HealItAll Holistic Health and Wellness

January 19, 2012

What About Emotions?

EFT Tapping Points Can Emotions Make You Sick?

Scientists have found that over 90% of all physical illness begins in the subconscious mind. Your mind can even change your DNA and genetic blueprint, according to Dr. Bruce Lipton! Your habitual thoughts and beliefs are constantly sending messages to every cell in your body. If those habitual thoughts are filled with negativity and emotional distress, your cell function will be impaired and your DNA will coil up like a tight spring. Eventually this will create disease in your body.

EFT – Tapping

If I could show you an easy way to relieve emotional distress in less than an hour, would you try it?

You’ve probably heard of Acupuncture and Acupressure, both of which are used to relieve pain and heal physical and emotional illness. EFT (emotional freedom techniques) or Tapping works like Acupuncture without the needles! EFT is also called Meridian Tapping or Energy Psychology. It is a quick and effective way to relieve stress, anxiety, limiting beliefs, trauma, fears, phobias, food cravings, disturbing memories, and even physical pain and disease.

Can EFT – Tapping even heal physical illness?

Your habitual thoughts, beliefs, and feelings have been shown to affect the energy system of your body and even your DNA, which in turn shapes your health and wellness. EFT – Tapping can permanently clear your energy system of negative emotions related to specific thoughts or memories. When the negative energy is cleared or the habitual beliefs are changed, physical symptoms often disappear.

Sometimes results can be noticed within minutes, but other times it takes many rounds of tapping over several days, or even weeks, to see obvious results. No matter how long it takes, EFT – Tapping has been shown to relieve symptoms over 90% of the time! That is a far better statistic than most pharmaceutical drugs can show. Plus, unlike prescription drugs, EFT has no negative side effects!

EFT – Acutapping can change the negative habits of a lifetime!

* Clear negative beliefs
* Remove emotional cravings
* Relieve stress and anxiety
* Break bad habits
* Dispel fears
* Build self-esteem
* Ease pain

Wouldn’t you love to be healthy and happy again?

I can show you how to tap into your subconscious mind and create a healthier, happier lifestyle now! We can even do it over the phone or through Skype. It won’t take much of your time. After you learn EFT, you can work on yourself whenever it is convenient.

Compared with traditional psychotherapy or medical treatment, EFT is quite inexpensive and fast. In fact, once you learn how to do it, you can do it on yourself and it won’t cost you a thing!

Do you want to learn more?

Contact Bernadette Wulf (707) 824-0675 or visit HealItAll.com

Choose a one-time EFT session or ongoing Body Awareness Coaching

December 1, 2009

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind – Your Inner Magician!

No matter what your present circumstances, you CAN transform your life. You can attract abundance, heal disease, and clear emotional traumas. You may have tried and failed in the past. You may have even given up, but that is only because you didn’t have the tools you needed to succeed.

There is a part of you that understands how to heal your body and relieve your mind of false beliefs. It is by far the most powerful influence on your behavior and the results you obtain in life. Psychologists call it the subconscious mind. I like to call it your Inner Magician, because it can create changes that seem like magic… or maybe they are!

Acutapping – EFT communicates directly with your Inner Magician. If you have tried making changes, but they just didn’t stick, or if you have had ongoing challenges, Acutapping – EFT just might be the tool you need.

  • Using your conscious mind to try to change things rarely works.
  • Your subconscious mind, or Inner Magician (which governs over 90% of your actions) operates from a whole different agenda!
  • As long as you still have subconscious belief patterns limiting your ability to succeed, even using the Law of Attraction will seem to fail you.
  • That is why Acutapping – EFT is such a valuable tool.
  • Acutapping – EFT addresses your subconscious mind and the energy system of your body.
  • Acutapping – Eft is a tool you can use any time you run into limiting beliefs, fears, performance anxiety, or other negative patterns in your life.
  • You can effectively release and clear them, permanently!

Most of us have built up layer upon layer of false beliefs, injuries, and traumatic memories that may take time to clear, but once you are really ready to transform your life, you will be amazed at howfast things can change for the better.

For more information on Acutapping – EFT and how you can use it to relieve physical and emotional problems, visit http://healitall.com/eft.html

October 26, 2009

Change Your Life with EFT and Law of Attraction

It’s Up to You –

Believe it or not, you are the attractor of your own experiences. You continually shape your reality with your thoughts. It is up to you to choose whether to shape it consciously, or let unconscious beliefs, habits, and fears orchestrate your life.
Why not take charge now?

* By changing your negative habits of thinking and belief, you can transform every aspect of your life, starting today.

* Whether it is your health, prosperity, or sense of fulfillment that you want to improve, the process is the same.

* EFT is a valuable tool to quickly release your negative beliefs and  change your limiting habits of thought.

* The Law of Attraction is always working in your life. You just have to  learn how to direct it consciously.

* The combination of EFT and Law of Attraction is the most powerful combination I’ve found for shifting negative experiences to the positive.

* You can even do it yourself, since all the information you need  is freely available on my websites.

“Treating the body really is about treating the mind. It is all psychosomatic. Every bit of it, no exceptions.”


The Choice is Yours – remain stuck in limitation

or take off on the biggest healing adventure of your life!

Top Three Tools for Holistic Healing

Start Improving Your Well-being Today!

We all need tools that really work to wipe out negative habits, clear limiting beliefs, determine the nutrition our body needs, cleanse toxins from our system, and relieve the traumatic memories that keep us stuck in lack, limitation, or illness. I’ve spent a lifetime searching for the most effective tools available and these really work.

My Favorite Holistic Healing Helpers:

* Energy Meridian Tapping EFT can usually clear mental, emotional, and physical problems quickly and almost effortlessly – like issues related to weight, money problems, creativity blocks, fears and phobias, anxiety, limiting beliefs, disease symptoms, illness, abuse, trauma, pain, or any other limiting factor.

Over 90% success rate!

* Health & Nutrition Coaching with Law of Attraction and the Art of Allowing uses the power of your thoughts and feelings, plus optimal nutrition, to create vibrant health. It really works, but it takes time. That’s why I offer long-term coaching to help you stay on track and form new, positive habits.

* Organic Plant-based Whole-Foods Diet provides sound basis for physical health and prevention of degenerative disease – and coincidentally, safeguards natural ecosystems, feeds more people, and reduces greenhouse gases!

For more information visit HealItAll.com

You Really Can Heal It All

November 24, 2008

Healing Depression

Bernadette WulfWelcome to my new Heal-It-All blog!

I’m excited to be able to post information here that I don’t include in my newsletter. Please add your comments or questions. I’d love to hear from you.

Yesterday, I was thinking about depression. It is an issue that runs rampant through our modern world. I’ve read that one in ten women in America is on anti-depressant drugs! That doesn’t even include men and children, or the depressed women who are not being treated. What’s going on here?

Something is wrong with this picture!! Not the one of me in the corner. I look happy there. (It was taken at my son’s wedding last year and I was having a great time.) But I’m generally pretty happy, anyway. I wasn’t always a happy camper, but I have trained myself to be happy most of the time, no matter what. You can do it too.

First of all, we have to ask what makes someone feel depressed? We’ve all been there at some point in our lives, for a few hours or days, but many people get stuck there for weeks or months, or even years. Sometimes it is a hormonal, or nutritional problem, but my guess is that it is most often the result of a flaw in our thinking, or even just a bad habit.

The funny thing is that happiness isn’t dependent on outward conditions. People who win the lottery and people who have limbs amputated are just as happy a year later as they were before they won all the money or lost the limb! We all seem to have what some have called “a happiness set point” that we will always bounce back to, no matter what happens in our outer lives. So, looking for happiness anywhere outside of ourselves is a big mistake. It just won’t work. It has to be an inside job.

But what if your happiness set point is low on the scale? Is it possible to raise it?

Yes it is! I know, because I raised mine. I just decided I was going to be happy and started looking for things to be happy about. Law of Attraction brings us whatever we focus on, if we hold our focus on it long enough. So one way to overcome depression is to STOP FOCUSING ON IT. Start focusing on things that feel better!

How do we do that?

Here we are, at a time when a large portion of the population is living in luxury, relative to our ancestors. We have hot and cold running water, indoor flushing toilets, soft beds, a wide variety of foods to choose from, excellent health care, freedom in our career and marriage choices, and closets full of clothes. When is the last time you really stopped to APPRECIATE all that?

Have you noticed that appreciation makes you feel happier? It does. Keep appreciating and you will find that you become happier and happier.

Here are a few other questions you might want to ask yourself or someone you know who is caught in the depression cycle –

  • When is the last time you went out in the woods and really felt a connection with nature?
  • How many times have you helped someone else this week?
  • Have you spent any time enjoying yourself, just the way you are?
  • When a depressing thought comes to mind, do you look for something happier to think about?

When we were children, we instinctively knew how to be happy. We looked for things that were fun and interesting. Our curiosity was overflowing. We had dreams – big dreams. And we believed we could be and do and have anything we wanted. Somehow, as years went by, most of us gave up our dreams and squelched our curiosity. In short, we shut ourselves off from the magic of life. But that magic is still there, just waiting for us to rediscover it.

One good way to get past depression and rediscover the magic is to reconnect with your inner child. Remember the things you loved to do as a kid and start doing them again. No matter how silly they may seem – finger painting, building go carts, looking for frogs, dressing up, or making mud pies can get you back in touch with the playful, fun-loving kid that still lives inside of you. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It just has to be FUN.

Take a look at how you are treating yourself. It’s never about how other people are treating you. They are just actors in your movie. You write the script. Are you kind and gentle with yourself, or do you constantly put yourself down and criticize what you do?

Are you eating well? You can’t expect to feel good if you are dumping toxins into your body. If you don’t feel good physically, you probably aren’t going to be overjoyed about life. Read my Nutrition Tips page for more information.

What about drugs, prescription and recreational? None of them are good for you. Over 40% of Americans, including children, are taking at least one prescription drug and many more people are self-medicating with all sorts of non-prescription drugs. That is absolutely shocking! Drugs may “cure” symptoms on a short-term basis, but they all have side effects. Before you jump on the drug bandwagon, try a holistic approach to your problem. EFT is a great tool for healing emotional and physical problems. Acupressure, acupuncture, homeopathy, flower remedies, massage, chiropractic, and a host of other modalities are available to provide healing in a natural way that will not disrupt your hormones and brain chemistry.

With proper nutrition, healthy lifestyle, and Law of Attraction, you can heal just about any physical or mental problem, but you have to be willing to change your habits of thinking, probably your diet, and your dependence on mind and body altering substances. Is it worth it for your own happiness? Only you can answer that.

Bottom line, look for things to be happy about and you will find them. Slowly but surely, your happiness set point will get higher and higher.

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