Fake Fragrance, Astaxanthin, FDA, Glyphosate & mRNA
In This Issue:
- Fragrance – A Nice Word for Nasty Toxins!
- Astaxanthin to the Rescue!
- FDA Approval Is No Guarantee of Safety
- Important Video on Glyphosate and mRNA
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Message from Bernadette Wulf
I hope this newsletter finds you feeling fit as a fiddle as we enter into the crisp days of Autumn here in the Northern Hemisphere, or Spring if you are “down under.”
All is well in my little corner of the world, but there is a strange tension in the air – as if all hell is about to break loose. I sure hope not, but it might be a really good time to stock up on important staples and hunker down in a safe place for a few months (at least).
Remember the TP shortage last year? It made for a lot of funny memes on Facebook, but it probably wasn’t much fun for those who didn’t have the foresight to keep an emergency supply on hand. Imagine what life would be like if there were shortages of more important things like food, or emergency supplies.
I don’t have a crystal ball… well, actually I do, but I’m not much good at scrying… so I can’t say for sure what’s coming our way. However, I keep my ear to the ground and there are definite rumblings. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were much more serious shortages this winter – but like I said, I sure hope not.
I will also not be at all surprised if we end up back in a widespread lockdown situation again – and NO it would NOT be because some people refused to get the recommended “treatment,” which is what the media is trying to push now. (Does this remind you at all of Germany when the Nazis were getting started? The blame game, the media stirring up suspicion of neighbors, separating people according to some politicized definition of “rightness” or “goodness,” mandating who is allowed to go where…? If you don’t find this disturbing, maybe you need to pay closer attention to how we are being manipulated by the media.)
Meanwhile, here’s some fabulous news for those of us who have adopted the whole plant foods diet I have been recommending for years.
In a recent study of health care workers in 6 countries, those who ate a plant-based diet had a 73% lower chance of contracting a moderate to severe case of “the modern plague” (C—-19). That’s better than any of the shots – and it won’t “wear off” over time.
AND the study didn’t even address the issue of fats. My educated guess is that those plant-based eaters who consumed the least amount of fat would have even better odds, because fats minimize oxygen levels that are so important for immunity. Cool, right!
This month we’ll take a look at how toxic (and pervasive) artificial fragrances are, the benefits of astaxanthin, a big question about what FDA approval really means, and a really excellent video interview with one of the world’s top experts on Glyphosate and mRNA medical treatments – don’t miss it!
Have questions or comments? —>>> Email Bernadette <—<<< Please use this link and do not hit reply to this post, because I may never get your message that way.
To your health and happiness!
Bernadette Wulf
HealItAll.com & Plant Based for Life
“Fragrance” – A Nice Word for Nasty Toxins!
Much as we may love the healthy fragrance of a rose or jasmine, gardenias or violets, or even baking bread, there is another type of fragrance that bombards us with toxins whenever we walk down a grocery store cleaning supplies isle, pull a load of clothes out of the dryer, or pass by the “beauty” counter at our local department store.
These artificial scents have been created in a lab and they are full of toxins.
What? Why doesn’t the FDA ban their use?
Coincidentally, I just happened to find a couple of other articles this month about the failure of the FDA to ban toxic products – even though several countries in Europe may have already done so. The only answer I can come up with is “follow the money!”
From theartofantiaging.com:
The truth of the matter is that cosmetics, personal care products, and even home goods are all highly unregulated industries. The U.S. FDA has placed few restrictions on chemicals that are considered harmful and banned in other countries.
In fact, cosmetic ingredients are not required to be free of harmful effects before going on the market. Chemicals that have been used for long periods of time have to be proven to cause a high level of harm (rather than proven safe) before restrictions are even considered.
Even then, compliance is often voluntary for companies, or it takes years for the government to phase out chemicals.
That means we cannot depend on government agencies to protect our health. Sadly, their main interest seems to be protecting the health of major corporate polluters. So we have to be our own detectives and health advocates.
The good news is that we do have a few excellent consumer watchdog groups that are looking out for our welfare, like the Environmental Working Group. Visit their website to find out which products you can trust and avoid anything that says “fragrance” or “perfume” on the label.
Your liver certainly doesn’t need those toxins added to its already huge job of filtering environmental and food borne toxins out of your bloodstream.
Instead, look for “unscented” or pure essential oils in your cosmetics and cleaning supplies. And of course you can always add your own natural essential oils if you prefer a safe fragrance.
Watch out for scented candles, air fresheners (an oxymoron if I ever heard one), laundry supplies, cosmetics, soaps, hair care supplies, house cleaning products, carpet cleaners, dry cleaners and anything else that smells of anything aside from natural essential oils.
This article about toxic fragrances happens to be an ad for an excellent product (at the end), but it is full of great information – https://theartofantiaging.com/toxic-fragrance-why-avoid-this-common-ingredien
Astaxanthin to the Rescue!
We’ve all heard about the benefits of antioxidants, but there is one that seems to stand out above the others. Astaxanthin is said to be 6,000 times more potent than vitamin C!
The list of benefits below does not even include astaxanthin’s well documented benefits for eye health.
Here’s what theartofantiaging.com has to say about astaxanthin:
Pluvialis algae have the highest amount of astaxanthin available. In fact, 3 percent of their total mass is purely astaxanthin. This is the only source that has been approved by the FDA as a safe source of dietary astaxanthin. [benefits listed as:]
1. Fights Osteoarthritis
2. Combats UV-Induced Skin Aging
3. May Help Retain Cognitive Function in Early-Stage Dementia & Alzheimer’s
4. Combats Mental Fatigue
5. Reverses the Appearance of Wrinkles & Crow’s Feet
6. Helps Manage Diabetes
7. Combats Menopause Symptoms
8. May Reduce Risk of Heart Disease
9. May Activate the Longevity Gene FOXO3
Pretty impressive!
As always, the best way to get your nutrients is from fresh whole foods, in this case orange and red fruits and vegetables as well as dark leafy greens, but if you have a particular health issue to heal, a good quality astaxanthin supplement might be just what you need.
Read more about Astaxanthin – https://theartofantiaging.com/astaxanthin-9-little-known-health-and-anti-aging-benefits
Here’s another more comprehensive article on Astaxanthin – https://healthcareweekly.com/astaxanthin/
FDA Approval No Guarantee of Safety
When it comes to trusting anything recently approved by the FDA, consider this – nearly one third of FDA approved drugs were later recalled due to safety concerns:
Drugs used to treat mental illness and drugs that went through an accelerated approval process had a higher number of [adverse] “events,” the study found.
Here is just one of many examples of a substance long approved by the FDA that is now found to be toxic to human health. According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG):
It stands to reason that if Titanium Dioxide is not safe now, it never was! However, the US FDA has approved its use as an ingredient in multitudes of processed foods, including Swedish Fish, Jell-O, Little Debbie, Tasty Cakes and Sour Patch Kids.
Unfortunately, that sort of thing is not at all unusual. Does “accelerated approval process” sound familiar to you? It should.
I’m sure we have all heard about the recent accelerated FDA approval of the “new medical treatment” (as Anthony William calls it). Not only has it never been subjected to long-term testing, but it also has the highest reported incidence of adverse reactions of any inoculation in history (over half a million reports so far), including over 6,000 deaths!
And yet I heard people on the radio laughing about the death reports, as if anyone who questions the dominant media message is a raving conspiracy theorist. They probably haven’t seen the photos of blood cells drawn from people who’ve had “the treatment” compared to those who haven’t – but I have and they are nothing to laugh about!
I’m not going to recommend whether you say yes or no to the mounting media pressure to undergo these treatments. That is a very personal choice, but I will encourage you to do a lot of research.
Dig deep – way past the dominant media coverage. Senator Robert Kennedy’s Children’s Health Defense is well vetted and an excellent place to start.
Also, be aware that there could be serious side effects months or even years into the future. We have no way of knowing yet, since there have been no long-term studies. I certainly hope not – but several of my trusted sources are indicating that we can expect to see many dangerous side effects emerging over the next few years.
If you are open to Medical Medium advice, drink thyme tea and thyme water to counteract the effects as much as possible. Can’t hurt!
Read more about titanium dioxide – https://www.ewg.org/news-insights/news-release/study-additive-found-skittles-and-starburst-no-longer-considered-safe
Important Video on Glyphosate and mRNA Technology
The first half of this video outlines the latest scientific findings on glyphosate (AKA RoundUp) and what it does to our bodies and the environment – and it’s not pretty!
The second half has to do with concerns about the widespread use of recent mRNA medical treatments, which is quite a controversial subject right now. These treatments are even being mandated in some places, but there are some excellent reasons you may want to steer clear. All I can say is get informed before you decide.
By the way, I question Dr. Seneff’s recommendations to ingest things like apple cider vinegar which is damaging to the liver, bone broth (full of toxic heavy metals), or collagen (also contaminated) – and she also seems to be a victim of “carb fear.” Carbs do not “cause” yeast overgrowth… but that’s too big a subject to go into now. I’ll just say, it is wise to eat as many whole food carbs as you like, cut way back on fats, and moderate your proteins.
But I support her recommendations about taking glycine, herbs, alliums and cruciferous veggies to help you detox from glyphosate.
Bottom line – avoid GMOs and eat organic foods, especially grains, beans, lentils, beer and wine if you want to minimize the amount of glyphosate in your diet – and why wouldn’t you?
Here’s the video – long but well worth listening! –https://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/dr-stephanie-seneff-on-the-toxic-legacy-of-glyphosate-and-concerns-with-mrna-technology
Dr. Stephanie Seneff on the Toxic Legacy of glyphosate and concerns with mRNA technology
New Earth Ambassador — Sharing Health, Wealth & Faery Magic to Uplift Your Life and the World!
What I love best is holding space for people to tap into the New Earth reality — a reality of harmony, cooperation and prosperity for all. I call it the New Camelot!
I still recall the thrill of discovering how to break through the confusion and angst of struggling in the old 3D Matrix. That’s when I realized I had found something far more valuable than money or worldly “success.”
So now I spend my time creating courses, blogs and tools to support citizens of the New Camelot in their ongoing quest for vital health, abundant wealth and the magic of the Otherworlds.
I am also passionate about protecting Nature, educating people about a healthy whole-plant-foods diet, artistic creativity, graphic design, connecting seekers with the faery realm, Celtic and Arthurian lore, my family, writing, painting and gardening.
All my services are all listed at WulfWorks.com (my portal site)