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Natural Health News
Vol. 1, No. 52 * * * December 2010

Spread Holiday Health!

In This Issue:
Message from Bernadette Wulf
The EFA Controversy - Fish, Flax, or Krill Oil?
Fracture Risk from Osteoporosis Drugs
Skin Cancer Cream Kills Dogs!
New Gifts from the Coconut Tree
Tea and Coffee Decrease Heart Disease Risk
Natural Healing for Asthma
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Message from Bernadette Wulf

Tis the season of holly and mistletoe, those evergreen plants that remind us that life is still thriving underneath the snow, and deep in the roots of deciduous trees. They can also remind us that no matter what challenges we all may face, we can always find some sign of hope in our own deep inner core.

I've been asking myself lately, what that inner core is all about. How does it want to express itself in the world? The answers are sometimes surprising. Who I thought I was for most of my life is beginning to feel like a crusty shell that is starting to crack and peel away. Sometimes it is a frightening feeling, but mostly it feels like the birth of something new and wonderful. Where it leads will be an adventure, and it is already feeling healthier and more vital.

Though this month's articles are all about getting your omega fatty acids, tea and coffee, coconut products, dangers of certain drugs, and wonderful natural remedies, those things are not really where health comes from. Health is a state of inner vitality and joy. It is that feeling of wanting to jump out of bed in the morning, knowing that your outer life is in harmony with your inner core.

What makes me want to jump out of bed may be very different from what inspires you. The important thing is that you find those things that resonate with your core and follow them. They may be ideas, or creative inspirations, loved ones, hobbies, plans, or even jobs. Whatever they are, they are your keys to unlock the abundance and vitality that is your birthright. They are your passions.

Happy Winter Holidays to all.
May the renewed sun shine brightly in your world!

To Your Health!
Bernadette Wulf
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The EFA Controversy - Fish, Flax, or Krill Oil?
Some nutrition experts claim that you can get all the essential fatty acids you need from plant sources like flax seeds, hemp seeds, or chia seeds. I would like to believe that is true, but Dr. Mercola does not recommend this approach, particularly if you happen to be one of the 80% of Americans who have elevated insulin levels. "...Because the conversion of ALA to the far more essential EPA and DHA is typically severely impaired by inhibition of delta 6 desaturase. This is an enzyme that is necessary to produce the longer chain EPA and DHA from ALA. Elevated insulin levels impair this enzyme..."

People who live on a high raw foods diet may be able to make enough EPA and DHA from plant foods, because it appears that a raw, vegan diet can balance insulin levels and even cure type two diabetes (as shown in the film "Simply Raw). Even so, I would recommend occasional blood tests to verify essential fatty acid levels if you take this approach.

For everyone else, Dr. Mercola recommends Krill oil, rather than fish oil. Find out why by reading his entire article.
Read - Why take Krill oil?

Fracture Risk from Osteoporosis Drugs
FDA Article - "The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning there is a possible risk of a rare type of thigh bone (femoral) fracture in people who take drugs known as bisphosphonates to treat osteoporosis."

Just about every day I see drug recalls and warnings like this about commonly used drugs. Beware! Don't be afraid to question your doctor, and don't offer yourself as a guinea pig for the drug industry. You could end up with worse problems than you started out with before you went to a doctor.

Have you already tried increasing your leafy greens, green smoothies, Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, food-based silica, magnesium and phosphorous, zinc, weight bearing exercise, balancing your hormones, and cutting way back on animal products and sugar? If not, you owe it to yourself to give these nutritional options a try before risking your bones to potentially dangerous drugs that could make them even more brittle.
Read the Entire Article

Skin Cancer Cream Kills Dogs!
(NaturalNews) "A new report out of the University of Virginia, Charlottesville (UV-C), is warning the public about the dangers of 5-fluorouracil, a topical skin cancer cream used to treat actinic keratosis, as well as several other forms of cancer. According to the report, the drug is highly toxic to dogs and will kill them, even in very small doses."

This product which is sold under the names Adrucil, Carac, Efudex and Fluoroplex, appears to kill dogs even if they only happen to lick skin that has been recently treated. If you have pets, please make sure you don't leave these (or any) drugs where they can reach them, and wash exposed skin thoroughly before handling animals.

There is no denying that the drug works. I've even used it myself, but I have to wonder, if such a small amount of this drug can kill a dog, what is it doing to the humans who spread it over their skin? In the case of skin cancer, it may be worth this short-term risk to eliminate a longer-term threat, but don't take unnecessary risks with it.
Read About Dangers of Fluorouracil

New Gifts from the Coconut Tree
I've always loved coconut, from fresh Thai coconut water to Coconut Bliss Chocolate Hazelnut Fudge non-dairy "ice cream." Now I have even more coconut delights to enjoy.

(NaturalNews) "It turns out that coconut trees produce a lot more than just coconuts and coconut oil. A whole spectrum of surprising food ingredients are derived from coconut trees, and you've probably never heard of most of them."

Coconut nectar, coconut liquid aminos, coconut vinegar, and coconut flour all come from coconut trees, and they are all surprisingly delicious. Since I read this NaturalNews article, I've been trying these new coconut products and my favorite is "Coconut Crystals," a yummy, low glycemic sweetener that tastes like dark brown sugar. The Coconut Nectar is a lot like molasses, and the liquid aminos are a bit like soy sauce, only sweeter and without the MSG side effects. All are raw and low glycemic, so if you are diabetic or pre-diabetic, they may be safe for moderate use.
Read About New Coconut Products

Tea and Coffee Decrease Heart Disease Risk
Here's some interesting news that will be welcomed by tea and coffee drinkers. (NaturalNews) "Researchers followed 40,000 healthy people for 13 years, then compared rates of heart disease with consumption of coffee and tea. They found that participants who drank between three and six cups of tea per day were 45 percent less likely to die from heart disease than those who drank less than a cup a day."

I'm not sure this means we should all start tanking up on caffeinated beverages every day, but if you already do, you can rest easy with the knowledge that your heart may be thanking you.
Read More About the Benefits of Tea and Coffee

Natural Healing for Asthma
Rather than depending on prescription inhalers with potentially deadly side effects (as I found out when I read the small print on the package a doctor gave one of the girls in my care), why not try some of the safe asthma remedies described in this article. You can always keep an inhaler on hand in case you need it, but if these treatments work as well as the article implies, you may never need it again. Here is just one of the options listed:

(NaturalNews) "One extremely effective way to relieve asthma is nebulizing with colloidal silver and lobelia extract (5 parts colloidal silver to 1 part lobelia) in order to help bring up mucous, heal the lungs and eliminate any pathogens present. Adding 1 part mullein can make the treatment even more effective. Mullein is an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory herb which also fights respiratory viruses and aids in lung healing."
Read More About Natural Asthma Relief

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Bernadette Wulf is a Naturopath, EFT therapist, Health and Nutrition Coach, and Reiki Master with a world-wide practice via phone and Internet.

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For Health & Wellness Coaching contact Bernadette Wulf at

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