HealItAll Newsletter |
Vol. 1, No. 44 * * * April 2010 |
![]() - Greetings! Spring is such an amazing time to be alive. One day can feel like summer and the next can bring hail storms and cold, windy gusts. Nature has a rambunctious feel as buds and blossoms burst open and reach for the sun. There is so much to inspire gratitude. That is a good thing, because gratitude and appreciation are essential for health. Positive feelings support all our biological functions and even relax our DNA. So enjoy the spring and find something to appreciate, no matter where you are or what you happen to be doing. It seems like a big part of "health care" today is about protecting ourselves from the experimentation of the modern medical industry. Over and over again, I read that this drug, or that test, or some treatment is actually making people a lot sicker than they would have been if they had been left alone. I just added a revealing video to the home page of my HealItAll website that is well worth watching (linked at the bottom of this section). It was put out by Dr. Mercola, who is a fairly mainstream doctor. He really spills the beans when he says that "The American medical system is the number one killer in the United States." As part of that system, he should know. Fortunately, he is honest and open minded enough to give us all fair warning. The days of being able to trust the medical establishment to safeguard our health are gone. It is time to take responsibility for our own welfare by educating ourselves and questioning every drug and treatment that is recommended by a doctor. Question what you read here. Question everything you hear, and keep your eyes and ears open for good, honest information. It is out there. You will find it if you look for it and trust your own intuition. Meanwhile, on that cheery note, enjoy the fresh berries and leafy greens that are so abundant at this time of year, and take good care of yourself. To Your Health! Bernadette Wulf - Visit My Website HealItAll.com |
![]() Quick and Easy Tips for Heartburn Relief - When acid comes up from the stomach, the medical profession calls it gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Most people call it heartburn, because it feels like their heart is on fire. This can easily be mistaken for a heart attack, and if there is any doubt at all, don't hesitate to call 911 for help. If you are sure it is just acid reflux there is a simple trick to relief that is far safer than taking antacids. From Ann Louise Gittleman's newsletter - "Amazingly, the solution is usually quite simple. Drink a glass or two of lukewarm water. Jump up and breathe out as forcefully as you can when you land. "Your water-weighted stomach and gravity will pull downward on your stomach while your diaphragm and chest bounce back up. You can even use a rebounder (mini-trampoline) for more intensity in releasing a “stuck” stomach." If that doesn't work, seek immediate medical help. It may actually be a heart attack, since there is a connection between GERD and atrial fibrillation. Taking antacids can make the GERD problem worse, but taking hydrochloric acid can surprisingly make it better. See article for details on dosages. In addition, it helps to eat slowly, chew well and avoid heavy meals, and foods like alcohol, chocolate, coffee, mints, pepper, and refined fatty and sugary snacks. - Read entire article |
![]() Rethinking Asprin for Prevention - Did your doctor tell you to take an aspirin a day to prevent heart disease or stroke? A lot of doctors do. Given recent research, however, you might want to question that advice. From NaturalNews - "Research in the last decade [ ] has shown that taking an aspirin a day in those without a history of heart disease increased the risk of heart disease by 60%. Those with a history of heart disease had a 10-fold increase in the risk of congestive heart failure. If that's not enough, taking an aspirin a day also increases the risk of pancreatic cancer by 86 percent. The risk of breast cancer is increased by 50% for those taking an aspirin a day." That sounds like pretty bad odds! In addition, the article goes on to say, "According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), an aspirin a day increases the risk for a hemorrhagic stroke by 84%!" Did you get that? It said INCREASES risk of stroke by a whopping 84%! What is going on here? According to this article, aspirin is not even an effective blood thinner (which is why so many people are told to take it), since the body already has a mechanism to maintain internal equilibrium. When aspirin thins the blood, the body has to actually work to re-thicken it. A far better way to keep blood from getting too thick is to avoid high fat meals and make sure you get the right balance of Omega fatty acids, including 1 to 3 grams of Omega 3 per day. Why, you may ask, are so many doctors telling their patients to take aspirin every day? Surely most doctors wouldn't intentionally want to harm their patients or raise their risk factors. There must be another reason. As always, if we follow the money trail we can find the culprits. In this case it is the large pharmaceutical companies who fund our medical schools and continue to push their products on doctors once they are in practice, no matter how dangerous those products may be. As consumers, it is up to us to protect our own health. Any time a doctor recommends or prescribes a pharmaceutical drug, even an over-the-counter drug like aspirin, we have to read labels, do research, ask questions about side effects, and pretty much be our own investigative reporters. More often than not, you'll find that pharmaceutical drugs do more harm than good, and there is almost always an effective and harmless natural remedy that can be used for the same purpose at far less cost. - Read the Entire Article |
![]() More on Omega 3 Fatty Acids - Flax seeds are a clean source of the natural Omega 3 fatty acids needed to keep blood from becoming too thick, unlike fish or fish oil that is often polluted with toxins from the ocean. If you have a small coffee grinder, it is easy to grind a few tablespoons of flax seeds right before eating them. You can then sprinkle them on salads, cereal, or other foods. They have a pleasant nutty taste. One word of caution, though. If you add ground flax to a liquid, be sure to drink it right away. Otherwise it will form a gelatinous goo that is not very appealing to drink - though it is excellent fiber for your digestive system. Flax oil is also a good source of Omega 3 fatty acids, though the whole-food form of any food is almost always better. The body can make EPA and DHA from flax oil in the amounts needed, but flax does not contain these naturally. Some people do not create EPA or DHA efficiently, so it is a good idea to get a blood test to determine your levels and possible need for supplementation. You can buy DHA enriched flax oil at about double the cost of pure flax oil, but there is a danger of getting too much DHA. EPA and DHA are both contained in cold water fish oil, so it is best to test your levels before taking fish oil to make sure you don't get too much. Eating a moderate amount of fish is safer, as long as the fish comes from a non-polluted source. Follow the link below to read an excellent University of Maryland Medical Center article on Omega 3 fatty acids. - Read the Entire Article |
![]() If Someone DOES Have a Heart Attack - We seem to be developing a heart theme this month, so it is a good time to add a CPR link. Watch this video to learn the latest CPR technique for adults. It does not involve mouth to mouth contact, so more people may be willing to use it on strangers. - Watch Youtube Video |
![]() Traditional Chinese Medicine for Lyme Disease - The very thought of ticks gives me the creeps. I've been bitten once that I know of by one of those little buggers and the thought that I could now have Lyme Disease organisms floating around in my blood is not a pleasant one. The good news is that there are natural remedies that can help if one does contract this "toxic fire" as the Chinese call it. There are also other toxic fire diseases such as malaria, pneumonia, diphtheria, septic angina, and typhoid fever, and they are all treated in a similar way in TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) with extreme heat clearing herbs. Check out the NaturalNews article linked below for more information on specific herbs. See a qulaified TCM doctor if you are faced with serious disease symptoms. - Read Entire Article |
![]() Is Cancer Screening Really Working? - What do you think about early cancer detection? Dr. McDougall's title, "Early Detection Testing? Chance of Harm Is 100% - Chance of Benefit Is Less Than 1 in a 1000," should make you wonder. His article is full of statistics like the following: “A recent Cochrane Review on the lifesaving benefits of mammography ...for every 2000 women invited for screening throughout 10 years, one will have her life prolonged and 10 healthy women, who would not have been diagnosed if there had not been screening, will be treated unnecessarily." "The European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer reported that 1410 men would have to be screened and 48 additional cases of prostate cancer would need to be treated to prevent one death from prostate cancer." "The results from colon cancer screening programs are about the same: to prevent one death from colorectal cancer 1250 people would need to have a colonoscopy." Not only are these cancer testing procedures often painful, expensive, and frightening, they can cause physical damage and spread cancer cells. If they were actually saving more lives than they damage they might be worth continuing, but statistically they seem to be doing far more harm than good. On top of that, perfectly healthy people are subjected to surgeries and toxic chemo and radiation treatments, because of false positives. As Abraham-Hicks says, "When you feel healthy, you will attract circumstances of health." Why go looking for health problems when you feel good? Appreciating your good health and maintaining a positive attitude will go much farther toward preventing cancer than all the tests in the world. - Read Entire Article |
![]() Prostate Cancer Screening: 50 Percent False Positives - In addition to unnecessary cancer screening, there is the problem of unnecessary treatments, as in prostate cancer treatments for older men. Even if they do have prostate cancer, it generally grows so slowly that they will live longer and be healthier without treatment than with treatment. In short, the treatment can kill more effectively than the cancer, and treatments have many serious negative side effects! (NaturalNews) "As many as 50 percent of all prostate cancer diagnoses may be cases of over-diagnosis, according to a study published in the British Medical Journal." The most common test for prostate cancer is the PSA test, but the article goes on to say, "PSA is a marker of prostate inflammation, which in turn is believed to be a risk factor for prostate cancer. Yet in a study on 1,540 Swedish men, researchers found that PSA levels were not correlated with prostate cancer risk. The only exception was levels below 1 nanogram per mililiter, which suggest a prostate cancer risk of almost zero." Again one has to wonder why all this testing is being done if it isn't really improving cancer detection or treatment. I hate to have to keep following the money trail, but what other explanation could there be? - Read Entire Article |
To read
past issues of HealItAll.com
Newsletter go to http://healitall.com/newsletterarchives.html Bernadette Wulf is a Naturopath, EFT therapist, Health and Nutrition Coach, and Reiki Master with a world-wide practice via phone and Internet. Visit http://healitall.com for more information. For Health & Wellness Coaching contact Bernadette Wulf at wulfartist@yahoo.com 707-824-0675 Bernadette
Wulf - HealItAll.com
• P.O. Box 9546 • Santa Rosa • CA •