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Most Important Health Article You’ll Ever Read!

WulfWorks Wellness News

Catching Cancer Before it’s Too Late

Dr Leigh Erin Connealy is a pioneer in cancer treatment with a very high success rate based on early detection. She uses blood tests to discover cancers long before they become established. Here’s a short excerpt of her interview (video link below):

Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy: …So first and foremost a doctor just like myself can order some blood tests. One is the CRP. The C-Reactive Protein. So when I have a patient that has high C-Reactive Protein, I say “Okay, let’s take some fish oils [be very wary of fish oils – look for plant-based omega 3 & DHA to avoid heavy metal contamination – ed.] and see if we can get it down.” But you’ve got to change your diet because lots of unfavorable diets cause inflammation.

Ty Bollinger: Okay, so CRP measures inflammation.

Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy: Inflammation. So then I’ll tell them and I’ll go, “Okay, in two months… I’m going to give you two months, and we will repeat it.” So if it doesn’t go down then I usually go looking for cancer. So I have certain methodologies that I can determine if cancer…

First of all there’s one test called the Cancer Profile. The Cancer Profile has been around for over 20 years and it detects if you have cancer, in early stages. It’s about 93%, 95% accurate and if I want to repeat it three months later to see if it’s accurate again, then I’ll repeat it. If the patient is concerned or the patient wants to know, then I’ll repeat it.

Listen to Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy:

Video – How to Know if You Have Cancer