HealItAll Newsletter |
Vol. 1, No. 42 * * * February 2010 |
![]() - Greetings! It's hard to believe it is almost February already
and I've
completed another one-handed newsletter! My broken wrist is on the mend
and I'll be getting the cast thing off by tomorrow. That will feel like
a new lease on life.
I love February. The pussy willows are already turning into leaves here in Sonoma County and the acacias are about ready to burst into golden bloom. Next we will see the flowering quince and spring will be rushing through the valley. In the Celtic tradition we now celebrate Imbolc, which means "first milk" of the sheep. Halfway between winter solstice and spring equinox, it signals the return of spring and warmth. I'm ready! By the way, I've added a new page to HealItAll.com called "Natural Healing Encyclopedia of Preventative Health Care Options." At least that's the title for now. You can find it by clicking the "Remedy Encyclopedia" link in the sidebar, or just use the handy link at the bottom of this section. If you don't find what you are looking for, feel free to email me with questions or comments. This is a page that will continue to grow. If you know of any good natural remedies, please send them to me at wulfartist@yahoo.com so I can add them to the list. To Your Health! Bernadette Wulf - Visit My Website HealItAll.com |
![]() Getting Rid of Cellulite - Who wants to talk about cellulite? It is not a
pleasant subject,
but if you've got it you probably wonder why, and what you can do to
get rid of it. Nobody wants that lumpy, bumpy kind of fat that looks
like cottage cheese under the skin.
Ann Louise Gittleman has this to say: "While women of all ages and body types have cellulite, it’s more common in heavier and older women. This dimpling of surface skin on your belly, buttocks, and thighs—areas where we tend to accumulate fat—is caused by damage to the fatty tissue that lies just below your skin. "...a lazy lymphatic system is to blame. This complex network of needle-thin tubes is filled with fluid that continually bathes our cells before carrying away the body’s “garbage”—fat globules, toxins, waste products, and excess liquids (or water weight) to lymph nodes where these substances can be neutralized." Lymph doesn't flow on its own like blood does. We have to move in order to move it. So the best solutions for cellulite are regular exercise, especially bouncing on a rebounder to get lymph flowing, massage, and dry skin brushing. Many natural food stores sell skin brushes and it is actually quite a pleasant experience to start from the feet with circular motions and move toward the heart. Then start with the hands and move up the arms. It will leave you feeling tingly and envigorated. Read Entire Article |
![]() Women Put 515 Toxic Chemicals on Their Faces! - Here's a startling article from NaturalNews.com: "A
study published
by Bionsen, a company in the United Kingdom that sells aluminum-free
body products, found that the average woman applies 515 chemicals to
her face a day. Makeup, perfumes, lotions, mascara, and other beauty
products all contribute to the toxic brew that is causing health
problems for many women."
Yikes! That's the average woman, which means some are using even more. Maybe some people don't know this, but skin absorbs a lot of what is put on it, right into the bloodstream. That is why topical hormone creams work. Do you want all that gunk full of artificial fragrances and lists of ingredients that no normal person could pronounce floating around in your bloodstream? I sure don't. Your liver and kidneys have to work very hard to filter that stuff out of your blood. On top of the natural body toxins they would normally have to filter out, we now have toxins in our air, water, and food. We can't get away from that anymore, even if we were to move to the North Pole. So our organs are already working overtime even before we put one chemical on our face. Do yourself a favor, and this goes for men too; read ingredient labels! Even at natural food stores. You would be amazed at all the toxic junk for sale in the "whole body" isles of your local "natural" food stores. If you wouldn't eat it, don't put it on your skin. - Read Entire Article |
![]() Is Gluten Ruining Your Health? - Gluten, the gooey stuff that allows bread to stick
together and rise, has been a hot subject in health news lately.
From Ann Louise Gittleman's blog: "Wheat intake can trigger two increasingly prevalent immune-related conditions—celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. New Israeli research finds that people with multiple sclerosis and other inflammatory muscle disorders have antibodies to gluten (a protein in barley, wheat, and other grains [spelt, triticale, kamut, rye, and some oats depending on where they are grown]) suggesting sensitivity to this reactive substance." Dr, Rita Marie Loscaizo (http://drritamarie.com/) claims that all autoimmune disorders are related to gluten sensitivity. Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohns Disease, Hashimoto thyroiditis, and over 100 other horribly debilitating diseases may all be prevented or even cured by avoiding gluten completely. That isn't easy, especially if you like to eat out, but when you consider the possible alternatives, it is well worth the sacrifice. Packaged foods often contain gluten, including salad dressings, unless the label says "gluten free." Even Chinese restaurants (which you would think would be a safe bet) usually cook with soy sauce containing wheat, and even tiny amounts of gluten can set off a reaction that lasts for months. It goes without saying that all bakery products contain gluten, unless they are labeled "gluten free." The real kicker is that you will probably crave all that stuff if you are gluten intolerant! It doesn't seem fair, but gluten becomes like a drug if you are allergic to it. You have to go off it cold turkey or you won't see the results you are looking for. The best way to tell if you are gluten intolerant is to avoid it for a few months and see if your symptoms improve. It may not show up on standard allergy tests, because it is a different type of allergic reaction that is delayed, sometimes for several days. Keep a food journal and note changes when you change your diet. And remember, one slip up will set you back to ground zero again. Read Entire Article |
![]() NaturalNews Reader's Choice "Best of 2009" Awards - See how NaturalNews.com readers voted for the best
health and body
care products. I generally agree with the choices, though in the skin
care section I'd knock off Avalon Organics (I'm not familiar with
Mercola's) and add in Weleda and Dr. Hauschka, which are both very pure
and stellar products.
Read Entire Article |
![]() Oil Pulling for Arthritis and Dental Health - The first time I heard about oil pulling, it
sounded really weird
and not too appealing, but I keep hearing more about it! It comes from
the Ayurvedic health care tradition and it has been used for thousands
of years. Swishing oil around in your mouth apparently cleans out the
bacteria that can cause tooth decay and gum inflammation, which can in
turn cause arthritis and heart disease, among other things.
Note: Before I go any further, let me recommend that you avoid spitting the oil down the drain like you would do with toothpaste. It will eventually clog up your drain and cause a plumbing nightmare. Better to use a tissue and drop it in the trash. The linked article below is about arthritis and I was surprised to find that it recommended oil pulling as the third step in healing. According to Dr. Fife, "one of the primary causes of arthritis is infection," so clearing any oral infection is an important step in treatment. The first step is the obvious wholesome diet and avoidance of junk foods. "The second step (From Share Guide) is to actively fight off the infection within the body and the joints. Antibiotics have only a limited ability. They cannot fight viruses, fungi, or drug resistant bacteria. However, there is a natural product that can. That product is coconut oil. Coconut oil is composed predominately of a unique group of fat molecules known as medium chain fatty acids. These fatty acids possess potent antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral activity. Taking 2-4 tablespoons of coconut oil daily, with meals, can help rid your body of chronic infection. "The third step is to address your oral health. Since the vast majority of arthritis cases involve oral infections, this step is essential. If you have any known dental issues, you need to get them taken care of. Regular tooth brushing, flossing, and the use of mouthwash are not enough to remove infection and keep it out. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 90 percent of the population has some level of tooth decay. So apparently these methods aren't working. "What does work is a process called oil pulling. Oil pulling is basically rinsing your mouth with vegetable oil [coconut oil is also good for this], much like you would a mouthwash. However, in this case you would rinse your mouth for 15-20 minutes at a time at least once daily, before breakfast. The oil attracts and collects the microorganisms along with toxins, mucous, and pus. After swishing the oil in your mouth spit it out, then rinse your mouth with water. Your mouth will feel clean and refreshed. There are additional steps you can take to fight off infection and repair damaged joint tissue, but these are the most crucial." Read Entire Article |
To read past issues of
HealItAll.com Newsletter go to http://healitall.com/newsletterarchives.html Bernadette Wulf is a Naturopath, EFT therapist, Reiki Master, and Health and Nutrition Coach with a world-wide practice via phone and Internet. Visit http://HealItAll.com for more information. Contact Bernadette Wulf at wulfartist@yahoo.com 707-824-0675 |