Life Balance, Radiation & the Power of Turmeric
In This Issue:
- How is Your Life Balance?
- Risky Radiation from Medical Procedures
- The Amazing Power of Turmeric
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Message from Bernadette Wulf
Happy Springtime! In the Celtic calendar, Spring started at Imbolc or Brigid’s day (Feb. 1st or 2nd, depending on who you ask).
It may not look like Spring where you live, but here in Sonoma County, CA the sap is on the rise, pussy willows are popping, acacias and flowering quince are blooming, daffodil buds are swelling and all the signs of Springtime are emerging right on schedule.
I always breathe a sigh of relief at this point in the year. We’ve made it through December and January and the world of Nature is waking up, with the promise of longer days and warmer weather. Ahhhh…!
Dr. Greger – How Not to Age
I got to see Dr. Greger in person the other day. Unfortunately, there was a problem with the microphones and he wasn’t able to finish his talk, but it was fun to see him anyway.
I just finished reading his new book, How Not to Age, and learned a lot. I highly recommend reading it if you don’t mind sorting through a lot of info. about scientific studies. He does have a way of making it entertaining and I guarantee you will learn something useful… probably a lot of things.
This Month
Check out the life-balance wheel below to see where you might need to shift a few things in your life to make it the best it can be.
We also have articles about the risks of medical radiation procedures (best to avoid or keep them to a minimum if at all possible) and the amazing benefits of turmeric.
Have questions or comments? —>>> Email Bernadette <<<— Please use this link and do not hit reply to this post or I may never get your message.
To your health and happiness!
Bernadette Wulf – – Eat Plants for Life
How is Your Life Balance?
This month I’ve been thinking a lot about balance. I realized at the end of last year that my life was getting pretty lopsided. Far too much work and computer time and nowhere near enough play, exercise, and in-person social time.
I remembered Abraham (Hicks) saying something like: Spend 80% of your time visualizing/enjoying and 20% of your time working toward whatever you want to accomplish. It’s not the exact quote, but you get the idea. I was pretty much doing the opposite and it was getting me nowhere (except sick for an entire month and way out of balance in general).
So I’ve made some big changes: more exercise, Tai Chi class, volunteering to lead tours at the local butterfly sanctuary, taking time to read real books, and even pulling out my guitar and singing a few songs.
It feels SO much better — and hey, I’m still surviving just fine!
Take a look at the wheel and rate your satisfaction with each area. What do you need more of, or less of to create balance and harmony in your life?
Risky Radiation from Medical Procedures
Sometimes CT scans, mammograms or X-rays may save lives, so let’s not toss them in the trash bin. BUT there is a good deal of evidence that being exposed to radiation from medical diagnostics or treatments can lead to increased risk of cancer.
Here’s what NaturalHealth365 has to say:
Repeated X-rays are widely acknowledged to subject the human body to potentially harmful radiation levels. However, a lesser-known fact is that CT scans (computed tomography) also pose a hidden risk of radiation exposure.
CT scans can expose individuals to radiation doses that are as much as 200 times greater than those from a typical chest X-ray.
Be your own health advocate when dealing with medical professionals. Scans and X-rays make their jobs easier, but they may not be necessary. Here are some important questions to ask, from the same article:
- Does this test involve radiation?
- Is this test absolutely necessary?
- Do the benefits of the procedure outweigh the risks?
- Are there non-ionizing alternatives, such as ultrasound?
Read more about dangers of radiation from medical diagnostics —
The Amazing Power of Turmeric
Do you love Indian curries or Golden Milk? If so, you are in luck, because they are both based on turmeric, which may be one of the most beneficial foods on the planet.
Here’s what has to say about turmeric:
A mainstay of Ayurveda, the Indian healing tradition, as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine, turmeric is now being extensively studied by modern science for its potential health benefits.
In fact, it’s thought that turmeric may be one of the most potent anti-inflammatory compounds ever examined. And preliminary evidence suggests it may reduce the risk of just about every major chronic condition.
Medical Medium says adding black pepper is not helpful, however it is generally believed that adding even a very small pinch of black pepper will improve bio-availability of curcumin, the main beneficial element in turmeric.
One study found that people who ate piperine [black pepper] along with curcumin absorbed 20 times more of the curcumin than people who didn’t receive black pepper.
Dr. Greger recommends eating a quarter teaspoon of dried turmeric with a pinch of black pepper.every day.
It also helps to eat it with a little fatty food like avocado, nuts or seeds to help bio-availability.
Read the entire article to learn more fascinating facts about the benefits of turmeric —

New Earth Ambassador — Sharing Health, Wealth & Faery Magic to Uplift Your Life and the World!
What I love best is holding space for people to tap into the New Earth reality — a reality of harmony, cooperation and prosperity for all. I call it the New Camelot! I spend most of my time creating courses, workshops, blogs and art to support citizens of the New Camelot in their ongoing quest for health, abundant wealth and the magic of the Otherworlds.
I am passionate about protecting Nature, a healthy whole-plant-foods diet, artistic creativity, graphic design, connecting seekers with the faery realm, Celtic and Arthurian lore, my family, writing and gardening.
All my services are all listed at (my portal site)