EFT, Regenerate CoQ10, Magnesium Deficiency, DIY Eye Cream, Coconut Aminos
In This Issue:
- EFT & How It Works
- Regenerate CoQ10 Naturally
- Are You Magnesium Deficient?
- DIY Cream for Your Eyes
- Have You Tried Coconut Aminos?
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Message from Bernadette Wulf
Summertime and the Livin’ is Easy
I love summertime. Plums are ripening right outside my back door. My garden is thriving. Flowers are blooming. Every day is a little reminder of the paradise our world really is, if only we stop and notice. Welcome July!
Woo hoo! I just finished my 28 day raw fruit and vegetable cleanse, from the Medical Medium book, and I feel great. In fact, I had almost forgotten how good it feels to feel this good. Not that I was particularly sick or anything, but toxins tend to build up in our bodies over the years and it had been several years since I did any sort of cleanse. Now that I’ve cleared out a lot of toxins, I realize that most of the issues I associated with getting older were probably heavy metals, viruses, and other gunk floating around in my system.
I included, almost daily, the 16 oz. glass of celery juice first thing in the morning and the heavy metal cleanse ingredients you may remember from a previous newsletter – cilantro, Hawaiian spirulina, Atlantic dulse, barley grass juice powder, and wild Main blueberries. There were a few days when I definitely felt detox symptoms, slight nausea and light-headed brain fog, but it passed quickly when I drank more water and ate a little more avocado to slow things down a bit. Just sharing the details in case you are thinking about giving it a try. All in all, an excellent experience… and I think I will continue to eat a lot more salads and fruit than I had been before. It feels really good.
This month we have a great video explaining why EFT works, new science showing how we can regenerate our reserves of CoQ10, how to spot and improve magnesium deficiency, recipes for DIY eye creams, and some great information about Coconut Aminos (have you heard of them?), the latest healthy alternative to soy sauce.
To your health and happiness!
Bernadette Wulf
EFT & How It Works
EFT looks funny. There you are tapping on your face and body like you have some sort of nervous tick. You may be wondering all the while if this stuff really works. I mean, how could it? But then you notice how much better you feel and you think, “What the heck. Maybe there IS something to this.” That’s was my first experience with it, anyway.
If you explore my HealItAll.com website, you will see that I have been an EFT practitioner for over 20 years. Obviously, I got over my initial skepticism, and I’m glad I did. EFT has become an invaluable tool in my personal life for relieving everything from stage fright to warts. My clients have also experienced relief for a wide range of issues.
It may not cure everything, but it comes pretty close – AND it has no negative side effects. Here’s a great video explaining how amazing this technique is. If you’ve been wondering what “tapping” or EFT is all about and why it works, this is a great place to start. Then visit my EFT Instructions page where you can learn the basics and try it right away. Of course, there is a lot more to it than I could put on a web page, but you might be surprised at how well it works just by following the simple instructions.
Regenerate CoQ10 Naturally
Wow! This is amazing. We can boost our CoQ10 by eating greens and spending time in the sun, both of which we should be doing anyway if we want to be as healthy as possible.
From FoodRevolution.org blog:
After eating greens, we have chlorophyll in our bloodstream, and this chlorophyll may react with sunlight that penetrates through our skin. When this happens, it seems our body is able to create Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) naturally.
What is Coenzyme Q10? It’s an antioxidant and a powerful anti-inflammatory that is made in the human body. It’s particularly beneficial for heart health, and it’s also an important chemical if you want to avoid diseases like diabetes.
Watch the video from Dr. Greger for a full explanation of this fascinating finding:
Are You Magnesium Deficient?
Most people in America are deficient in Magnesium, because of our modern refined diets and lack of whole foods. Normally, you can get plenty of magnesium from food if you include lots of greens, seaweeds, and beans, along with a few nuts, but if you are deficient you may need to supplement. Magnesium Glycinate is the one Anthony William, the Medical Medium, recommends, and he gives the best dietary advice of anyone I’ve found.
Here are some of the symptoms of magnesium deficiency, from realfarmacy.com:
Muscle cramps or twitches, Insomnia, Irritability, Sensitivity to loud noises, Anxiety, Autism, ADD, Palpitations, Angina, Constipation, Anal spasms, Headaches, Migraines, Fibromyalgia, Chronic fatigue, Asthma, Kidney stones, Diabetes, Obesity, Osteoporosis, High blood pressure, PMS, Menstrual cramps, Irritable bladder, Irritable bowel syndrome, Reflux, Trouble swallowing
- The RDA (the minimum amount needed) for magnesium is about 300 mg a day. Most of us get far less than 200 mg.
- Some may need much more depending on their condition.
- Most people benefit from 400 to 1,000 mg a day.
- The most absorbable forms are magnesium citrate, glycinate, taurate, or aspartate, although magnesium bound to Kreb cycle chelates (malate, succinate, fumarate) are also good.
- Avoid magnesium carbonate, sulfate, gluconate, and oxide. They are poorly absorbed (and the cheapest and most common forms found in supplements).
- Side effects from too much magnesium include diarrhea, which can be avoided if you switch to magnesium glycinate.
Note: You may see warnings against eating seaweed since the Fukushima melt down, but according to Anthony William, the Medical Medium, seaweed only absorbs radiation from your body. It doesn’t release it. However, it may be a good idea to source your seaweed from the Atlantic Ocean these days. Atlantic Dulse is even included in the Medical Medium heavy metal detox protocol and it tastes great in salads or soups if you cut it up into small pieces with a pair of scissors.
DIY Cream for Eyes
I love Do It Yourself recipes for just about anything. There is something empowering about making things from scratch, and it’s fun. I remember how my Grammy used to make soap and root beer in her basement in San Francisco – like a pioneer woman in the heart of the city. Ever since then I’ve been fascinated with finding out how things are made, even if I usually purchase the commercial versions most of the time. Seems like my kids have inherited the same fascination. How about you?
I haven’t tried these eye creams yet, but they look great:
When you make it yourself, you know what goes into it, and that’s particularly important when it comes to body care products. There is no law requiring that all ingredients be disclosed, and some pretty toxic ingredients are allowed to be included, so unless you are buying from a trusted organic company, the DIY versions are much safer. Plus they can save you a lot of money, because body care products are marked up a lot more than the foods they are made from. Yes, I said foods, because it’s not a good idea to put anything on your skin that you wouldn’t want to eat.
Have You Tried Coconut Aminos?
Since I discovered The Medical Medium (thanks to my brother Frank), I’ve been avoiding soy as he recommends (and BTW, I feel great since I started following his protocols), but I LOVE the taste of soy sauce/tamari and miso. Fortunately, there are a couple of alternatives that are close enough to satisfy my taste buds. The first is chick pea miso, which is more of a paste than a sauce, but you can dilute it with water or a tart juice like lemon or lime to make delicious sauces and dressings. I like to blend chick pea miso with sesame tahini for a “cheezy” sauce without the cheese.
The other good alternative is Coconut Aminos. It is a bit sweeter and not quite as rich in flavor as soy sauce, but it does have that umami flavor that is hard to find in the vegan or vegetarian diet, aside from mushrooms, cultured nut cheese, and yeast (and the Medical Medium doesn’t recommend yeast either).
Read on to discover the wonderful benefits of Coconut Aminos listed by Dr. Axe:
1. Protect Your Heart and Regulate Cholesterol
2. Reduce Risk of Diabetes
3. Aid in Weight Loss
4. Strengthen the Immune System
5. Reduce Risk of Colon Cancer
6. Promote Mental Health
7. Naturally Treat Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Not bad for a tasty condiment!
New Earth Ambassador — Sharing Health, Wealth & Faery Magic to Uplift Your Life and the World!
What I love best is holding space for people to tap into the New Earth reality — a reality of harmony, cooperation and prosperity for all. I call it the New Camelot!
I still recall the thrill of discovering how to break through the confusion and angst of struggling in the old 3D Matrix. That’s when I realized I had found something far more valuable than money or worldly “success.”
So now I spend my time creating courses, blogs and tools to support citizens of the New Camelot in their ongoing quest for vital health, abundant wealth and the magic of the Otherworlds.
I am also passionate about protecting Nature, educating people about a healthy whole-plant-foods diet, artistic creativity, graphic design, connecting seekers with the faery realm, Celtic and Arthurian lore, my family, writing, painting and gardening.
All my services are all listed at WulfWorks.com (my portal site)