.") The liver incarcerates oil-soluble chemicals by locking them up in fat cells, or sending them to be excreted in breast milk, ejaculations, ovulations, and tears. (Chemicals are not excreted by sweating.)

"The liver can be damaged. Alcohol can kill liver cells. Viruses, especially hepatitis viruses, can destroy liver cells. And cancer can take over the liver and quickly render it dysfunctional.

'But the liver is amazingly regenerative. Cellular turnover is quite fast. Every cell in a healthy liver is replaced every forty days. Only substances that can keep up with the ever-changing liver are preserved (such as vitamins and sugars); chemical toxins are made homeless."

Read on for tips on nourishing the liver with healthy herbs, and more.

Read More About Liver Health

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Bernadette Wulf is a Law of Attraction Coach, Ideal Weight Coach,
EFT Therapist, Naturopath, and Reiki Master with a world-wide practice via phone and Internet.

Visit and for more information.

For Health & Wellness Coaching
or Law of Attraction Coaching
contact Bernadette Wulf at
707-824-0675 (Pacific time zone)