Lifting Depression, Vaccine Profits, Sugar & Brain Healing, Coconut Water, Healthy Teeth & Gums
In This Issue:
- 5 Natural Ways to Lift Depression
- What’s Really Behind Mandatory Vaccines?
- Can Sugar Block Recovery in Brain Injuries?
- Which Brands of Coconut Water Can You Trust?
- Are You Eating Yourself Sick?
- How Can You Protect Your Teeth and Gums?
Message from Bernadette Wulf
Ah, November! There is a feeling of celebration in the air, and rest after a job well done. Even though most of us no longer farm the land, we collectively feel the benefits of the harvest season. Suddenly the evenings are getting dark. Temperatures are dropping, and I’ve heard reports of snow in the mountains. It feels like time to snuggle down for the winter and give thanks for the bounty of life.
Chilly weather can bring colds and flu, so you might want to stock up on immune boosters and immune-supporting vitamins, like food-based Vitamin A, D, and C. Fight winter depression with Vitamin B complex and natural light. You will find lots more ways to banish depression in the first article.
There’s a great interview about vaccinations next. I don’t mean to beat the subject into the ground, but it is so important to get this information out there. Education has fueled the No-GMO movement, leaving Monsanto shaking in its proverbial boots. Now it’s time to tackle the vaccine industry, which requires a lot more education due to the fact that some vaccines can save lives sometimes! The pharmaceutical industry is not going to help us with this, because they exist to make a profit by selling drugs and vaccines, so we have to dig up the research ourselves in order to make informed decisions. I’ve read about too many cases of vaccine-related injury or death to blindly accept blanket mandatory vaccinations for all children and/or adults, so I hope more and more people are willing to get informed and inform their friends and neighbors.
We will also take a look at the effect of sugar on the brain, a review of commercial coconut water options, an excellent message about food, toxins, and health, and some great tips for keeping your teeth and gums healthy.
To your health and happiness!
Bernadette Wulf
5 Natural Ways to Lift Depression
Depression can be a challenging and dangerous state of mind. Sometimes it even requires medical treatment. For most of us, though, we can uplift our spirits by making simple changes in nutrition and lifestyle.
Have you worked through any psychological issues about family and holidays that can trigger depression in the winter months? If so, and you still feel down, it could be that there is a physical cause.
As the nights grow longer in the Northern hemisphere, the lack of natural light can trigger depression in many people. This is so common, it even has its own name – SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder. The treatment is simply to add full spectrum light, especially in the morning. It is best to get out in actual sunlight as early as possible in the morning. The next best thing is to use a full spectrum lamp in your work space.
Nutrition can also play a big role in how you feel. Make sure you are getting enough B vitamins. A natural B complex supplement and/or nutritional yeast can make a big positive difference in your mood. Brain chemistry is often dependent on nutrition, so clean up your diet before running to the psychiatrist for a prescription that could have dangerous side effects. If you eat animal products, make sure you get them from sources that do not add hormones that can disrupt your psychological balance!
Exercise is another uplifting factor, especially if you can get out in nature. There is a harmonizing and balancing force in the natural world that can lift your spirits and return your bio-rhythms to their ideal state. We have all heard of the “runner’s high,” but you don’t have to commit to running miles a day. Even a few minutes of lively dancing, singing, or laughter can flood your brain with feel-good chemicals.
I find that it is a good idea to make a list of things that lift your spirits. Sometimes just writing the list can make you feel better, but the idea is to keep it around and refer to it when you are having a bout of depression. It is often hard to think of things that make us happy when we are feeling blue, so pull out the list and push yourself to try some of the things on the list. Maybe it won’t snap you out of depression immediately, but it will probably help a little. Then you can try another thing. Sometimes it takes a series of positive actions to gradually shake off depression.
Here are some tips from a wellness.com blog:
- Morning light therapy.
- Vitamin D.
- Omega-3 fatty acids. DHA and EPA
- High-nutrient diet.
- Regular exercise.
Read more about how to lift your spirits here –
What’s Really Behind Mandatory Vaccines?
“…Brandy Vaughn [a former Merck rep. who saw the corruption from the inside, discusses] what’s really behind the push for mandatory vaccinations. The pharmaceutical industry is set to make billions off of mandatory childhood vaccinations, and now both boys and girls will be pressured to take the highly controversial gardasil shot.”
There is a segment of the population that uses ridicule and the ‘Anti-vaxer” label to mock and block this sort of information, rather than having an open mind and being willing to dig into research in this area. That is political manipulation that masks the truth and serves nobody except big corporate drug companies. Just like in the GMO issue, ignorance serves corporate interests, but not YOUR interests.
Get informed!
Can Sugar Block Recovery in Brain Injuries?
We’ve all heard that too much sugar is not good for us, but how much is too much, and what kind of sugar is the worst? According to this study, fructose, including the ubiquitous high-fructose corn syrup, can prevent full recovery after a traumatic brain injury!
From the UCLA Newsroom:
Earlier research has revealed how fructose harms the body through its role in contributing to cancer, diabetes, obesity and fatty liver. Gomez-Pinilla’s study is the latest in a UCLA body of work uncovering the effects of fructose on brain function. His team previously was the first to identify the negative impact fructose has on learning and memory.
“Our take-home message can be boiled down to this: reduce fructose in your diet if you want to protect your brain,” Gomez-Pinilla stressed.
Don’t buy into the agave syrup lie, either. Though touted as a healthy sweetener, it is almost pure fructose! The healthiest sweetener is probably stevia, but it has to be used in great moderation, because of the strong aftertaste, and it doesn’t work well in baked goods. Natural fruits are wonderful in moderation, because their fiber and nutrient content helps to balance their fructose content. They also work well in cakes and cookies.
Read more about how sugar blocks recovery from brain injury –
Which Brands of Coconut Water Can You Trust?
Coconut water is delicious and nutritious, but not all brands are created equal. You will find a list of brands below that may have claimed their drinks to be “100% Coconut Water” or “All Natural Coconut Water.” But, let the buyer beware!
From NaturalHealth365.com:
- C2O – This brand uses high heat pasteurization up to 120 degrees Celsius with the product in their cans. They use both steel and aluminum cans.
- Coco Libre (Organic) – While this brand is labeled organic, it uses coconut water from concentrate. Their processing practice uses flash pasteurization with heat. Natural flavors are also added.
- Cona Zona – This brand’s nutrition label reveals its coconut water is made from concentrate.
- GOYA – This brand spent mega dollars on fighting GMO labeling in California. They use heat pasteurization with added preservatives, including sugar.
- Naked Juice Coconut Water – This Pepsico brand uses water from mature coconuts and then flash pasteurizes using heat. They have faced a class action lawsuit for using synthetic substances and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in their produce while labeling deceptively.
- O.N.E. Coconut Water – This is another Pepsico brand that uses flash pasteurization with heat. Their coconut waters contain natural flavors and sugar. The sugar ingredient isn’t classified as to the type, but it may very well be a GMO type as used in their other brand Naked Juice.
- Purity Organic – While this brand is labeled organic, it doesn’t use the best practices. It uses concentrate and flash pasteurization with heat in processing their coconut water.
- Vita Coco – Touted as being “100% pure,” this brand pasteurizes its coconut water with heat and contains added sweeteners. They also have a Café version which contains carrageenan – which is an emulsifier that may wreak havoc on gut health.
- Zico – This is a Coca-Cola company who is a big GMO supporter. Their coconut waters are made from concentrate, pasteurized with ultra-high heat, and added with natural flavors.
Well, that doesn’t leave too many acceptable brands! Of course the best thing is to get fresh young coconuts and drink right from the source, but that is not always possible or convenient. The next best choice I’ve found is Harmless Harvest Coconut Water. You will find it in the refrigerated section of your natural food store. Exotic Superfoods also has good coconut products in the freezer section.
Read more about coconut water brands –
Are You Eating Yourself Sick?
Irritants vs nutrients – the essential balance you need to prevent or reverse dis-ease.
I suppose this should be obvious, but I had never thought of it quite like this before. The more toxins we have in our systems, the less we have room for the nutrients we need. Makes sense.
If you have any sort of health issue, I highly recommend listening to or reading this interview. Lots of great information. I’m sure you will learn something valuable.
From wellness.com:
Irritants Overcome Nutrients
- The reason more people are reacting to foods and in a state of disease is because our level of irritants is surpassing our level of nutrients.
- The amount of stress, chemicals, pollutions, pesticides, food chemicals is surpassing our ability to process and metabolize them.
- We are now skewing our irritant levels higher and pushing out nutrient levels lower, as we are eating more processed food and foods that are grown in soils that aren’t as nutrient dense.
- Diseases of today such as ADHD, obesity, and autism are adaptations. This is our body trying to adapt to the chemical signals and lack of nutrient foods.
- As a presentation of symptoms, we are getting fatigue, pain and obesity as our bodies can’t process properly.
Read more about how to clear out toxins here – http://www.wellness.com/wholelife
How Can You Protect Your Teeth and Gums?
Fluoride is essentially toxic waste and it doesn’t belong in our drinking water for more reasons than I can list here, but what else can we use to protect our teeth? Turns out it’s not that difficult.
I’ve talked about Xylotol gum before, or mints you can suck if you don’t like chewing gum. Xylotol kills the bacteria that causes tooth decay. Another great way to protect your teeth is to swish green tea or green tea powder in your mouth. Studies show it is at least as effective as the best prescription mouth wash, and it is not only non-toxic, but can even help prevent cancer!
From wakeup-world.com: With all the options out there, there’s absolutely no reason that you have to use fluoride anymore. Myrrh, coconut oil, and neem are just as effective, if not more, and present relatively little side effects. Other things you can do is to drink plenty of water, avoid high-carbohydrate beverages like soda and juice, and brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride-free toothpaste. In addition, be sure you are getting plenty of vitamin D, because this vitamin can be helpful for supporting teeth and gum health.
Remember to avoid brushing your teeth for at least half an hour after eating anything acidic, or you could damage your tooth enamel.
Read more about natural dental health –
New Earth Ambassador — Sharing Health, Wealth & Faery Magic to Uplift Your Life and the World!
What I love best is holding space for people to tap into the New Earth reality — a reality of harmony, cooperation and prosperity for all. I call it the New Camelot! I spend most of my time creating courses, workshops, blogs and art to support citizens of the New Camelot in their ongoing quest for health, abundant wealth and the magic of the Otherworlds.
I am passionate about protecting Nature, a healthy whole-plant-foods diet, artistic creativity, graphic design, connecting seekers with the faery realm, Celtic and Arthurian lore, my family, writing and gardening.
All my services are all listed at WulfWorks.com (my portal site)