HealItAll Newsletter |
Vol. 1, No. 38 * * * October 2009 |
![]() - Greetings!
As the United States health care debate rages on, I see a few glaring omissions, some of which are addressed in this newsletter. One obvious omission is the issue of nutrition and prevention. While we ponder ways to pay for expensive prescription drugs and surgeries, we could undercut the cost of health care drastically by promoting a few basic improvements in nutrition - vitamin D3 and magnesium supplementation, for example. Since the majority of U. S. citizens are deficient in these nutrients, they can have a major effect on improving overall health. Another omission is recognition of the placebo effect, which could be a cost effective first step in treating a majority of diseases. The power of the mind has been woefully absent in medical research, except to try to rule it out! Of course there are financial reasons to rule it out, because nobody makes much money on placebos. Never the less, the placebo effect seems to be here to stay, and is in fact making a stronger appearance in recent studies. Why not use it to our advantage? Then there is the whole issue of drug side effects which are adding another dimension to health care costs. See the articles on tamoxifen and the hepatitis B vaccine. And last but by no means least, is the problem of the synthetic food additives that are becoming more and more pervasive in the American diet. When we allow these chemicals to undermine the health of our nation and then seek to pay for the inevitable damage that is done, it is bound to get pretty expensive. Personally, I would rather not have to pay for it. Unfortunately, we may not have a voice in the great debate, so we will have to take matters into our own hands. Educating yourself and following a few simple health rules can make a big difference in your life and the lives of your loved ones. Eventually the rest of the country may catch up. I certainly hope so. To Your Health! Bernadette Wulf - Visit My Website HealItAll.com |
![]() MSG Where You Might Not Expect It - If you have been reading past issues of this
newsletter, you will
already know that MSG (monosodium glutamate) is a dangerous neurotoxin
that is frequently added to foods. But did you realize that MSG can be
listed on food labels in so many different ways that it is almost
impossible to recognize? In the past MSG was associated with Chinese
food, but these days you can find it in almost any packaged food if you
know how to look for it. Indeed, it is hard to find a packaged food
that does not include it. They even put it in pet foods! Take a look at
this list provided by a recent NaturalNews.com article:
"If it says autolyzed yeast, yeast extract, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, hydrolyzed protein, or textureized vegetable protein, IT IS MSG. If it says maltodextrin, barley malt, whey protein, soy protein isolate (or words of that nature), IT IS MSG. "Gelatin (used in vitamin capsules) contains MSG.
Most smoke flavor
or 'flavorings' contain MSG. Soy sauce, made from the fermentation of
soy beans [editors note - including Bragg's Liquid Aminos] contains MSG
and pure MSG powder can be added to cheaper brands of soy sauce to
enhance its flavor. Confirmed with Fearn Foods, the manufacturer of
Spike, Spike contains MSG.
"It is in vegetarian meat analogs, 'hot dog analogs', soup broths, bouillon, and products using the words containing protein fortified, enzyme modified, rice syrup, brown rice syrup, citric acid, milk powder, dry milk solids, annatto, spice, carrageenan, guar gum, and lecithin (if from hydrolyzed soy products). But wait, there`s more! "Candy, drinks, gum, packaged salads with citric acid, low fat milk, stevia (if coupled with maltodextrin), Accent, Lawry`s Seasoning Salt, Torula Yeast, Adobo salt, Chinese Seasonings, and believe it or not, internal feeding materials and some fluids administered intravenously in hospitals." There is also a natural form of MSG found in foods such as tomatoes, mushrooms, dairy products, corn, molasses, and wheat. It is an amino acid called L-glutamic acid. Our bodies can handle it in moderate amounts in natural foods. However, the synthetic forms created by food processing are much more dangerous. If you eat at restaurants or buy prepared foods of any kind, you will almost certainly be ingesting some amount of MSG, so it is all the more important to avoid it when preparing food at home. Cooking from scratch with fresh, whole foods is always best, and it doesn't have to be time consuming. And maybe, if enough people stop buying the MSG laced, packaged foods at their local supermarkets, food processing companies just might wake up and improve the quality of their products. Read entire article |
![]() Vitamin D3 - Super Boost Your Immunity - Is Vitamin D3 the next big miracle drug? In this
video, Dr. Joe
Prendergast, M.D. says Vitamin D is a major immune system booster and
that it will replace all other treatments for osteoporosis. Vitamin D
has also improved asthma symptoms enough that patients could cut back
their medications by half. European studies show that cancers
diminished by 90% or more with large doses of Vitamin D. German studies
found that Vitamin D increased the immune response by 3-5 times which
was more effective than flu vaccine at resisting the bird flu, or any
other virus.
That is pretty amazing. A simple vitamin, that can be freely absorbed from sunshine on the skin, may be the answer to many of our most pressing modern health challenges. But most of us don't live in the tropics where we would get the therapeutic levels of Vitamin D needed for regaining lost health. We need to supplement with Vitamin D3 - 2,000 to 5,000 units per day for healthy bones, healthy hearts, and resistance to disease. 2,000 units daily have been shown to protect most people from flu virus, but some doctors recommend higher doses. If in doubt, get a blood test from a nutritionally oriented doctor to determine your Vitamin D levels. According to one of my favorite nutrition experts, Dr. Rick Dina, if you live north of San Francisco, you need to supplement, no matter how much you are out in the sunshine. Watch YouTube Vitamin D Video |
![]() Dangers of Low-Calorie Dieting for Weight Loss - The way most people try to lose weight is dieting,
which means
cutting back on calories and sometimes increasing exercise. Then there
are all the various high protein, high fat, low fat variations that
come into vogue, along with packaged diet products and "scientific"
weight loss programs. In spite of all these options our population is
still getting fatter and fatter, and degenerative diseases are
increasing at an alarming rate. In short, the weight-loss craze is not
working! In fact, it is robbing people of their health.
Cutting calories, unless you are eating over 2,100 calories per day, is dangerous. Different people need different amounts of calories depending on metabolism, size, and activity levels, but most diet programs allow much lower than optimal calorie consumption. According to the World Health Organization, starvation begins to occur at under 2,100 calories per day! That is considered to be the minimum number of calories needed to maintain good health. A recent NaturalNews.com article reports that: "Not long ago, 1,200 calories per day was the standard number for dieting, and 800-calorie diets were not uncommon (900 calories, by the way, was the typical diet fed to prisoners in concentration camps during the second World War). These very-low-calorie diets still exist today. So many people cut back to 1,600 calories per day and assume this is not low-calorie dieting. This is an illusion. If you are eating less than your body needs to function at its best, then you are low-calorie dieting. When you are eating less than you need, your body perceives it as a signal of starvation. It is a simple, biological fact." In starvation mode, the body will store MORE fat by
slowing down
the metabolism, so low calorie diets actually increase weight gain over
the long term. So, if you are counting calories, be sure to keep your
calorie levels above the starvation line of 2,100 calories per day.
The high protein, high fat type diets are no better. Though they temporarily cause weight loss, they also overload the body with acidic toxins and can eventually damage the kidneys. Low fat diets are also detrimental, because the body needs good fats to function well. So, how CAN we maintain healthy weight levels? Once again, if we look at pre-industrial societies, we see that most people maintained normal weight simply by eating high-fiber diets of fresh, whole foods prepared without refined ingredients. Funny how it always comes down to the same answer. Nature knows best. The easiest way to attain and maintain ideal weight is to make sure you are getting adequate amounts of good fats like avocado, flax and olive oil, and avoiding all refined foods, especially those containing MSG and aspartame (which have been shown to cause weight gain), all concentrated sugars, flour products (even whole grain flours, because flour causes weight gain more rapidly than grains in their whole, cracked, or rolled forms), and overindulgence in sweet fruits and other fats (particularly all cooked fats). In short, follow the 80-10-10 rule: 80% fresh vegetables (mostly raw if you digest them well), 10% fresh raw fruits, and 10% protein and fat sources like soaked nuts and seeds, animal products, beans, and/or grains. You will feel your best and maintain your ideal weight easily, simply by following this simple rule. Read the Entire Article |
![]() Placebo Effect Outperforms Pharmaceuticals! - I thought this article was really funny - in a
slightly scary sort
of way. Here we are pouring billions of dollars into a health-care
system based on pharmaceutical drugs, when scientific studies are
actually showing better results with sugar pills! Imagine the money we
could save on health care!! The good old placebo effect seems to be a
monkey wrench in the works of the big pharma industry, because recent
studies show that it is getting stronger and stronger.
(NaturalNews) "The credit for the increased placebo effect has been attributed to the increase in consumer advertising, which makes many consumers 'believe' more in the drugs and their effects." "...Wired tells us, "The fact that an increasing number of medications are unable to beat sugar pills has thrown the industry into crisis" and that 'half of all drugs that fail in late-stage trials drop out because of their inability to beat sugar pills.' Eli Lilly's next-generation antidepressants haven't been doing better than a placebo in seven out of ten trials. It wasn't long ago that Merck withdrew its 'highly anticipated medical breakthrough' antidepressant for the same reason; it didn't beat sugar pills." The article goes on to make a very good point: "It's interesting because placebo pills are often sugar pills, and sugar is known to depress the immune system for hours after it's taken. So, in truth, drug companies are having a difficult time competing against an immune system depressant." [Food for thought.] And there is more: "Fabrizio Benedetti studied the placebo effect on his own, because funding couldn't be found to study something the drug industry considers to be getting in the way of profits. "Building on previous research, Benedetti found that when someone is given a pill, the brain expects change to happen. Based on that expectation, the brain often then starts producing its own pain-relieving medicine, which can reduce pain and even regulate heart and respiratory functionality." Imagine what we could do with a health care system that recognized the value of the placebo effect rather than fighting against it. Why not try a placebo first and see if we get results, before resorting to more costly and dangerous drugs? It sounds like we are already creating an expectation in the consumer through massive advertising campaigns. We could take advantage of that expectation, avoiding the side effects of prescription drugs, by allowing people to get well on their own with the help of harmless placebos and encouraging good nutrition and exercise. But where's the money in that? It seems that mind over matter is a serious missing link in the whole issue of health care reform today. Unfortunately, it doesn't pay to have people bypassing expensive prescription drugs in favor of harmless substitutes, so it may never happen. - Read the Entire Article |
![]() Hepatitis B Vaccine Triples Risk of Autism in Boys - I've been reading more and more accounts of
children, mostly boys,
with autism onset after various kinds of inoculations. While mainstream
medical organizations continue to claim that inoculations of all kinds
are safe and effective, there is a lot of contrary evidence in
circulation. Here is an excerpt from just one such article:
(NaturalNews) "While the mainstream media is touting the latest study showing that the Hepatitis B vaccine they routinely hit newborns with (literally, in the birthing room) reduces liver cancer, they are ignoring a new study published (as an abstract) in the September issue of Annals of Epidemiology. "That study, conducted by Carolyn Gallagher and Melody Goodman of the Graduate Program in Public Health at Stony Brook University Medical Center, New York, found that newborn boys who received the Hepatitis B vaccine had a higher chance of getting ASD (autism spectrum disorder). On the order of 2.94 times higher." This is a startling statistic and one that deserves a lot more attention. I would like to see more studies being done on the relationship between autism and inoculations. One mother, in a recent interview, described how her son had suddenly started displaying autistic behavior after receiving a routine shot. With a lot of trial and error, she finally discovered that he had high levels of mercury (an ingredient in most inoculations) in his system. After a long process of heavy metal detoxification, her son returned to normal. How many other children are out there whose mothers did not have the persistence or wisdom to discover the cause of their malfunctions? Read the Entire Article |
![]() Tamoxifen Increases Risk of Breast Cancer - Here is another case of pharmaceutical drugs doing
more harm than
good. Even though tamoxifen appears to prevent one kind of breast
cancer, it seems to promote an even more dangerous and aggressive type!
(NaturalNews) "Women with estrogen receptor-positive (ER positive) breast cancer are commonly prescribed the drug tamoxifen because it blocks the effects of estrogen in breast tissue. In fact, long-term tamoxifen use among ER positive breast cancer survivors has become a standard therapy. According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), side effects of the drug range from hot flashes, vaginal dryness, joint pain and leg cramps to blood clots, cataracts, strokes and uterine cancer. Understandably, many women are willing to accept these risks because they are told tamoxifen decreases their chance for a recurrence of breast cancer. However, a new study by Christopher Li, M.D., Ph.D., and colleagues at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center just published online in the journal Cancer Research seems to reveal the belief that tamoxifen protects against breast cancer is only partially correct. The drug may also cause certain breast cancers. "Yes, breast-cancer patients who receive long-term estrogen-blocker tamoxifen therapy have a 60 percent reduction in their incidence of a second, ER positive breast cancer -- a common type of breast cancer which tends not to be aggressive and is responsive to estrogen-blocking therapy. But the new research shows tamoxifen increases the risk of the women developing a second and far more dangerous type of breast cancer by a stunning 440 percent." Need I say more? Read the Entire Article |
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Bernadette Wulf is a Naturopath, Health & Wellness Coach, Reiki Master, and EFT therapist, with a world-wide practice via phone and Internet. Visit http://magical-lifecoaching.com for more information. For Health & Wellness Coaching contact Bernadette Wulf at wulfartist@yahoo.com 707-824-0675 Bernadette
Wulf - Heal It All.com • P.O. Box 9546 • Santa Rosa
• CA • 95405
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