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Natural Wellness News
Vol. 1, No. 68 * * * April 2012

Healthy Heart, Inflammation, MS, Thermography & More

In This Issue:
Message from Bernadette Wulf
7 Health Symptoms You Should Never Ignore
What Really Causes Heart Disease?
Solving the MS Mystery
Fight Inflammation with Sesame Seeds
EFT - Healing Body and Mind
Diagnostic Medical Thermography
Contact Info
Spring blossoms of hope Message from Bernadette Wulf

Happy Spring! Nature is waking up and calling us to run barefoot across the meadows and bask in the sunshine. At least that is the promise. In reality, we have had snow on the tops of our local mountains and lots of rain. That is a good thing, since we had such a sunny and dry winter. We need the rain!

Have you seen "Hungry for Change" yet? It offers an uplifting and well-balanced overview of why so many people are sick and overweight, and what we can do to restore health. It is wonderful that so many good health documentaries are coming out now. I suppose it is only natural, given the appalling state of health that is rapidly developing in America today.

We have the information and resources available to turn it all around and make America the healthiest country in the world, but our economy is set up to make the most money by selling the lowest quality products, not to mention creating lots of toxic chemicals. How did that happen?

Fortunately, people like you are staying informed and making better choices that will in turn affect others. Little by little we can educate ourselves and other people about the dangers of diet sodas, corn syrup, refined vegetable oils, and the myriad of other health-destroying products available in our modern grocery stores. That is why I send out this newsletter every month.

This month we have 7 little symptoms that could signal big problems, a great article on what really causes heart disease, some helpful advice on preventing MS, good news about my favorite seeds (sesame), new scientific studies on EFT, and a way to avoid dangerous radiation from medical testing by choosing thermography instead.

I hope you are enjoying the best of health and the many changing faces of nature and we move into a new season of growth.

To Your Health!
Bernadette Wulf

Visit My Website HealItAll.com

Heal yourself 7 Health Symptoms You Should Never Ignore
Yahoo Vitality recently published a great little list of common symptoms that could spell trouble if not addressed. We probably all experience one or two of them from time to time, but if they become frequent or chronic, it is important to check into the cause.

Many of these symptoms are signs of toxic overload. A few days fasting on fresh vegetable juices could clear them up easily. However, if symptoms persist, you might want to find a qualified health professional to help. Ideally, you will find a holistic practitioner who understands nutrition, because prescription drugs would be likely to suppress the symptoms without healing the problem, and that would lead to more serious problems later on.

Do you have any of these symptoms?
Read the article for more details on each of them
1. Sleep problems
2. Vaginal discharge
3. Constipation
4. Headaches
5. Tooth and facial pain
6. Diarrhea
7. Acid reflux

Read entire article

heal your heart with healthy diet What Really Causes Heart Disease?
More and more studies are coming out showing that inflammation is the real cause of heart disease. But what causes inflammation?

According to Dr. Dwight Lundell, a heart surgeon with 25 years experience: "What are the biggest culprits of chronic inflammation? Quite simply, they are the overload of simple, highly processed carbohydrates (sugar, flour and all the products made from them) and the excess consumption of omega-6 vegetable oils like soybean, corn and sunflower that are found in many processed foods."

That pretty much describes the average American diet, doesn't it? No wonder heart disease is running rampant! I have long suspected that sugar is one of the main factors in heart disease. Sugars include carbohydrates from all flour products that are transformed to sugar in the body. The latest fun fact on that is that two slices of whole wheat bread is equivalent to 10 tsp. sugar. Thanks to modern plant breeding, we now have bread that can kill, instead of being the staff of life.

Though a high fat diet can wreak havoc on its own, the combination of high fat, particularly the polyunsaturated vegetable oils that were the darlings of 20th century nutritionists, with simple carbohydrates seems to be the killing combination.

Are you noticing that all of these offending foods are refined, ground into flour, or otherwise processed. They are not the whole foods nature intended us to eat. The more we stray from nature, the less healthy we will be. That should be obvious, but somehow the great American media machine seems to have overlooked that simple fact. Why? Because there is no money in it.

Isn't it time that we make money a secondary benefit of living a useful and balanced life, rather than the bottom line goal that represents some twisted idea of "success?"

Read the Entire Article

Sunshine relief for MS Solving the MS Mystery
Multiple sclerosis has mystified doctors and scientists for a very long time, but new research may have unearthed some data that could be helpful in prevention and perhaps even cure of the dreaded MS.

From Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman's blog: "Vitamin D researchers have suggested that a blood serum level of 50–80 ng/mL of vitamin D might slash the number of MS patients by nearly 50%. So, getting a vitamin D blood test and retesting every three months until levels reach the 50 ng/mL mark would make good sense. Most individuals have to take at least 2,000–5,000 IU daily of vitamin D with a meal that contains a good amount of healthy fat, because as an oil soluble vitamin, D3 especially needs fat for absorption. And, do try to get as much natural sun as possible—except, of course, between the peak hours of 10 am and 2 pm."

She goes on to say: "Secondly, look at copper. "Ironically, copper is also a double-edged sword because a low tissue copper level appears to be a contributing factor to multiple sclerosis, according to David Watts, Ph.D."

She also takes a look at mercury: "Mercury is a known neurotoxin that has also been linked to MS. (Even if you have had your mercury fillings removed, your tissues may be sequestering hidden mercury which can be identified with a special urine test and DMPS challenge.)" And "Last but not least, let’s not forget about the electropollution-MS connection."

If you have been following alternative health news lately, you will have seen a lot coming out about "earthing" or grounding to the earth to help clear electromagnetic pollution out of the body. Ideally, we would stay away from electrical sources, but then we wouldn't be here on the computer, would we?

Personally, I use grounding technology while on the computer. It can be as simple as a conductive wire connected to a copper rod in the ground outside, or you can purchase items that plug into the grounding socket in any three prong electrical outlet (provided it was properly grounded in the first place - and you can buy a tester that shows whether electrical outlets are grounded or not).

Read the Entire Article

healing inflammation with sesame Fight Inflammation with Sesame Seeds
Remember that article you just read (I hope) about heart disease and how it is caused by inflammation? Here is one more way to keep that inflammation level down. Apparently, the humble sesame seed packs a potent anti-inflammatory punch. It also helps lower cholesterol and is "one of nature’s most effective fat-soluble antioxidants."

According to Dr. Whitaker's blog: "In addition to fighting free radicals, sesamin increases blood and tissue levels of vitamin E, including the particularly potent gamma tocopherol form, which helps put the brakes on inflammatory processes in the body."

That is good news to me, because I love sesame tahini in salad dressings, felafel sauce, and lots of other foods. One of my favorite ways of eating tahini is spread on fresh apple slices. Better than a caramel apple! I always use organic tahini and prefer the raw over toasted, which preserves the Vitamin E.

Read More About Sesame Seeds

EFT for healing EFT - Healing Body and Mind
EFT, which stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques, has only been around for about a decade and a half, but it's roots go back at least 5,000 years to ancient Chinese acupuncture. It is rare for a new healing modality to become so popular in such a short time, but that is no doubt due to EFT's effectiveness in treating such a wide range of issues.

Millions of people have benefited from the use of EFT in both clinical and personal situations, but until now little was known about why it works so well. A recent article in the Huffington Post reveals a new scientific explanation of EFT's effectiveness.

From huffingtonpost.com: "What's unique about EFT is how it combines Eastern wisdom about acupressure, or 'meridian points,' in our bodies, with traditional Western psychotherapy. The practice consists of tapping with your fingertips on specific meridian points while talking through traumatic memories and a wide range of emotions. 'Acupoint tapping sends signals directly to the stress centers of the mid-brain, not mediated by the frontal lobes (the thinking part, active in talk therapy),' explains Dr. Church, Ph.D., who has been researching and using EFT since 2002. Because EFT simultaneously accesses stress on physical and emotional levels, he adds, 'EFT gives you the best of both worlds, body and mind, like getting a massage during a psychotherapy session.'

As an EFT therapist, I've noticed an interesting pattern in my clients, and sometimes in myself if I'm not paying attention. Often someone will come in or call with an issue that is really bothering them. We will do several rounds of EFT and they will almost always say they feel much better. Yet, though they recognize the quick relief and attribute it to EFT at the time, they may later forget they even had the problem, or they may think that it went away on its own, or it was never really that bad in the first place.

The logical mind often has a way of minimizing the quite dramatic results of EFT. I have seen that pattern even in my personal healing experiences. My mind comes in with thoughts like, "Well, it might have gone away anyway. Maybe it wasn't the EFT."

I find this very strange, because that does not happen with other modalities I've used. Improvement after using herbal remedies, homeopathy, allopathic treatments, or even massage, or something like self hypnosis will all be accepted as obvious, but with EFT there is often a question. I think the reason for this is because it just seems too easy!

All I had to do was think about the problem and tap on a few points? How could that eliminate issues that I had been carrying around for decades in just a few minutes? It is hard for the logical mind to accept. At this point, I've seen it work so often (not always, but a good 90% of the time) that the doubts of my logical mind have become pretty feeble.

To me, it is the results that count. The science is interesting, but I wasn't waiting for science to explain it. Even so, I like reading articles like this one that add scientific credibility to something that I already recognize as valuable.

Read EFT Article

Avoid radiation with thermography Diagnostic Medical Thermography
Before you go in for another medical test, think about the long-term effects it might have. X-rays, mammograms, bone density tests, and CT scans all use dangerous types of radiation that accumulates in the body over time. This can significantly increase the risk for cancer.

Take a look at the radiation levels of these tests (from http://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletters/Harvard_Womens_

Procedure - Range reported in the literature (mSv)
Bone density test - 0.00–0.035
X-ray, arm or leg - 0.0002–0.1
X-ray, panoramic dental - 0.007–0.09
X-ray, chest - 0.05–0.24
X-ray, abdominal - 0.04–1.1
Mammogram - 0.10–0.6
X-ray, lumbar spine - 0.5–1.8
CT, head - 0.9–4
CT, cardiac for calcium scoring - 1.0–12
Nuclear imaging, bone scan - 6.3 average
CT, spine - 1.5–10
CT, pelvis - 3.3–10
CT, chest - 4.0–18
CT, abdomen - 3.5–25
CT, colonoscopy - 4.0–13.2
CT, angiogram - 5.0–32
CT, whole body - 20 or more
Nuclear imaging, cardiac stress test - 40.7 average

Every time you get one of those tests, the radiation stays in your body! So if you are getting several of them, it can add up pretty fast. The good news is that there are much safer options. In fact, according to this blog by Carolyn Dean MD ND, Thermography combined with Ultrasound can be just as effective, and in some ways even better, without the harmful radiation.

From drcarolyndean.com: "Diagnostic Medical Thermography and Ultrasound are complimentary tests. When using these two diagnostic tests together the diagnostic sensitivity goes up to over 95%.

"And how much more sane than the latest 'fad' of doing full body CT Scans with radiation doses equivalent to hundreds of chest X-rays. Thermography is unique in that it shows physiology or 'what’s happening' in the tissues as opposed to CT’s, MRI’s and other static pictures of simple anatomy. It is the only imaging test that can show pain, inflammation, lymphatic congestion, and more.

"This testing is not just for women! Thermography can detect early signs of arthritis, neck and back pain, dental infections, headaches and sinus infections, immune dysfunction, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), digestive disorders, bursitis, ligament or muscle tears, nerve problems, as well as screen for strokes and detect cancer in the very early stages."

So next time a health care professional suggests zapping you with radiation, ask about Thermography, with the possible inclusion of Ultrasound. It could make the difference between developing cancer and health.

Read More About Thermography

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Bernadette Wulf is a Naturopath, EFT therapist, Health and Nutrition Coach, and Reiki Master with a world-wide practice via phone and Internet.

Visit http://healitall.com for more information.

For Health & Wellness Coaching contact Bernadette Wulf at wulfartist@yahoo.com

Bernadette Wulf - Heal It All.com • P.O. Box 9546 • Santa Rosa • CA • 95405