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Natural Wellness News
Vol. 1, No. 64 * * * December 2011

Chia, Sprouts, Meal Timing, and Access Consciousness

In This Issue:
Message from Bernadette Wulf
Chia is Not Just for Pets
The Wonder of Sprouts
Lose Weight, Balance Blood Sugar, Avoid Disease with One Change
Access Consciousness and Health
Contact Info
Message from Bernadette Wulf
Happy Holidays, whichever holidays you choose to celebrate. I'm looking forward to the days getting longer in just a few weeks, with all the plants shooting up new growth. Our autumn weather has been glorious, with more colorful autumn leaves than I've ever seen, but the promise of spring is still enticing.

I learned something new this month about the dangers of snacking. I had often heard that frequent small meals were the best way to maintain ideal weight and blood sugar balance, but it turns out that is not true. In fact, we can do a lot of damage to our health by following that advice. Who knew?

I've also shared a couple of good articles about some old friends of mine, Chia seeds and Sprouts - two of the best nutritional buddies one can find. Then there's an article about one of my favorite new discoveries, Access Consciousness. I've been working with Access processes for about six months and I feel like it has given me a new lease on life. Check it out and see if you get the same feeling.

Until next time, have a warm and wonderful holiday season.

To Your Health!
Bernadette Wulf

Visit My Website HealItAll.com

Chia is Not Just for Pets
If you are old enough, you will certainly remember the popular "chia pets" of the 1970s. Ceramic animals with "fur" grown from chia seeds was all the rage for awhile. But did you know that chia seeds are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet?

From the Raw for Thirty blog - "Chia seeds have more omega-3 than Atlantic salmon, more antioxidants than fresh blueberries, more fiber than bran flakes, five times the calcium of milk, two times the amount of potassium as bananas, three times more iron than spinach and more protein, fiber and calcium than flax seed.

"Adding just 2 tablespoons of chia seeds to your daily diet will give you approximately 7 grams of fiber, 4 grams of protein, 205 milligrams of calcium, and a whopping 5 grams of omega-3. Chia seeds include phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, niacin and zinc."

Chia seeds even taste good. They have a mild, nutty flavor. You can use them as a thickener or even as an egg replacement in many recipes, but my favorite way to eat them is to soak them in almond milk for about 15 minutes, then add chopped apples, raisins, or other fruit, with a dash of vanilla. Delicious warm or cold.

You can even eat chia sprouts right off your chia pet.

Read About Chia Superfood

The Wonder of Sprouts
I've been growing and eating sprouts since the early 1970s when I was fortunate enough to hear Dr. Ann Wigmore speak at a small, gathering in my home town of Saratoga, CA. As an idealistic, health-conscious young person, I was very impressed by Dr. Ann's energy, vitality, and commitment to sharing her healthy lifestyle. She was in her 60s at the time, and had cured herself of colon cancer and gangrene, caused by an automobile accident that crushed her legs. Sadly, her energetic life was cut short when she died in a fire at the age of 83.

Ann Wigmore cured herself and maintained her health by eating weeds. Eventually she developed a living foods program, promoting wheat grass, raw foods, and sprouts, which could be grown indoors through the winter in any climate. Today, Hippocrates Health Institute still carries on her work and thousands of people have reported healing through following her teachings. We have Ann Wigmore to thank for the continuing popularity of sprouts and raw foods today.

From NaturalNews.com - "People sprout for three primary reasons:
Reason #1) Vegans and vegetarians sprout seeds to eat high-protein living foods which make up the bulk of their diets.
Reason #2) Surthrivalists sprout seeds to grow their own emergency foods indoors, using no soils and having a compact food storage benefit (seeds are really tiny, but they sprout into larger foods).
Reason #3) Smart consumers sprout seeds in order to save money on their grocery bill, as sprouted seeds provide high-density nutrition at a fraction of the cost of traditional superfoods."

I had to look up the meaning of surthrival, since I had never heard such a word before. Here's what I found “surthrive - to not only make it through the hard times, but to prosper when the economy shows improvement." It is a combination of survive and thrive.

That is a perfect word to use in connection with sprouts. Not only do they supply an abundance of nutrients (far more than the seeds themselves), but they enable us to go beyond survival and to thrive. They are also easy to grow and don't take up much room. How does it get any better?

Read About the Benefits of Sprouts

Lose Weight, Balance Blood Sugar, Avoid Disease with One Change
How often have you heard that the best way to balance your blood sugar or lose weight is to eat frequent meals and snacks? I don't know about you, but I've heard it a lot! According to Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, that is really bad advice. Here's why:

From Dr. Ritamarie's newsletter article, Why Eating Frequent, Small Meals May be Damaging to Your Health - "Constantly elevated levels of insulin, either from snacking between meals, deliberately planning meals close together, or eating foods high in sugar and simple carbohydrates, causes hyperinsulinemia, a condition of too much insulin in your blood. This condition leads to insulin resistance as the cells can no longer take in so much sugar and 'close their ears' to the insulin signal.

"Insulin resistance leads to weight gain, especially around the middle, stiffening of your arteries, elevated blood pressure, systemic inflammation, and eventually to cardiovascular disease like heart attack and stroke."

To understand why this happens and how it can also cause liver congestion, I encourage you to read this excellent article, which is the best I've seen on this subject. The only downside is that those of us who have formed a habit of snacking frequently will have to learn to plan our meals at healthier intervals and include a full range of nutrients in them.

Read Why Frequent Meals Can Damage Your Health

Access Consciousness and Health
Have you heard of Access Consciousness yet? If not, today is your lucky day. Maybe it is not for everybody, but it is definitely for those of us who want to expand our consciousness and our joy as far as possible so we can discover amazing new vistas of awareness. Since I discovered Access, thanks to hearing a Rikka Zimmerman interview, my sense of possibility has widened beyond anything I could have predicted.

I think Rikka is amazing, but Dain Heer may be more to your liking. He is calmer and has a more mellow voice. You can find him here - http://www.accessdain.com/ Both Rikka and Dain have great information and processes to share.

What if you had a way to clear the clutter from your mind and silence your mind chatter? Wouldn't life be a lot more fun? I think so. Access Consciousness is based on the question. When you ask a question, the universe answers and your consciousness expands. You begin to feel more space inside yourself. Nagging thoughts fall away and you begin to feel more free and creative - at least that is how it works for me. Lot's of other people have reported similar experiences.

Not only that, you can use Access for healing. I was working with a horse the other day and she had a really runny eye that had been dripping all the way down her face for over a week. I did an Access process on her for about five minutes and her eye stopped running. I checked her again at the end of the day and also a week later and her eye was perfectly normal. What a great feeling!

I am now in the process of getting my Access Bars certification so I can teach the Bars class. Bars is a type of energy work on particular points on the head - just one of many techniques Access has to offer. If you are interested in having me "run the bars" on you, let me know. I felt like it cleared a lot of nagging negative thoughts out of my head when I had it done on me.

Read More About Access Consciousness

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Bernadette Wulf is a Naturopath, EFT therapist, Health and Nutrition Coach, and Reiki Master with a world-wide practice via phone and Internet.

Visit http://healitall.com for more information.

For Health & Wellness Coaching contact Bernadette Wulf at wulfartist@yahoo.com

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