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Natural Wellness News
Vol. 1, No. 65 * * * January 2012

2012 The Year of Expanding Consciousness!

In This Issue:
Message from Bernadette Wulf
Reiki Studies Show Amazing Results
Slim Down - Obese Adults at Risk for Falls
Coconut Oil for Weight Control
Protect Your Pancreas with Selenium
My New Website
Contact Info
Stay in the question Message from Bernadette Wulf
Happy New Year to all!

This is the year with the big question mark over it. The year when ancient calendars come to an end. The year on which so many prophecies have been focused. They even made a silly disaster movie (which I haven't seen) called 2012, that was supposed to scare the heck out of everyone. In some ways it does seem like we are on the brink of major change, or even disaster, but I also see many signs of hope and I am sure this year will not turn out like the movie.

Personally, I think 2012 is going to be a wonderful year. I choose to call it The Year of Expanding Consciousness. Would you like to make that your reality? Just choose it. How can I allow my consciousness to expand even more?

I find that life is getting more and more exciting and fun as I expand my awareness to bigger realities and broader possibilities. I don't know what the future will hold, but I know it will be more fascinating and inspiring than ever. That is just the way life works - for me anyway.

How we experience 2012 is a matter of choice for each one of us. How do we experience each moment? Each day? We can resist what is and find a million reasons to be miserable, or we can embrace the adventure and expand into new perceptions. I look forward to choosing more of life and making lots of new discoveries this year.

This month we start out with an article on Reiki, which is a type of energy healing. I love energy healing. It is very gratifying to feel the energy move through my hands and then witness results that are sometimes amazing. Other times energy work simply feels relaxing, but isn't stress one of our biggest health hazards? Even simple relaxation is a much appreciated result when we are under stress. It is great to see that the medical/scientific world is beginning to accept and use energy modalities to augment physical treatments, as you will see in the Reiki article.

We also have a couple of articles dealing with obesity and weight control, which is a very challenging issue for many people and for our society as a whole. Strangely enough, one way to lose fat is to eat more fat, as long as it is in the form of coconut oil. I'm not a fan of high fat diets, but we do need some fats and the best fats seem to be the omega fatty acids as found in flax, chia, marine phytoplankton, fish oil, and some eggs) and medium chain fatty acids as found in coconut oil.

Finally, we have an article on the benefits of selenium for the prevention of pancreatic cancer. Selenium is an important mineral that can be lacking in the vegetarian diet unless you include Brazil nuts, but why not include them. They are delicious!

To Your Health!
Bernadette Wulf

Visit My Website HealItAll.com

Amazing power of Reiki Reiki Studies Show Amazing Results
I've been doing Reiki for so long that I sometimes forget how amazing it is. Reiki is always my first line of defense whenever stress starts wearing me down. One of the best things about it is that you can do it on yourself, so you don't have to make an appointment or pay someone to do it on you. You just place your hands wherever you feel pain or stress and ask the Reiki to run. Simple! Of course, you do need to have at least the first level attunement to activate your Reiki. Then it is yours for life, anytime you want to use it on yourself or others.

Another really cool thing about Reiki is that it can be sent from a distance. To send it, you need the second level attunement, but anyone can receive it, no matter how far away they are. I often send Reiki to people who ask for it.

I know this may sound very strange to scientifically oriented people, but science has come up with several studies supporting the positive effects of Reiki. Donna Eden's latest newsletter highlights one of the more unusual studies showing that Reiki can even influence a random number generator. I guess that shouldn't be too surprising, since Reiki has such a relaxing effect that it would have to change our brain waves.

From Donna Eden's Energy e-Letter - "Not surprisingly, given the documented medical benefits of Reiki, the new study demonstrated that Reiki improved immune functioning in a severely ill 54-year-old man suffering with Hepatitis C, hypertension, and other conditions. More surprising, however, is that the Reiki treatment corresponded with changes in a random number generator. Random number generators have been used to study the influence of human consciousness on the physical world. The numerical patterns the machine generates shift in subtle ways that can be detected by statistical analysis when a crowd of people are going through an emotional event all at the same moment."

Read More About Reiki

Stay slim to stay on your feet Slim Down - Obese Adults at Risk for Falls
Among all the other risk factors for obesity, falling is rarely mentioned. However a recent study from Syracuse University in New York shows that obese adults are more likely to suffer a fall than those of normal weight.

Quoted from examiner.com - "According to researchers in general obese people could be more vulnerable to taking a fall than those who are thinner. However, their extra padding and denser bones may provide some protection from injury.

"If a fall should occur in overweight or obese people which results in a serious injury such as a fracture it could take a much longer time to recover and need longer bed rest which could cause further complications in itself.'

"Professor Himes states 'It's just harder for obese people to recover from injury,' Himes said. 'They're going to be in poorer physical shape to begin with. This is just another reason that obesity needs to be considered an important public health problem.'”

The problem for most people, even though they read reports like this and believe they SHOULD lose weight, is that they don't know how. Most overweight people have tried diets and exercise, only to find themselves returning to the same weight or even gaining weight. Unfortunately, fad diets usually don't work for long, and you can only exercise so much before you drop. These are not long term solutions.

In order to get down to your ideal weight and stay there, you need to:
* change your relationship with your body
* heal the underlying emotional issues
* learn the fundamentals of good nutrition
* get regular moderate exercise like walking
* make sure your hormones are in proper balance

If you want some help, give me a call. I cover all those steps in my Body Awareness Coaching package.

Read More About Dangers of Obesity

Coconut fat can help reduce body fat Coconut Oil for Weight Control
While I'm on the subject of weight control. There is a lot of evidence showing that coconut oil is a great aid to keeping your weight under control. In this article Dr. Mercola starts out by admitting that he keeps a gallon of coconut oil in his kitchen. I'm sorry, but that just seems disgusting. A gallon is a LOT of coconut oil to eat! I don't like to cook with oil, so it would take me a very long time to consume that much!

However I often use coconut oil as a skin moisturizer. Try it sometime. Your skin will love it, and your body can absorb it right through the skin, so you don't have to eat it. I also discovered that it is a great foot deodorant. No more smelly shoes!

Here's what Dr. Mercola has to say about it. From Mercola.com - "MCFAs [medium chain fatty acids] in coconut oil are more health promoting, because:

* MCFAs are smaller. They permeate cell membranes easily, and do not require lipoproteins or special enzymes to be utilized effectively by your body.

* MCFAs are easily digested, thus putting less strain on your digestive system. This is especially important for those of you with digestive or metabolic concerns.

* MCFAs are sent directly to your liver, where they are immediately converted into energy rather than being stored as fat.

"MCFAs in coconut oil can actually help stimulate your body's metabolism, leading to weight loss.

"There are numerous studies showing that MCFAs [from coconut oil] promote weight loss, including one study that showed rats fed LCFAs [from Vegetable oils] stored body fat, while rats fed MCFAs reduced body fat and improved insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. Yet another study found that overweight men who ate a diet rich in MCFAs lost more fat tissue compared to those eating a high-LCFA diet, presumably due to increased energy expenditure and fat oxidation from the MCGA intake."

Read t More about Coconut Oil and Weight Control

Eat like a macaw Protect Your Pancreas with Selenium
Take a cue from Q, my blue and gold macaw, and eat Brazil nuts whenever you get a chance. It is amazing how he can crack them with his beak! They are really hard nuts.

Brazil nuts are one of the best sources of selenium, and a recent study shows that selenium is one of the best nutrients to protect your pancreas from cancer. Just a couple of Brazil nuts per day will give you all the selenium you need, and they are delicious.

From VahlChiropractic.com - "The study had 518 subjects and revealed that those subjects with the highest levels of selenium were between 33-95% less likely to develop pancreatic cancer. Furthermore, these results remained unchanged after researchers accounted for other known risk factors like smoking, diabetes, and being overweight."
Read More About Selenium and Pancreatic Health

Take a peek at my new website My New Website
In looking over my past year, I see that 2011 was a year of big changes for me. Most of the changes were shifts of awareness that have me feeling more free, more hopeful, and more excited about the possibilities unfolding before me. One big change I notice is that I filed 1,729 unread health newsletters in an email folder instead of reading them. I used to read every one of them, but I no longer feel that is necessary.

It is not that I have lost interest in health and wellness. In fact, I am more interested than ever. The difference is that I have realized that scientific studies, nutritional data, and all that sort of intellectual knowledge is far less important than trusting our own body awareness. That is why I started doing Body Awareness Coaching.

We are all born with an inner wisdom that will tell us everything we need to know about our health and wellness. Every creature on the planet is born with it. Bees know how to collect nectar and make honey. Bears know how to find the honeycombs. Nobody has to tell them. I'm finding that sort of wisdom more and more compelling and intriguing, and you will probably see signs of that in future newsletters. The only problem is that it is hard to write about, since it is not a function of the rational part of the brain. I will do my best!

Another change is that I have been working on creating a new website in an effort to clarify and simplify what I do. I was beginning to feel like one of those jugglers who spins a bunch of plates on sticks, trying to keep them all spinning at once. Whenever someone asked me, "What do you do?" a whole jumble of things would pop into my mind and I wouldn't know where to begin. I realized that I needed to clarify what I do in order to make myself more available to those who are looking for what I have to offer.

So I decided to map it all out in one website. It is a great exercise that you might want to try yourself. It doesn't have to be a website. A piece of paper will do. Just write down all your major interests and activities and organize them into some sort of statement that says, "This is who I am and this is what I do."

I found that there is indeed a unifying factor in my many spinning plates and it is getting more clear as I go along. It is all about energy and expanding consciousness. I'm still working on it and it is pretty challenging. You can check out my progress at WulfWorks.com. Any feedback or suggestions you have to offer would be appreciated.

Visit My New Website - WulfWorks.com!

To read past issues of HealItAll.com Newsletter go to

Bernadette Wulf is a Naturopath, EFT therapist, Health and Nutrition Coach, and Reiki Master with a world-wide practice via phone and Internet.

Visit http://healitall.com for more information.

For Health & Wellness Coaching contact Bernadette Wulf at wulfartist@yahoo.com

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