HealItAll Newsletter |
Vol. 1, No. 28 * * * December 2008 |
![]() - Greetings! Wow, the holiday season is already upon us and another year is at an end. It doesn't feel nearly so overwhelming as it usually does. Maybe that's because I've been using so many of the tips I've included in these newsletters! You've probably noticed already that this issue has more articles than previous ones. I've had so much good information coming in that I've already filled up the next two month's newsletters, but I wanted to get all these articles out this month. Here's some good news. You don't have to drink wine to get those great antioxidants. Pomegranates are an even better source. So is Kiwi fruit, but that's another story. We have all heard that MSG is one of the bad guys, but do you really know HOW bad it is (i. e. it can cause cancer), and how many places it is hiding in your food? Read on! Scientists are always finding out wonderful things about music, this time how it can help stroke victims. And next there's more on the cancer issue. It seems that having lights on at night can raise the incidence of breast cancer. But you'll be happy to learn that there is a cure. At least Dr. Joanna Budwig had a lot of success with her cancer treatments. I had never heard about Dr. Budwig, and was very impressed with the information I found on the internet about her and her work. Sounds like she was really onto something. Then a quick link to carpal tunnel syndrome relief, and that's it for 2008. Oh, I almost forgot. HealItAll.com now has a blog! My first post is on the subject of depression. Check it out at http://healitall.com/wordpress/ All this and heaven too! (I can't leave you without at least one cheesy cliche.) Happy holidays, whatever holidays you like to celebrate. See y'all next year. To Your Health! Bernadette Wulf - Visit My Website HealItAll.com |
![]() Pomegranate Juice Wins Antioxidant Award - From NaturalNews.com "Pomegranate juice has the highest antioxidant content, activity and protective benefits of eight different beverages tested, according to a study conducted by researchers from Center for Human Nutrition at the University of California-Los Angeles' David Geffen School of Medicine, and published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry." Compared to red wine, orange juice, blueberry juice, Concord grape juice, acai berry juice, white tea and green tea, pomegranate juice outstrips them all in antioxidant power. Pomegranate juice even surpassed the others in scavenging free radicals and preventing oxidation (decay) of LDL ("good") cholesterol by 20 percent! On top of all that, it's delicious. Drink up! - Read entire article |
![]() Flavor That Kills - Aspartame & MSG - This information is so important that I bumped another article to fit it in this month! It's a PDF file so you will need Adobe Reader to read it - available for free at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html This interview with Dr. Russell Blaylock, author of "Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills," "Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life," and "Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients," is full of vital information on the dangers of aspartame and MSG. These chemicals, known as excitotoxins, have been linked with obesity, Alzheimer's, heart disease, autism, ADD, Parkinson's, and "have been found to dramatically promote cancer growth and metastasis." When cancer cells are exposed to glutamate or MSG, they apparently become more mobile, which enhances the spread of cancer, known as metastasis. MSG and Aspartame can even cause heart attacks in people with low levels of magnesium (which is just about everyone in America). And it's not just MSG. An Italian study found that when they exposed animals to formaldehyde, they developed leukemias and lymphomas. Another study found that when they radiolabeled aspartame, "they could actually see formaldehyde binding to the DNA, and it produced both single and double strand DNA breakage." Not only do these chemicals cause short-term damage, they also cause long-term damage, because they are not easily removed from the body. This is a serious health threat, because this stuff is everywhere! It's in diet sodas, sugar free candy, packaged foods of all sorts, including salad dressings, white sauces, gravy, soups, pet foods, and even baby foods and soy baby formulas. Glutamates are often listed under such innocent sounding names as: hydrolyzed protein, caseinate, soy extracts, broth, soy protein isolates, yeast extract, and "natural flavors." Eating in restaurants is particularly dangerous, because many of the prepackaged sauces and dressings they use contain glutamates. Again, read the labels and stick to fresh whole food choices and you will save yourself a lot of grief. Packaged foods may seem convenient, but there's a high probability that many of them could destroy your health! - Read the Entire Article |
![]() Music Therapy Helps Stroke Patients - (NaturalNews) "People who listen to music after a stroke recover significantly better than those who do not, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Cognitive Brain Research Unit at the University of Helsinki, Finland, and published in the journal Brain." I've read before that music can change the shape of our DNA, so it is not too surprising to learn that it can also help stroke victims. There are several studies indicating that classical music, as well as Gregorian chants and Hindu chants, can activate and relax the DNA in our cells. While heavy rock can cause the DNA to shut down and tighten. So if you are trying to help a stroke patient, make sure you stick to the uplifting chants and classical stuff. Actually, why save it for stroke patients? It's better for all of us! By the way, you might have noticed that more and more of my articles are sourced from NaturalNews.com. That's because they send out so many, and they tend to be some of the better ones I find. You can of course subscribe to NaturalNews yourself and get a lot more articles every day, but most people don't have the time or interest to sift through that much information. I do sift through it and refer you to the best of it - or at least what I find most interesting and valuable. - Read the Entire Article |
![]() LIght at Night May Cause Breast Cancer - (NaturalNews) "A lack of darkness at night may increase a woman's risk of developing breast cancer, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Haifa, Israel, and published in the journal Chronobiology International." This study was done using satellite maps of Israel to find out how much light different neighborhoods were getting at night. They compared the map with breast and lung cancer statistics for each neighborhood. Though there was no connection between light levels and lung cancer, they found that women in areas with the most light at night had 64 percent higher breast cancer rates than women in areas with the least light. That is quite a significant difference! Moral of the story - don't use night lights in your house. Don't keep outdoor lights on when you go to bed. And use blackout shades if you live in a lighted city area. - Read Entire Article |
![]() Proven Cure and Prevention for Cancer - What? I thought we weren't allowed to use the word "cure" in the same sentence with "cancer," but that is exactly how Barbara L. Minton titles her articles - "Documented, Proven Cure and Preventative for Cancer" - Parts I & II. She says, "One of the least known well-documented cures for cancer was created by a German biochemist and physicist named Dr. Johanna Budwig." [a leading authority on fats, oils and nutrition]. "She believed that cancer, as well as the vast majority of illnesses, was primarily caused by the improper processing of foods and oils, particularly the overheating or boiling of oils." "She [Dr. Budwig] treated these patients with a simple diet based on a combination of flaxseed oil and sulphurated protein." In article number two Ms. Minton goes on to say, "There are only two essential foods in the protocol, flax oil and cottage cheese or some other sulphurated protein such as yogurt or kefir. The oil provides electron-rich fats, and the cottage cheese provides the sulphurated protein to bind with the oil and render it water soluble. In this state, the oil is able to carry immense amounts of oxygen straight into the cells. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygen-rich environment." That sounds awesome! As the "human guinea pig" that I am, I had to try this stuff to see what it was like, before recommending it to my readers. I don't have cancer, so I can't say how it works as a cure, but at least I can tell how it tastes! It's not bad, really, especially if you add fruit or honey, or savory spices like thyme, miso, and dehydrated onion flakes. The only problem for me, with my lactose intolerance, is that it gave me a seriously stuffy nose. I like to stick to a pretty much vegan diet, anyway, so the idea of eating dairy products on a regular basis does not appeal to me at all. I asked raw-vegan nutrition expert Dr. Jameth Sheridan, (http://www.healthforce.com/products.html), creator of VitaMineral Greens, if there was a vegan alternative to the cottage cheese that would supply the necessary sulphurated protein. His answer was that Spirulina would be an excellent substitute, but it was not well known when Dr. Budwig was doing her research. That was a great bit of information. Now I am mixing spirulina and flax oil to get the benefits of Dr. Budwig's research - and without the dairy products, I can breathe easy! (If I did have cancer, I might stick with her proven formula - or at least muscle test to see whether the spirulina mix or the dairy product mix got a stronger result.) And, speaking of cancer and muscle testing, here's another good website that offers a handy kit for testing other possible cancer treatments to find out which treatment is best for YOU. http://www.alternativecancer.us/ Here's the address for "Documented, Proven Cure and Preventative for Cancer (Part I)" - http://www.naturalnews.com/022418.html The link to Part II is below - including information on how to make the cottage cheese and flax oil mixture. - Documented, Proven Cure and Preventative for Cancer (Part II) |
![]() - I won't ramble on here about carpal tunnel syndrome, because you can just click on the link below to find out all about it and how to relieve it. Pretty good stuff! - Visit Carpal Tunnel Site |
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Newsletter go to http://healitall.com/newsletterarchives.html Health and Wellness Coach, Bernadette Wulf, is a Law of Attraction Coach, Reiki Master, and EFT therapist, with a world-wide practice via phone and Internet. Visit http://magical-lifecoaching.com for more information. For Health & Wellness Coaching contact Bernadette Wulf at wulfartist@yahoo.com 707-824-0675
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