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Health & Wellness News + Upcoming Magical Events with Bernadette Wulf

B Vitamins, Alcohol, Knee Healing, Probiotics that Work!

In This Issue: 

  • All About B Vitamins
  • Truth About Alcohol
  • Help for Your Knees!
  • Probiotics That Really Work!

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Imbolc2025Message from Bernadette Wulf


Happy Imbolc! It’s one of my favorite holidays, because it heralds the Spring and signals the end of Winter in the Celtic calendar. Yay!

It is also the feast day of the goddess Brigit (Brigid) who rules over hearth and healing as well as poetry and smith craft. She is the goddess who presides over Spring and Summer. Learn more about Brigit in Faehallows Brigit’s Path course.

This Month

We have an excellent overview of all the B vitamins and how they can improve your health (and mood). Learn the sad truth about alcohol consumption and how it affects your brain. Improve your knee health with diet. And finally, I found a probiotic supplement that actually makes a difference — and it is more affordable than most!

WulfWorks News

By the time you read this, our bonus Imbolc workshop with Brigit will only be available as a recording for members of Faehallows Magical Circle. You can get it and all our recordings when you join. We continue to bring in the magic every New Moon and Full Moon in our live Zoom calls. Join us here: — you’ll even get a free copy of my new Ebook Dancing with the Moon.

Have questions or comments? —>>> Email Bernadette <<<— Please use this link and do not hit reply to this post or I may never get your message.

To your health and happiness!

Bernadette Wulf — — Eat Plants for Life

Tip Jar — Thank You!Fun fact: This newsletter has shared over 200 issues since 2006 with nearly 1,000 health tips! 

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vitamin C fights virusesAll About B Vitamins

If you are eating a whole plant foods diet, you probably get all the vitamins you need, except for vitamin B12 and possibly vitamin D3.

B12 is the only vitamin I recommend for everyone, since even meat eaters are often deficient — and lack of B12 can lead to permanent health problems.

That being said, I’ve found that a little extra vitamin C can be very helpful in supporting the immune system when bugs are going around, supplemental vitamin D is important for people who don’t expose their skin to sunshine enough, and B complex can be very helpful in times of stress, exhaustion or depression.

While you can get plenty of all the B vitamins (aside from B12) from whole grains, beans and other foods listed at the end of this article, mental or physical stress can deplete your B vitamins a lot.

Unless recommended by your health professional, it is always best to take B complex, rather than individual B vitamins, because they all work together in balance. B 12 is the exception and can be taken daily by itself. I like Vimergy and Global Healing center B 12 and Vimergy Adapto B-Complex.


Each of the B vitamins plays an integral role in maintaining your health and making sure your body functions properly. Below are some of the most important benefits of B vitamins; individually and collectively.

According to the article:

B Vitamins Help Regulate Blood Sugar, Support Heart Health, Protect Against Cognitive Decline, Boost Athletic Performance, Can Improve Mood, Support Healthy Pregnancy and Fetal Development, Balance Hormones and Keep Nails, Hair, and Skin Healthy

There’s lots more info. about each of the B vitamins in the article, but I bet you are wondering where to find them in whole plant foods, so I’ll include the list here:

    • Vitamin B1: beans, peas, lentils, and sunflower seeds.
    • Vitamin B2: almonds, tofu, mushrooms, avocado, and spinach.
    • Vitamin B3: brown rice, nuts, seeds, legumes, and bananas.
    • Vitamin B5: mushrooms, avocado, nuts, seeds, potatoes, brown rice, oats, and broccoli.
    • Vitamin B6: chickpeas, dark leafy greens, papayas, bananas, oranges, and cantaloupe.
    • Vitamin B7: sweet potatoes, nuts, seeds, and avocado.
    • Vitamin B9: dark leafy greens, beans, peanuts, sunflower seeds, and oranges.
    • Vitamin B12: fortified nutritional yeast and breakfast cereals, as well as enriched plant-based milks and yogurts.

Read More About B Vitamins —

Truth About Alcohol

Since alcohol is so popular in our culture, and there are quite a few misleading studies promoted by the media, I think it’s important to take a look at what this recent study has shown.

From NaturalHealth365:

Once considered potentially beneficial, particularly in the form of red wine, alcohol is now being reexamined for its harmful effects.  A new study published in eClinicalMedicine is shifting the conversation, revealing that alcohol is detrimental to brain health – even in small amounts or on special occasions.

This new research challenges long-standing beliefs and sparks a much-needed dialogue about the true impact of alcohol on the mind and body.

Curious? Read more about how alcohol can damage your brain and more —

knee healingHelp for Your Knees!

I’ve had knee issues ever since I took college dance classes. It seems to run in my family on my dad’s side, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing that will help.

I was reading an article recently about how joint problems in women are often caused by hormone imbalances. And this article shows a connection with high cholesterol.


Osteoarthritis sufferers not only have higher cholesterol levels in the blood, but they also have them within their joints, as you can see below and at 1:52 in my video The Best Knee Replacement Alternative for Osteoarthritis Treatment, in aspirated joint fluid and also found in the cartilage itself.

When cholesterol is dripped onto human cartilage in a petri dish, the inflammatory degeneration worsens, which helps explain why the higher our cholesterol, the worse our disease, as shown below and at 2:05. 

Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs may help prevent and also treat osteoarthritis, as can a cholesterol-lowering diet. In fact, a healthy enough plant-based diet may offer the best of both worlds, dropping cholesterol as much as a starting dose of a statin drug—within a single week—and having only good side effects, such as lowering blood pressure and facilitating weight loss. 

If cholesterol is affecting your knees, you’re in luck. Relief is in your hands. If, like me, you have other factors at work, like maybe hormones. Keep looking. There’s a solution for every problem out there. I hope you find it!

Read more about keeping knees healthy —

Probiotics That Really Work!

Speaking of hormones, did you know that gut microbes have a big influence on your hormone balance as well as your digestion?

I rarely recommend products, but I recently learned about a company that makes an excellent and very affordable line of probiotics.

It all started when I had to take an antibiotic for a tooth infection and it really messed up my digestion — for months!

I tried a few other probiotics, including the one recommended by the Medical Medium, without seeing any improvement. Then I heard good things about Nouri probiotics and gave their digestive formula a try.

Wow! What a difference. After taking it for a month, my digestion was pretty much back to normal.

It is possible that my microbiome would have eventually recovered after many more months of eating high-fiber foods, but some microbes never return once they are wiped out.

The only way to restore them that I’ve heard about is fecal transplants or probiotic supplements — and even then, you’ll never have the variety of “good bugs” that someone in a so-called primitive environment would have.

So, if you have any sort of digestive issues or hormonal imbalances, you might want to give Nouri probiotics a try.

Nouri even has a weight loss formula that might be helpful for anyone who wants to drop a few pounds. Let me know how it works if you try it.

Here’s where you can learn more about Nouri probiotic formulas —