HealItAll Holistic Health and Wellness

October 26, 2009

Top Three Tools for Holistic Healing

Start Improving Your Well-being Today!

We all need tools that really work to wipe out negative habits, clear limiting beliefs, determine the nutrition our body needs, cleanse toxins from our system, and relieve the traumatic memories that keep us stuck in lack, limitation, or illness. I’ve spent a lifetime searching for the most effective tools available and these really work.

My Favorite Holistic Healing Helpers:

* Energy Meridian Tapping EFT can usually clear mental, emotional, and physical problems quickly and almost effortlessly – like issues related to weight, money problems, creativity blocks, fears and phobias, anxiety, limiting beliefs, disease symptoms, illness, abuse, trauma, pain, or any other limiting factor.

Over 90% success rate!

* Health & Nutrition Coaching with Law of Attraction and the Art of Allowing uses the power of your thoughts and feelings, plus optimal nutrition, to create vibrant health. It really works, but it takes time. That’s why I offer long-term coaching to help you stay on track and form new, positive habits.

* Organic Plant-based Whole-Foods Diet provides sound basis for physical health and prevention of degenerative disease – and coincidentally, safeguards natural ecosystems, feeds more people, and reduces greenhouse gases!

For more information visit HealItAll.com

You Really Can Heal It All

December 12, 2008

Best Holistic Health Info. FREE!

This may be hard to believe, but you can download an amazingly informative book on health and nutrition absolutely free by following this link –

“Lessons from the Miracle Doctors” Free Download!

This is one of the best health books I’ve ever read, and as I’ve said before, I’ve read LOTS of them.  You will find tons of excellent advice, and probably a few things you haven’t read anywhere else. This is a real find!

I highly recommend that, if you care about your health (and you probably wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t), you download your free copy now. No strings attached!

It’s in PDF format, so you will need to download Adobe Reader if you don’t already have it. You can get it free from –


December 9, 2008

Best Source of Protein – You May Be Surprised!

One of the very best books I’ve ever read on nutrition (and believe me, I’ve read lots of them), is The ProVita Plan, by Dr. Jack Tipps, particularly with respect to protein metabolism. Whether you are vegetarian, vegan, or meat eater, you will find the information vital to your understanding of health and nutrition.

Probably the most useful tip I learned from the appropriately named Dr. Tipps, is the fact that soaked seeds are one of the best possible sources of concentrated protein for the human body. Easily digested, rich in amino acids, free of hormones, antibiotics, and other contaminants, they are delicious with a sprinkle of Celtic Sea Salt or kelp granules. You can of course also add them to your morning smoothie, breakfast cereal, or other recipes if you don’t want to eat them alone.

Dr. Tipps says the best time to eat concentrated protein is in the morning – or at least before 2pm. That’s when the liver handles it best. So I just soak about 1/4 cup of mixed seeds in the evening, and then rinse them in a strainer each morning, for a super start to my day. I generally include sesame, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds with an occasional few nuts thrown in, i. e. brazil nuts, walnuts, almonds, pine nuts, filberts, etc. You can also use flax and chia seeds, both of which are highly nutritious, but rather gooey when soaked – not my favorite texture! I prefer to use them in recipes where the gooey texture helps to stick things together.

The soaking is important for all seeds, including nuts, beans, and grains, because seeds have protective toxins in them that are removed by soaking. Plus, soaking starts the sprouting process that magically multiplies vitamins. So always throw away the soak water and rinse your seeds with clean water before eating them.

It is really simple if you keep a jar of mixed seeds in the refrigerator. All you have to do is scoop out a small amount each evening and let it soak overnight. In the morning you’ll have the ideal quick breakfast already waiting for you! And what’s more, it’s an environmentally responsible and animal friendly breakfast!

The ProVita Plan is available at http://astore.amazon.com/heaitallcom-20/detail/0929167058

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