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Bernadette Wulf - Health Coach
Photo by Ben Aronoff

Bernadette Wulf
Law of Attraction Coach
Ideal Weight Coach
EFT Therapist

Reiki Master

Earth News

Earth News
Earth has a message for us. Can you hear it?

How should Spring
bring forth a garden
on hard stone?

Become earth,
that you may grow flowers of many colors.

For you have been heart-breaking rock.

Once, for the sake of experiment, be earth!”


Heal It All Natural Wellness News for Body Mind and Spirit
Natural Wellness News
Vol. 1, No. 89 * * * January 2014

2014 The Year of Renewal!
In This Issue:
Message from Bernadette Wulf
Healthy Gluten Free Flour Alternatives
Mushrooms to the Rescue!
Yummy Coconut Whipped Cream
Heal Cold Sores in Half the Time!
Best Sleep Positions for Pain Relief
Contact Info

Happy New Year!Message from Bernadette Wulf

Happy New Year!

Do you feel the buzz in the air? Something big is in the works for 2014. I mean something REALLY big, and I am sensing that it is something wonderful. There may also be some really big bumps along the way, so be prepared for anything. In fact, according to many astrologers, 2014 will be a real humdinger, at least up until summer comes along. That is also my sense of things right now. What do you think?

In the realm of health, even though we are seeing some amazing breakthroughs, the predominant news media coverage continues to bombard us with frightening statistics about climate change, radiation leakage, childhood obesity, food contamination, and medical fraud. Social and financial news follows a similar thread. It is hard to avoid feeling overwhelmed by negative news stories seemingly designed to undermine our trust in our natural state of well-being. However, this natural state of well-being is our birthright and we can claim it whenever we choose.

For every problem, there is a solution waiting to be discovered. Our task is to find those solutions and make them our focus, rather than giving attention to the problems. For example, many of us have been watching online images of radiation streaming across the Pacific Ocean from the Fukashima meltdown. This can bring up a lot of fear, frustration, anger, helplessness, or even hopelessness. What if we stopped focusing on those reports of spreading radiation and focused instead on things like the article below that outlines a way we could use mushrooms to clean up the radiation? Wouldn't that feel a lot better?

You may say, "So what? Just because I feel better it is not going to change the outcome of what
happens with the spread of radiation." But what if it could? What if your feeling of hope and Well-beingwell-being could make your immune system stronger? What if it could even change your DNA to make your cells more resistant to radiation? And what if your thoughts and feelings could affect the people around you and help them to feel more positive and hopeful, thereby strengthening their immune systems?

I'm sure you have walked into a room and felt a positive or negative emotion coming from others present there. We are all picking up feelings from others wherever we go. So we know that we can affect each other. Of course, nobody is feeling positive all the time, and that is fine, but we can look for and focus on things that feel more positive in the news and in our conversations. With practice, our predominant thoughts and feelings will become more and more peaceful and joyful.

If you understand how Law of Attraction works, you will realize that thoughts and feelings of peace, hope, and joy attract peaceful and joyful experiences into our lives, because, believe it or not, life delivers more of whatever we focus on most. I'm not saying that the radiation will simply vanish if enough people focus on clean air and water (though I believe it is possible), but that practical solutions like the mushrooms will present themselves to us and we will be open to recognize them.

We also have an article on healthy alternatives to wheat flour for those who are sensitive to, or intolerant of, gluten or wheat. Be sure to follow recipes using these ingredients, because you could end up with a mess if you just try substituting one flour for another. In general, I don't recommend eating flour products of any kind, but for a special treat now and then it is always nice to have a healthier alternative to the usual white or whole wheat flour.

Since it is the holiday season, I've also included an article about how to make delicious whipped cream from coconut milk. I served it with pumpkin pie on Christmas eve and it was a big hit, even with dairy eaters. I don't think I've ever seen my toddler grandson eat anything with such gusto! Next is a simple way to heal cold sores in half the time with apple cider vinegar and honey, and an article on the best sleep positions to relieve various aches and pains.

Here's to another year! A year when our concept of time may be radically altered and our social systems will most certainly be challenged to create more harmony and abundance for all, but why wait? We can start sharing our harmony and abundance right now.

To Your Health!
Bernadette Wulf

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Healthy Gluten Free Flour Alternatives

healthy gluten free flourWhat do coconut, buckwheat, and mesquite have in common? They are all sources of healthy alternatives to baking with wheat flour, including the ubiquitous white flour found in bakery goods. As I mentioned in last month's newsletter, most of the commercial gluten free products on the market are not organic and may therefore be contaminated with GMO ingredients, so why not buy your own healthy ingredients and do your own baking? You can even grind your own flour from dried coconut and buckwheat. Mesquite pods may not be as easily available unless you live in the Southwest USA and can harvest your own.

Though organic is always best, these three foods have not yet been tampered with by the biotechnology industry, so we can safely assume that they are GMO free as well as gluten free, even if they are not organically grown.

From "Fortunately, we don't have to give up baked foods to remain healthy. A growing number of nutritious and gluten-free alternatives to white flour are available to purchase online or in health food stores, and several of them maintain (or improve upon) its taste and texture. The best of them are listed below."

The article goes on to describe the advantages of each of these ingredients and includes links to some great recipes to get you started, especially for the coconut flour which is much denser than wheat flour.

Read More About Healthier Gluten Free Flour

Mushrooms clean up pollutionMushrooms to the Rescue!

Mushrooms are amazing organisms that can heal our bodies and clear many kinds of pollution. Some are edible, even delicious, and others are deadly, but all of them do the work of consuming pollution and debris wherever they grow. They are the clean-up crews of planet Earth, connected to each other by an underground network that can extend for many miles.

You may have heard that Reishi and Shitaki are used to heal cancer in the body, but did you know that Gomphidius glutinosus, Craterellus tubaeformis, and Laccaria amethystina mushrooms can clean up radiation? Paul Stamets, author of the fascinating book Mycellium Running offers a whole protocol for clearing the Fukushima disaster, not to mention many other areas of pollution.

From "Paul Stamets, the master of mycorrhiza, describes how to isolate the radioactive material at Fukushima, specifically Cesium 137, and reduce its impact on the surrounding land and its wildlife and people. First published at Permaculture in April 2011, a few weeks after the Fukushima disaster, the info is as relevant now as it was then."

The information is out there, but how do we get governments to implement these far-reaching protocols? It will take continued education and public demand, so spread the word. It is time to put nature and health before business.

Read More About Clearing Radiation with Mushrooms

Yummy coconut whipped creamYummy Coconut Whipped Cream

Since I try to stay away from dairy products, both because they give me a stuffy nose and because I don't like the way most dairies treat their cows, I am always on the lookout for ways to recapture my favorite creamy, cheesy, milky memories from childhood. So far, I have not found a cheese alternative that is anything close to the real thing, which is very sad, but I'm quite happy with hemp milk in my morning latte, or coconut bliss ice cream. In fact I prefer them to the dairy versions.

Until recently I had not found a good alternative for whipped cream, but wonder of wonders, here it is. Just make sure you turn the cans of chilled coconut milk upside down before opening them so the watery stuff is on top. Otherwise it will be hard to pour it off, as I found out upon opening my first can.

Here's what the author of this recipe has to say about coconut whipped cream - from "Have you heard of whipped coconut cream? Oh man, it’s the stuff that dreams are made of. Rich, creamy coconut milk whipped cream is quite possibly the easiest thing you will ever make. I’m serious! When we had a party at our house a few months back we served gluten-free coconut pound cake with berries and whipped cream as dessert for our guests. Since I knew that not all of our guests were on a dairy-free diet I made 2 versions of whipped cream for them to choose from; regular whipped cream with heavy cream and vegan coconut milk whipped cream. As the guests made their way down the dessert assembly line I noticed that the regular whipped cream was getting passed over time and time again for my coconut milk whipped cream. All of our guests raved about how good it was and I even had a few of them ask for my recipe."

I'll bet you can't wait to try it. Warning: This stuff is seriously yummy - unless you don't like a subtle coconut flavor.

Get the recipe for Coconut Whipped Cream

Heal cold sores naturallyHeal Cold Sores in Half the Time!

If you are plagued by cold sores, help is on the way. You won't feel like hiding your face for long once you learn about this simple way to heal cold sores in half the time. My Dad would have loved this article. He was a big fan of apple cider vinegar and honey. It is an old folk remedy that can help to heal many ills. Though, if you take it internally, be sure and rinse your teeth well after consuming. It can be hard on tooth enamel.

For cold sores, you won't be drinking vinegar and honey. You will be applying it externally. It is totally safe and natural, so why not give it a try?

From": "Here’s an easy home remedy to speed up the healing process... Combine one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with one tablespoon of honey (preferably raw honey), and dab the cold sore with a cotton swab dipped in this mixture. Do this three times a day (once in the morning, afternoon and evening). The sore should be gone in less than a week."

Read More About Healing Cold Sores

Best sleep positionsBest Sleep Positions for Pain Relief

Do you remember how you used to sleep as a child? You closed your eyes and went off to dreamland, waking up in the morning with bright eyes and lots of energy. As we get older, sleep often becomes a bit more challenging. We may have random aches and pains, injuries that never fully healed, or difficulty finding a comfortable position. Sleeping in the wrong position can even cause more aches and pains, so it is a good idea to train our bodies to sleep with proper support, particularly if we have ongoing pain in any particular area.

For me, because of a childhood injury, it is important to support my neck in the right way or I wake up with a headache and stiff neck. What about you? This article may offer the sleep solution you have been looking for.

From "When you slip into bed at night, you probably go straight to your favorite sleep position—perhaps on your side or on your back. But sleep positions can sometimes be tricky. Certain positions can help—or worsen—common health problems."

You will find some great tips on healing:

Here's wishing you a good night's sleep and a very happy new year!

Read More About Best Sleep Positions for Pain Relief

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Bernadette Wulf is the Magical-Life Coach, Ideal Weight Coach,
EFT Therapist, Naturopath, and Reiki Master with a world-wide practice via phone and Internet.

Visit and for more information.

For Health & Wellness Coaching
or Law of Attraction Coaching
contact Bernadette Wulf at
707-824-0675 (Pacific time zone)