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HealItAll Newsletter
Vol. 1, No. 32 * * * April 2009

A Breath of Fresh Air!

In This Issue:
Message from Bernadette Wulf
Why We Need Enzymes
When Them Cotton Bolls Get Rotten
Stop Allergies In Their Tracks!
Strong Bones Naturally
Breathe Away Stress
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Sonoma county, Santa Rosa naturopath
Message from Bernadette Wulf


It looks like we're going to have to do another rain dance around here if we want any April showers. A month or so ago a Native American group did a local rain dance. It started raining precisely at the time the dance started and kept on raining for a couple of weeks. Coincidence? Not in my reality.

I titled this newsletter "A Breath of Fresh Air!," because that's the way spring feels to me. It's time to clear out the old and let in the new, whether that means ideas, weather, people, or things. In this issue we'll take a look at how enzymes can improve your health, how to relieve allergies and make bones stronger, another good reason to buy organic, and the benefits of aromatherapy. It all feels pretty good to me.

I like ending up with appreciation for the plants around us. How often do we really stop and feel how much they do for us?

To Your Health!
Bernadette Wulf

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 natural health with eft and law of attraction
Why We Need Enzymes
If you don't eat your food raw, you should probably be taking an enzyme supplement, pure and simple. As we age, we use up our enzymes faster than we can replace them, and the only way to replace them is to eat raw foods, or to take a supplement. Enzymes are destroyed by heat higher than 120 degrees, so cooked food is entirely devoid of enzymes. Even raw food only supplies enough enzymes for its own digestion. What about all the other essential processes that are dependent on enzymes?

According to NaturalNews, "Not only are enzymes necessary for proper digestion, they are an integral component of every chemical reaction that occurs within the body. Without enzymes no bodily processes would be possible. For example, detoxification, digestion, elimination, and a properly-functioning nervous system are all processes that would not occur without enzymes."

If you have symptoms that don't respond to conventional treatments, they could be caused by nothing more complicated than an enzyme deficiency. Allergies, aches and pains, and other signs of aging are often relieved by enzyme supplementation.

Enzyme supplements are usually made from fruits like pineapple and papaya. There is no danger of overdose, and some of them even taste good. Eat them on an empty stomach for therapeutic use, and with meals to enhance digestion.

You can find enzyme supplements in your local natural food store. Ask about the most potent brand they carry. I like the Trader Joe's brand, though it is not high potency.

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 natural health with eft and law of attraction
When Them Cotton Bolls Get Rotten
Good ol' Monsanto strikes again. This time they are killing the very soil on which all life depends! I know I said I was going to focus on positive articles, but this is "positively" criminal. The positive step we can all take is to boycott Monsanto products and all GMO tainted foods and fibers by supporting organic farming!

According to Organic Consumers Association, "A recent scientific study carried out by Navdanya, compared the soil of fields where Bt-cotton had been planted for 3 years with adjoining fields with non GMO cotton or other crops. The region covered included Nagpur, Amravati and Wardha of Vidharbha which accounts for highest GMO cotton planting in India, and the highest rate of farmers suicides (4000 per year).

"In 3 years, Bt-cotton has reduced the population of Actinomycetes by 17%. Actinomycetes are vital for breaking down cellulose and creating humus."

Anyone who has done any gardening knows that humus is absolutely vital to healthy soil and plant growth. The article goes on to explain other ways the GMO cotton is destroying soil and the lives of farmers, but how much information do we really need to know that we are being ripped off?

These genetically modified crops do not increase crop yields. The only thing they increase are allergies, suicides, pesticide use, and Monsanto's bottom line.

This is a BIG issue that affects all of us. Let's put a stop to it now by pulling the financial rug out from under these big corporations that have no concern for the well being of humans, animals, plants, or soil. Buy organic!

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 natural health with eft and law of attraction
Stop Allergies In Their Tracks!
It's spring again and many people are plagued with allergy symptoms. Here's a great article by SmartPublications that offers some advice I had never heard before. Did you know that persimmon leaf, apple extract, pine bark extract, rosemary, luteolin (a flavonoid found in parsley, thyme, artichoke, basil, celery, and rosemary) and hesperidin (the predominant flavonoid in lemons and oranges) can relieve allergy symptoms when taken together? It's news to me.

Having had severe hayfever in the past, I know that you can get to the point where you would try just about anything, so why not try this natural herbal formula before you resort to over-the-counter drugs? SmartPublications offers their own brand called Allergy Answer. Click the link below to find out more.

I have also found that cleaning up your diet can make a big difference. Avoiding wheat, dairy, and any other foods that don't agree with you so well (and junk food goes without saying), will take the burden off your immune system so it can handle the onslaught of pollen more comfortably. Nettle tea taken for several weeks before hay fever season can also help a lot.

I rarely get hay fever anymore, even though I live in a county notorious for high pollen counts, so I know it is possible to find relief. If you follow the steps laid out here and still have allergy attacks, you might want to try EFT. It often works really well.

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 natural health with eft and law of attraction
Strong Bones Naturally
With osteoporosis on the rise, millions of people are concerned about the health of their bones. You've all heard the hype: drink milk for strong bones. The problem is that it's hogwash! Statistically, diets high in dairy products actually produce weaker bones, because of their high phosphorus content.

Then there's the calcium supplement craze that contributes to hardening of the arteries and weakening of the bones, because the form of calcium most people take is not absorbed by the body properly and is not balanced with magnesium or supported by vitamin D.

According to this Natural News article, "The best course of action against Osteoporosis is prevention. A diet high in fruits, vegetables, and protein will accomplish this. Magnesium and potassium are also recommended to enhance the buffering effect of the bones. Magnesium and potassium both are easily found in many whole, unrefined foods and are rich in many fruits and vegetables."

It is always the same old story. Nature knows best. When we eat predominantly fresh fruits and vegetables as nature intended, and get out in the sunshine and fresh air for some exercise, our bodies function well. That shouldn't be any surprise. It is pretty clear from recent research that bones need Vitamin D3, weight bearing exercise, and a good balance of bio-available minerals.

The problem, as I see it, is that most of us eat far too few mineral-rich greens and far too much sugar and protein that leaches calcium from the bones. We also hide from the sun which leads to vitamin D deficiencies, now a widespread problem in America. One of my favorite nutrition authorities, Dr. Dena, said that anyone living north of San Francisco should be taking a D3 supplement, even if they are outdoors a lot.

Dark leafy greens provide the best source of minerals to build strong bones. That's where cows get it, but their milk contains too much phosphorus. The greens, however, provide high levels of magnesium which is essential for our bones and muscles.

The reason most of us don't eat enough greens is that they don't taste all that good. When you get right down to it, a cookie or ice cream is much more appealing. So, unless you are a really big salad eater, you will probably have to trick your palate into eating more greens. I do that by throwing a heaping helping of green leaves into my morning smoothie. If you do it right it can be quite delicious, and WOW does it give you a burst of energy. Much better than coffee!

Here's what I do - put a sweet fruit and a tart fruit in the blender, add about a cup of water and blend. (You can also use high-antioxidant fruit juices like pomegranate, berry, or purple grape juice.) Then add a huge handful of greens and blend. The best tasting ones are spinach, arugula, romaine lettuce, and chard (organic of course!). Rotate your greens every day or two so you don't get a build up of the natural plant toxins (i.e. oxalic acid). Then you can add a small amount of stronger tasting greens like dandelion, watercress, kale, mustard, sprouts, etc. to taste. These are very potent, so a little goes a long way!

Add enough water so it all blends easily. Then I throw in a couple of tablespoons of flax oil, for the omega 3 fatty acids. If it doesn't taste so hot I may add ginger, cinnamon, a bit of raw honey, or more fruit.

I would have to say, aside from cultivating positive thoughts, my green drink is the number one best thing I do for my health. Don't leave home without it!

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Breathe Away Stress
It has been said that our sense of smell is more closely linked to our emotions than any of our other senses. It stands to reason then, that aromatherapy would be especially good for soothing emotional problems like stress. In fact, if you follow the link at the end of this article, you will find a whole list of essential oils used to relieve various kinds of stress: frankincense for relaxation, peppermint for energy, grapefruit for creativity, basil for concentration, lavender to improve air quality, and many more.

According to NaturalNews, "Aromatherapy is the utilization of essential oils for therapeutic healing and maintenance of good health. Aromatherapy is especially useful because it can be administered to yourself and can even be used IN the workplace if necessary. With only a little information and common sense aromatherapy can be a very beneficial work place stress reducer."

Essential oils and products made from them are amazingly useful for other purposes as well. I've found that rosewater and lavender water really help to clear the air when there's a feeling of stuck energy in a house. You can brush your teeth with a mixture of almond and mint oils. Smelling eucalyptus oil can help to clear the sinuses. Eucalyptus citriodora oil is a great mosquito repellent.

Sometimes just smelling a flower can change your whole attitude. Isn't it amazing how the world of plants supports us in so many ways? Plants provide all our food (even if you eat animal products, the animals lived on plants), oxygen for us to breathe, building materials, healing fragrances, shade, and awesome beauty. Why not stop and just appreciate the wonder of plants and the way our lives are intimately entwined with theirs?

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Law of Attraction Coach Bernadette Wulf is a Life Coach,
Reiki Master, and EFT therapist, with a world-wide practice via phone and Internet.
Visit for more information.

For Health & Wellness Coaching contact Bernadette Wulf at

Bernadette Wulf - Heal It • P.O. Box 9546 • Santa Rosa • CA • 95405