HealItAll Newsletter |
Vol. 1, No. 45 * * * May 2010 |
![]() Message from Bernadette Wulf - Greetings! From sugar pills to maple syrup and stevia, this month's newsletter is mighty sweet. Enjoy the springtime with whole grain pancakes drenched in maple syrup, and tell yourself it will cure your ills. You can even get gluten free pancake mix. You will be doing your body a favor. Turns out we now have more evidence that the placebo effect is one of the most powerful healers of all time, but you already knew that. Right? And the famous Dr. Mercola is advocating EFT to enhance your own personal placebo effect. That's pretty sweet in itself. Of course we can't leave without throwing in a few warnings about modern technology, as in cell phones and nano particles, and a heads up on the latest threat to vitamin D - which has a sweet solution in the form of green smoothies. Then it's back to the sweet talk. Happy May Day, Beltaine, or whatever you like to call it. I'll be out dancing the Maypole and hoping it doesn't rain like it did last year. To Your Health! Bernadette Wulf - Visit My Website HealItAll.com |
![]() The Magic Pill to Cure All Ills - Dr. Mercola's article starts out by saying, "There is a new 'product' on the market that is absolutely free to you and is giving drug companies a run for their money. It’s called the placebo effect … and it often works better than top pharmaceutical drugs." Wired magazine reports, "It's not that the old meds are getting weaker, drug developers say. It's as if the placebo effect is somehow getting stronger. The fact that an increasing number of medications are unable to beat sugar pills has thrown the industry into crisis.” There could be many reasons for the increasing effectiveness of the placebo, but here's my guess. People may be more brainwashed by commercials than ever before. On the rare occasions when I watch TV, I've noticed that there are an alarming number of ads for prescription and over-the-counter drugs, even on kid's shows. Repetition can be hypnotic, but the hypnotic efforts of the drug companies may be backfiring on them. Maybe people are becoming more and more open to the suggestion that any pill can relieve their symptoms, even a sugar pill. If that is what is actually happening it is pretty funny. After pointing out many ways the placebo effect proves the power of mind over body, Dr. Mercola's article goes on to address the emotional component, "So the pain or symptoms are not what you should focus on relieving. Instead, you must get to the root of the problem, which started in your mind. If you simply relieve your pain without addressing the related emotional conflict, your body will manifest another ache, pain or illness to tell you that there’s a problem with your system." Wow! This is a mainstream medical doctor admitting that you have to address the mental/emotional component before you will actually be able to cure disease. And what do you know, he then strongly recommends EFT for clearing the emotional conflicts that underlie disease. As an EFT therapist, I've been helping people do this for over a decade. It is wonderful to see that mainstream doctors are finally catching up. EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques. It is a simple method of tapping on certain points on the energy meridians of the body while focusing on any disturbing emotion or problem. EFT is not a pill, but it often does work like magic. In fact, with enough repetition and the right focus, it works 95% of the time, which even beats the sugar pill placebo. Some of my clients clear their problem in one session, or they may learn EFT and continue to do it on their own. Others, who face bigger issues, may need long term assistance to discover and clear the root of their problems. It works just as well over the phone as in person, so I can work with people all over the world. If you want to learn more there is lots of information on the EFT page of my HealItAll.com website - http://healitall.com/eft.html - Read entire article |
![]() Some Forms of Vitamin A May Negate Vitamin D - Now that we are all being brainwashed about how much we need vitamin D, it looks like one of the other vitamins may be undermining the effect of this sunshine vitamin. From NaturalNews - "What is alarming is the latest research in the British Medical Journal, which appears to confirm: that a form of vitamin A in surprisingly small doses may negate many of the beneficial health effects of vitamin D." Fortunately, we can still eat our carrots, apricots, and leafy greens, because our body makes just the right amount of vitamin A from the beta carotene contained in fruits and vegetables. The type of vitamin A that appears to be interfering with vitamin D is the form called "retinoic acid" or "retinol," as found in cod liver oil and many vitamin supplements. Here is just more evidence that the human body is designed to thrive on an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, rather than fish oil and synthetic vitamins. Beta carotene is found in the deep green and orange colored vegetables. I'll throw in another plug for green smoothies here. The combination of colorful fruits and dark green leaves will supply you with all the beta carotene you could possibly need in a yummy way. Kids will even ask for green smoothies once they get used to the sometimes strange colors resulting from mixing greens with red or orange fruits. Drink up! It will become a positive addiction. - Read the Entire Article |
![]() COSMETIC ALERT! Dump These Cosmetics - Once again, I cannot stress enough the importance of avoiding nano particles or nano technology in anything you put on your skin. This includes anything labeled "micronized." The problem with these products is that nano particles cannot only penetrate skin, they can migrate into the brain and other organs to cause toxic effects and even cancer. Furthermore, nano particles are not natural to the overall environment and they are not biodegradable, so there is no telling what effect they will have when passed through the body into our water system. On a danger level they have been compared to asbestos! Here are some other toxic ingredients commonly found in skin care products: * Ethylene oxide * Dioxane * Nitrosamines * Formaldehyde * Acrylamide I find it astounding that so many people, particularly women, seem to have no concern for the level of toxins they dump into their bodies every day through their skin care products. Read the labels folks. If you wouldn't eat it, don't put it on your skin, because your skin will absorb a lot of what you put on it, right into your bloodstream! In the linked article, Dr. Mercola has posted a great audio interview with Dr. Samuel Epstein, who is a well respected professional in cancer prevention, specifically implicating Dr. Perricone products. Listen and learn. - Read Article plus audio interview with Dr. Samuel Epstein |
Article on Dangers of Nanotechnology in Cosmetics - This is a PDF format article by Friends of the Earth on the dangers of nano particles, for further reference. - PDF Article on Dangers of Nanotechnology in Cosmetics |
Guide to Reduce Cell Phone Radiation Exposure - Cell phones are potentially dangerous, as many studies are starting to show. Environmental Working Group has provided 10 tips to protect yourself from Cell Phone Radiation Exposure. You can download their guide for free. Check it out. - Read Entire Article |
![]() Natural Sweeteners Prevent Cancer and Diabetes - Here is some sweet news to wrap up the May newsletter. Some sweeteners can actually be good for us, in moderation of course. I knew stevia was a pretty safe bet when it comes to making life a little sweeter, but I was surprised that oh-so-delicious maple syrup actually has significant health benefits. Here is the quote from Ann Louise Gittleman's newsletter: "Researchers at the University of Rhode Island recently found that previously undiscovered substances in maple syrup can stimulate insulin release and increase the sensitivity of fat cells to insulin—reducing the risk for diabetes. "Containing 13 antioxidant compounds, maple syrup also appears more effective at stalling the growth of cancerous cells than blueberries or broccoli. Another study at the University of Quebec shows that this natural sweetener fights lung and prostate cancers—as well as brain, breast, and colon cancer, though to a lesser extent. "Other recent research reports that stevia, an herb known for its intense sweetness (250 to 300 times sweeter than sugar), also fights diabetes and cancer, as well as inflammation and high blood pressure." How sweet is that? - Read Entire Article |
To read past issues of
HealItAll.com Newsletter go to http://healitall.com/newsletterarchives.html Bernadette Wulf is a Naturopath, EFT therapist, Health and Nutrition Coach, and Reiki Master with a world-wide practice via phone and Internet. Visit http://healitall.com for more information. For Health & Wellness Coaching contact Bernadette Wulf at wulfartist@yahoo.com 707-824-0675 Bernadette
Wulf - Heal It All.com • P.O. Box 9546 • Santa Rosa
• CA • 95405