HealItAll Newsletter |
Vol. 1, No. 20 * * * April 2008 |
![]() Greetings! Well! It has been a bit more challenging than usual to get this newsletter together - but then I look out the window and see a butterfly visiting the peach blossoms in my backyard. That's what I mean about roses among the thorns. They are always there if we look for them, no matter how many articles we misplace, or how much we hear about the toxic antics of our government. I tend to be pretty optimistic in general, and I try to stay focused on the positive, but it really irks me when I hear about government plans for massive spraying of whole counties and the like. At times like this, I have to look a little harder for the roses. The Universal Law of Attraction states that what we focus on will be attracted to us, so read the articles, take the action, and then go back to appreciating the wonders of life and nature. That's where the roses come in. Take a deep breath and remember, this too shall pass. To Your Health! Bernadette Wulf Visit My Website HealItAll.com |
![]() Fluoride Warning - How Much is Too Much? - Here's a link to a very good video on YouTube about the dangers of fluoride added to your water and toothpaste. (Have you ever read the label on a tube of fluoridated toothpaste? Scary!) http://www.fluoridealert.org/ Unfortunately, the only way to get fluoride OUT of water is with the reverse osmosis water filter. If your city adds fluoride to your water, and you don't have reverse osmosis, the best thing you can do is buy bottled spring water (be sure to check the source to make sure it really is spring water), and filter it through a simple water filter pitcher to get the plastic chemicals out. (Pur is supposed to be the best, but Britta is also a good choice.) Then store the water in glass. The only problem with that solution is that you end up having to throw away the plastic filter core every three months, along with all the plastic spring-water bottles. Life in the modern world sure is getting complicated! Wouldn't it be a lot better if they would just stop putting fluoride in the water in the first place? Click the link below and sign the pettition to make your opinion count. Sign the petition to stop water fluoridation! |
![]() What the Heck Are They Thinking? - Here's an interesting article from the healthfreedomusa.org website: "The California Department of Agriculture appears to have lost its sanity. Spraying an untested pesticide (a 'plasticized pheromone'), which has never been tested for safety on people, every 30 days over the San Francisco Bay area against a pest which has never infested the crops of the area or caused any crop damage, while acknowledging that the substance could cause serious [fatal?] harm to people seems to make sense to them." Maybe it's possible that this spray is harmless, but how do they know what it's going to do to bees, butterflies, other moths, frogs, babies, pets, you, or me? It's bad enough that we have to go across town to the natural food store to buy produce that hasn't been sprayed, but now they want to deliver the spray right to our living rooms. I know one thing. This isn't the way nature works, so it can't be good for anyone (except the producer of the spray and the people getting paid to spray it)! Isn't it about time we make our voices heard and let them know that we've had enough! I urge you to call your state assembly person and senator and ask them to put a stop to this insanity. Read the Entire Article Sign Petition to Stop the Spray For More Information http://www.stopthespray.org/ |
![]() Safest Plastic Containers - While we are on the subject of plastic water bottles, here's a handy list of which plastics to look for when buying food items. Excerpt from The Green Guide: "Before you know which type of plastic container to buy the next time you hit the store, you first need to know how to tell them apart. Plastics are typically classified by a number from #1 to #7, each number representing a different type of resin. That number is usually imprinted on the bottom of your container; flip it upside down, and you'll see a recycling triangle with the number in the middle. "Here's a quick breakdown of plastic resin types: #1 polyethylene terephthalate (PET or PETE) - Product examples: Disposable soft drink and water bottles, cough-syrup bottles #2 high density polyethylene (HDPE)/ - Product examples: Milk jugs, toys, liquid detergent bottles, shampoo bottles #3 polyvinyl chloride (V or PVC) - Product examples: Meat wrap, cooking oil bottles, plumbing pipes #4 low density polyethylene (LDPE) - Product examples: Cling wrap, grocery bags, sandwich bags #5 polypropylene (PP) - Product examples: Syrup bottles, yogurt cups/tubs, diapers #6 polystyrene (PS) - Product examples: Disposable coffee cups, clam-shell take-out containers #7 other (misc.; usually polycarbonate, or PC, but also polylactide, or PLA, plastics made from renewable resources) - Product examples: Baby bottles, some reusable water bottles, stain-resistant food-storage containers, medical storage containers "Now that you know what each of the numbers represents, here are the kinds you should look for at the store: "Safer Plastics: #2HDPE, #4LDPE and #5PP "These three types of plastic are the healthiest. They transmit no known chemicals into your food and they're generally recyclable; #2 is very commonly accepted by municipal recycling programs, but you may have a more difficult time finding someone to recycle your #4 and #5 containers." Read the Entire Article |
![]() Now for the Roses! - Isn't that beautiful? I always keep rosewater spray around the house to clear stale air and uplift my spirits. It is amazing how well it works. Wild Rose flower essence is one of the original flower remedies created by Dr. Bach. Wild rose brings vitality to a person who lacks motivation and who looks at life as a hopeless venture. This is a remedy that will help get you on the right track when you are puzzled about what to do next. It is also useful in cases of trauma or abuse. In Dr. Bach's words, wild rose if for "those who without apparently sufficient reason become resigned to all that happens, and just glide through life, take it as it is, without any effort to improve things and find some joy. They have surrendered to the struggle of life without complaint." - Dr. Edward Bach More information about flower remedies |
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HealItAll.com Newsletter go to http://healitall.com/newsletterarchives.html
Law of Attraction Coach Bernadette Wulf is a Health and Wellness Coach, Reiki Master, and EFT therapist, with a world-wide practice via phone and Internet. Visit http://magical-lifecoaching.com for more information. For Health & Wellness Coaching contact Bernadette Wulf at wulfartist@yahoo.com 707-824-0675 |
Bernadette Wulf - Heal It All.com • P.O. Box 9546 • Santa Rosa • CA • 95405 |