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Bernadette Wulf - Health Coach
Photo by Ben Aronoff

Bernadette Wulf
Law of Attraction Coach
Ideal Weight Coach
EFT Therapist

Reiki Master

Earth News

Earth News
Earth has a message for us. Can you hear it?

Cold creeps in
Crinkling leaves
Busy sqirrels
Nut stuffed cheeks
Planting seeds
Awaiting Spring
All is well
All is well

All IS well... BOO!

Heal It All Natural Wellness News for Body Mind and Spirit
Natural Wellness News
Vol. 1, No. 86 * * * October 2013

Extroverts, GMO Minefield, Great Shift, & Cholesterol Med Dangers
In This Issue:
Message from Bernadette Wulf
Are You an Extrovert?
Navigating the GMO Minefield
A New Dawn
Cholesterol Meds Not All They Are Cracked Up to Be
Contact Info

 sweetie pieMessage from Bernadette Wulf

Happy October!

As we head into my favorite time of year, I find that life feels a little more mellow and calm. Perhaps it is the calm before the storm, but I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts as we wind down the end of this Celtic year and celebrate the start of then next on Halloween night.
Last month we took a look at the introverted brain, so we will give the extroverts equal time this month. Then we have a fun little article on how to protect yourself from those ever-more-sneaky GMOs in our food supply, followed by a tip of the hat to the biggest evolving change on our planet in 26,000 years and how it might affect our health and well-being. Last but not least, watch out for cholesterol drugs. They often cause a lot more harm than good. You'll find much better options below.

And that's it for October. Enjoy the frost on the pumpkin and the beautiful autumn leaves.

To Your Health!
Bernadette Wulf

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Are You an Extrovert?

extrovert brainWe all recognize the extroverts among us - the rock and rollers, speed racers, chatty neighbors, and party animals. Those are the extreme types. We each have our own unique balance of extroversion and introversion, and some extroverts are much less flamboyant than others. It is estimated that about three quarters of the population are extroverts, at least in America. My guess is that the Far East would tend to have more introverts than that, but I haven't seen any studies to verify that.

Here in the land of rugged individualism, extroverts rule - but what exactly IS an extrovert? According to, "An extrovert is, by design, someone who derives his or her energy from external sources, namely other people. [ ]

"The way we process reward, for example, is different for extroverts than it is for introverts. Our brains are stimulated in various regions, which then activate a response. Rewards essentially cause pleasure and can govern our behavior. It is typically dependent on how we’re motivated. Research has suggested that in the brain of an extrovert, rewards are typically derived on those things which deliver immediate gratification."

Then there is the dopamine effect we talked about last month. Extroverts seem to need more of it and more stimulation to create it. Hence their propensity to look for interactions with other people and activities that would wear the average introvert to a frazzle. Again from, "In as much as extroverts must seek out external stimulation because of the high tolerance for dopamine, so must the extrovert turn his or her attention outward to stimulate his senses as well."

It would appear that both types have been aptly named. The extrovert needs more EXternal stimulation, while the introvert produces more stimulation INternally.

Read More About Extroverts

creepy GMO foodNavigating the GMO Minefield

My son and I were discussing how to eat at restaurants without getting GMOs in our food and we both compared it to navigating a minefield. Thanks a lot Monsanto! Eating out just became the new extreme sport.

Fortunately, has come up with a good list of the top 20 culprits to avoid. It is creepy that there are more than 20 out there now, with more on the way.

I highly suggest reading the entire article for descriptions of how these ingredients slip onto our dinner plates, but here is the basic list to give you a heads up and trigger your interest. Of course, the best way to avoid all of them is to eat organic.

  1. Alfalfa
  2. Aspartame [Nasty stuff even if not GMO - Ed.]
  3. Beef [I would add Chicken and Pork due to GMO corn feeds - Ed.]
  4. Canola Oil
  5. Corn and Corn Starch
  6. Enzymes
  7. Flaxseeds/Flaxseed Oil
  8. High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)
  9. Ice Cream
  10. Infant Formula
  11. Margarine and Shortening [Again, nasty stuff at best - Ed.]
  12. Milk
  13. Non-organic and Synthetic Vitamins
  14. Papaya (Hawaiian)
  15. Sausage
  16. Soy and Lecithin
  17. Squash [This one really irks me - Ed.]
  18. Sugar Beets
  19. Tomatoes
  20. Vegetable Oil
Read More About Top 20 GMO Foods to Avoid

A New Dawn

dawn of a new eraMaybe it is about time to address the "elephant in the room" that many of us are keenly aware of, though many others still seem to be in adamant denial. We may not understand exactly what it is, but it is affecting our health on every level as well as the health of our planet. My sense is that it will have profound and positive repercussions beyond our wildest dreams... but that remains to be seen.

The "elephant" I am speaking of has been called the Shift, the New Age, Zero Point, the Awakening, the End Times, and many other names. It has been predicted by multiple cultures for thousands of years, and more recently, a few cutting edge scientists have been observing strange changes in the energy fields of Earth and our solar system. Here we are living in the midst of it, whatever "it" is, but few of us seem to take into account how stressful such massive changes must be on our physical and psychological well-being.

Lately I've been bombarded with newsletters, blogs, and articles about the amazing changes we are all going through. Granted, I've been following this sort of information since I was about 12 years old, starting with the Edgar Cayce predictions (and BTW Cayce gave some amazingly accurate health readings for hundreds of people that are still on record). Cayce had a lot to predict about the times we are living in (some of it quite accurate, some not so much), and now similar information is flooding in from too many different sources to count. From scientists, to investigative reporters, to way-out woo woo channelers and UFOlogists, the information is essentially the same. We are in the midst of a huge, unprecedented Shift! Something big is happening.

Obviously, the main-stream media is not on board with this yet, for reasons I will not go into here. Suffice it to say that Fox News will probably be the last place to let you know what is really happening. Fortunately, we don't need TV to let us in on the biggest news to hit planet Earth in 26,000 years. We are all abuzz with it.

It seems to affect people differently. For some there are all sorts of unexplained aches and pains. For others it may be intense emotional upheavals for no apparent reason. Others may feel a sense of surprising euphoria
. We may even experience all of the above one after another. What the heck is going on?

Time seems to be speeding up and sometimes our sense of purpose can get a little foggy. We may even have a hard time remembering things and start to wonder if we are getting dementia.
Tensions and conflicts seem to be escalating around the world. It appears as if the whole world is going through some sort of mid-life crisis. Even the weather is unpredictable!

The important thing to remember now is that all these symptoms are normal reactions to big changes, and the changes we are experiencing are really big, whether we are consciously aware of them or not. So if you occasionally feel sick, you may simply be adjusting to the new energies flooding our planet. It doesn't hurt to get a medical check up, but don't be surprised if your doctor tells you it is all psychosomatic.

According to Patricia Cota-Robles, one of the modern heralds of the Shift, "At the present time, all Life on this planet is still being influenced by the powerful Full Moon we experienced on September 19th. This was the fourth Full Moon of the season which is very rare and empowers to a greater degree all of the Full Moons that occurred during that season. In addition to that tremendous influx of Light, we are also being held in the embrace of the first Autumn or Spring Equinox of the New Earth, depending on which hemisphere you live in. This event occurred on September 22nd, and opened a portal of unprecedented Healing and Divine Love that is now flowing in, through, and around every particle and wave of Life on Earth."

Wow - and that is just in one month! Cota-Robles may not be your cup of tea
. You might prefer the more nuts-and-bolts style of David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford, or the science-meets-spirit approach of Gregg Braden. There are also numerous other channels and scientists who are talking about the Shift from their own perspective. Search the Internet and you will surely find one that resonates with you. What is amazing to me is how all their information fits together like pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle, even though they are coming from such different backgrounds and belief systems.

Many people were expecting obvious changes on December 21st, 2012 and nothing particularly unusual seemed to happen. Now they don't quite know what to expect. That is probably a good thing, because what we can expect is so limited compared to the possibilities unfolding before us. Though everyone on the planet didn't suddenly wake up to a new level of joy and abundance on that particular day, changes are certainly happening on an unprecedented level and that can be quite stressful.

The most important thing that all these heralds of the Shift agree on is unconditional love. Love is the new currency of life on planet Earth. Love is the way to relieve all the stress. The more you learn to love yourself and everyone and everything around you, the easier the Shift will be for your body and psyche. And that is probably the best health advice you will ever hear. Beyond that, just be ready for anything, because something big is in the works.

Read Patricia Cota-Robles Article 

Is it dementia, Parkinson's... or your cholesterol meds?Cholesterol Meds Not All They Are Cracked Up to Be

Dr. Hyman offers some really sensible information about cholesterol and how to handle it when you get that high test reading. From "Here are some very simple treatments you can use. I find them very beneficial, and often, I see people getting better cholesterol [levels] off medication than on medication.

1. Cut out or dramatically reduce flour and sugar, because those are the things that turn on the cholesterol factory in your liver.
2. Eat the right fats—avocados, nuts, seeds, coconut butter, olive oil, and fish oil. These are the good fats that help balance your blood sugar, balance your insulin, and correct lipid problems.
3. Have protein for breakfast and at every meal (nuts, seeds, eggs, chicken, fish, grass-fed meats).
4. Exercise.
5. Manage your stress.
6. Take supplements to help balance the whole system."

Most doctors will tell you to cut out saturated fats, like coconut oil, that can actually help to lower cholesterol. And then they prescribe drugs that cause symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease and dementia, even though those drugs have been proven to be practically useless.

If you are concerned about your cholesterol, please read Dr. Hyman's article before going down the slippery slope of prescription drugs!

Read More About Lowering Cholesterol Naturally

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Bernadette Wulf is a Law of Attraction Coach, Ideal Weight Coach,
EFT Therapist, Naturopath, and Reiki Master with a world-wide practice via phone and Internet.

Visit and for more information.

For Health & Wellness Coaching
or Law of Attraction Coaching
contact Bernadette Wulf at
707-824-0675 (Pacific time zone)