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Vol. 1, No.5 * * * January 2007

Tips for a Healthy New Year

In This Issue:

A Message from Bernadette Wulf
The Fast Track to Renewed Health and Vitality
Toxic Mind = Toxic Body
Livestock Production Generating 18% of All Greenhouse Gases
The Truth Behind Flu Vaccines
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Bernadette Wulf

A Message from Bernadette Wulf

Happy New Year!
I have a feeling 2007 is going to be a great year. In fact, I'm choosing that it will be a great year, a year when I will look for and find something to appreciate every day. More and more I am learning that the mind is the ultimate key to health, and I am in charge of how I think and feel!

Nutrition is important, of course; so is removing toxins, and the right amount and type of exercise. But unless we train our minds to find something uplifting to focus on, we will undermine all the good we do in our efforts to create good health. Optimism, joy, spiritual connection, and gratitude have all been proven to improve health and add years to our lives.

What better New Years resolution than a commitment to always look for the positive in life? Not only will it make you feel happier, but your body will also thank you.
To Your Health!
Bernadette Wulf

Visit My Website Heal It

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The Fast Track to Renewed Health and Vitality

I'll admit I've been fanatical about nutrition since I was a teenager. I've read scores of books on the subject, especially now that I'm taking the Naturopathic Doctor course. In my opinion Ann Louise Gittleman's books outshine many others. Her information is clear, concise, easy to follow, and backed up by her 20 years as a successful nutritionist.

I recently picked up a copy of "The Fast Track One-Day Detox Diet," which is much more than a weight loss diet. While it will also help you lose weight if you need to, it more importantly teaches you how to safely remove the toxins from your body and support your liver and eliminatory organs in the process.

Even if you don't need to lose weight, detoxing is very important in our modern industrial world. Every one of us is bombarded with toxic chemicals on a daily basis. Tests show that we all have much higher levels of toxins than our ancestors did 100 years ago. This can lead to cancer, heart disease, mental problems, and all sorts of autoimmune disorders.

You may live in a natural environment and eat only organic foods, but you are still subjected to auto fumes, plastics, heavy metals, radiation, and literally hundreds of toxic chemicals that are spewed into our air and water from industry and agribusiness - and don't forget sugar! Too much sugar is one of the most pervasive and destructive toxins in our modern world. Germs and cancers feed on sugar. Plus, it puts a strain on the pancreas and can create an over-acid system.

Do yourself a favor and start the new year with a clean system. The whole detox process only takes eleven days and only one of the days is a juice fast, so it's really pretty simple and easy. Plus, Ms. Gittleman gives lots of great advice on how to maintain health after the detox period.

Highly recommended! My only reservation is Gittleman's dependence on meat for protein, which has been shown to increase the risk of cancer, diebetes, and heart disease. See The China Study for more information on the advantages of a plant-based diet. Vegetarians will have to use some imagination to adapt Gittleman's diet to their lifestyle - see Newsletter # 6 - Vita Pro Plan! for excellent information on the best protein sources for everyone.

More about the Fast Track Detox Diet

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Toxic Mind = Toxic Body

Speaking of toxins, by far the most prolific toxins come from our very own thoughts and feelings. Every time we hold onto anger, fear, frustration, sadness, or some other negative emotion we disturb the inner chemistry of our bodies in a very harmful way. Even our DNA contracts.

It has become very clear to me that we are meant to be happy, grateful, forgiving, and appreciative. These positive thoughts and feelings release endorphins, help to balance our hormones, relax our digestive system, and bring harmony to our bodies and minds. So, when we think about detoxing our bodies we have to include detoxing our minds as well.

Negative thoughts and emotions are nothing more than bad habits. They can be changed. Sometimes they are quite stubborn, because we subconsciously feel that they are protecting us from something else. If you have a hard time changing your habits of negative thinking, it may be time to seek help from a qualified therapist.

EFT is an excellent tool for releasing the hold of negative feelings and beliefs. For more information on EFT go to
Or visit the EFT page on my website
I am an experienced EFT practitioner, and I've also used EFT to clear many of my own negative habits.

Here is a brief quote from an interview with Dr. Larry Dossey on the Mind-Body connection:

Dr. Larry Dossey
"Q: What role do you think one's mind plays in the health of the body?

Larry: I think that 'bodily health' is practically an oxymoron. One can't talk anymore about the health of the body without bringing in the effects of consciousness—by which I mean belief systems, meanings, emotions, attitudes, feeling-states, and so on. The day is long gone when we can separate the two. It's just inconsistent with the data. When we try to do this we really come up short, even when we attempt to treat the body as just a physical system and ignore the mind. We have to acknowledge the numerous double-blind, randomized controlled studies that take into account the placebo response, which clearly is an indication that the mind cannot be ignored. The placebo response is simply an expression of expectation, suggestion, and optimism about how a treatment is going to turn out. There may have been a time when doctors could get away with focusing on the body and ignoring the mind, but those days are gone forever."

You can read the entire article by clicking the link below.

Medicine and Spirituality: An Interview with Dr. Larry Dossey

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Livestock Production Generating 18% of All Greenhouse Gases

One more good reason to go vegetarian, or at least cut way back on meat and dairy consumption!

A quote from Organic Consumers Association:
"A United Nations report has identified the world's rapidly growing herds of cattle as the greatest threat to the climate, forests and wildlife. And they are blamed for a host of other environmental crimes, from acid rain to the introduction of alien species, from producing deserts to creating dead zones in the oceans, from poisoning rivers and drinking water to destroying coral reefs."
Click link below to read entire article.

Though it may be that some people need small amounts of meat or dairy in their diet to maintain optimum health, most of us thrive without consuming any meat at all. Americans, on the whole, eat far too much protein in the form of meat. Cutting back or eliminating meat completely would not only help the global warming situation, but could relieve many symptoms of arthritis, kidney disease, over-acidity, and digestive problems, to name a few.

Most of the meat and dairy products consumed today, not only cause the environmental havoc mentioned in the quote above, but are laced with hormones, pesticides, and antibiotics that can destroy your health. Unless you are eating the meat and dairy products of grass fed, organically raised animals, you are systematically poisoning yourself every time you take a bite.

If you are concerned about not getting enough protein, there are excellent protein powders made from hemp or rice (make sure it's organic), as well as spirulina and other blue green algaes that can supply all the protein you need without taxing the ecosystem of our planet, or harming any animals.

Livestock's Long Shadow

natural health with eft and law of attraction

The Truth Behind Flu Vaccines

More toxins! There is a lot of controversy about whether flu shots really work, and whether they are safe. The following article might give you pause before you stick your arm out for the needle.

Quote from Smart Publications -
Don't Catch That Cold or Flu
"Vaccine sales are increasing and it seems the sky is the limit as to how high sales will go. Global revenues from the sale of vaccines, which was once primarily a commodity market, are expected to reach nearly $10 billion in 2006, up from $5.4 billion in 2001.

Recently, the U.S. government agreed to stockpile $100 million worth of a still-experimental vaccine against the deadly avian flu virus. But are flu vaccines safe . . . and do they work?

Here are some of the toxins that are typically used in vaccines7:

* Thimerosal (a mercury disinfectant/preservative) has been implicated as a possible cause of the rising epidemic of autism in American children. Although it has been eliminated from most vaccinations in the US, it is still included in the flu shot. And according to the World Health organization, it is still widely used in developing countries.

* Ethylene glycol (antifreeze)

* Phenol, also known as carbolic acid (this is used as a disinfectant, and/or dye)

* Formaldehyde, a known carcinogenic

* Aluminum, which is associated with seizures and is a carcinogenic in laboratory mice. (It is used as an additive to promote antibody response.) Although it has been linked to Alzheimer's disease, there is no reason to believe it is a direct cause.

Vaccines are also grown and strained through animal or human tissues like monkey kidney tissue, chicken embryo, embryonic guinea pig cells, calf serum, and human diploid cells (the dissected organs of aborted human fetuses as in the case of rubella, hepatitis A, and chickenpox vaccines).

Today, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends 21 shots before age 2, the first—for hepatitis B—coming within hours of birth. Boyd Haley, a professor of chemistry at the University of Kentucky, contends that if a child in the 1990s got all of the shots, he or she would be exposed to mercury levels of more than 100 times those deemed safe by the EPA."

I believe there are much safer ways to boost immunity, like using the following herbs:

• Andrographis paniculata (pictured above)
• Astragalus root
• Olive Leaf extract
• Elderberry extract
• Echinacea

Click on the link below for more immune enhancing ideas. ideas.

Don't Catch That Cold or Flu!

To read past issues of Heal It Newsletter go to newsletterarchives.html

Reiki Master Bernadette Wulf is a Life Coach specializing in EFT and the Law of Attraction,
with a world-wide practice via phone and Internet.

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