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HealItAll Newsletter
Vol. 1, No. 35 * * * July 2009

Clearing Confusion on Media Hype - Calcium, D3, K2, and More!

In This Issue:
Message from Bernadette Wulf
Biofuels Are the Rainforest's Worst Enemy
Bioplastics - Are They Really the Answer?
Low Vitamin D May Be Root Cause of Cancer
Bone Health - Is There a Calcium Conspiracy?
Vitamins D3 and K2 for Cardiovascular Health!
One Last Thing...
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sebastopol, CA naturopath Message from Bernadette Wulf

Now that summer is officially here, I've been enjoying the warmth and lingering light more than ever. Somehow it seems like these days are longer than in any summer before, and the flowers are more profuse, and the birds are singing louder... at five in the morning right outside my window! Gota love it.

Before I forget, click on the link at the bottom of this section to hear my interview on There are lots of other interviews with well-known self-help experts on the site, too. Just go to

It seems that our health is becoming more and more tied up with our environment. The way our foods are grown, the way we dispose of our garbage, and the way we take care of our planet all become increasingly crucial factors as our population grows. I believe Earth is precious in its own right, but even if you don't believe that, you'll have to agree that your life is dependent on the environment in which you live.

These days we are faced with complicated choices and a lot of misleading advertising about what is "green" or "natural." Read on for some surprising twists in the eco-saga of humans on planet Earth.

Another area of confusion caused by media twists is the subject of Vitamin D and Calcium, and how they relate to cancer, bone health, and cardiovascular disease. Slathering on sunscreen and gulping down calcium pills may be more dangerous than you ever thought possible. You will find a few articles below to make you think twice!

As always, I keep looking for the best cutting-edge health-care news available, so you'll have it at your fingertips.

To Your Health!
Bernadette Wulf
Check out my interview on!

 natural health with eft and law of attraction
Biofuels Are the Rainforest's Worst Enemy
Have you been feeling complacent thinking that biofuels will solve the carbon emission problems of the world? Sorry to disillusion you, but here's the nasty truth of the matter.

From Mother Jones - "With governments and consumers scrambling for alternatives to fossil fuel, worldwide demand for biofuels has gone through the roof; in Europe, where more than half of all automobiles run on diesel, consumption of biodiesel is set to triple by 2010...

"But amid the hype, problems have emerged. Biodiesel emits less than one-quarter the carbon of regular diesel once it's burned. But when production—and the destruction of ecosystems in the developing countries where most biofuel crops are grown—is factored in, many biofuels may actually emit more carbon than does petroleum, the journal Science reported last year.

"Because oil palms don't absorb as much CO2 as the rainforest or peatlands they replace, palm oil can generate as much as 10 times more carbon than petroleum, according to the advocacy group Food First. Thanks in large part to oil palm plantations, Indonesia is now the world's third-largest emitter of CO2, trailing only the US and China."

I never believed that growing plants to run cars was a very good idea, but I was shocked to read how very destructive it can be, in so many ways. Ten times more carbon! Yikes!

It's time to go back to the drawing board on that one!! Thanks Mother Jones.
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 natural health with eft and law of attraction
Bioplastics - Are They Really the Answer?
Dang! Just when it seemed like we had a good solution to the overflow of plastic in landfills... there's a catch.

From the Washington Post - "Bioplastics aren't quite as green as they might seem, for many of the same reasons that biofuels are an environmental Catch-22. For one, using crops to produce plastic diverts those plants from the food supply. The recent rise in global food prices demonstrates the danger of this; also, much new cropland is cleared at the expense of carbon-absorbing forests. Crop production requires carbon-dioxide-emitting energy, and unless the plants are organically grown (unlikely for bioplastic sources), pesticide and fertilizer runoff is an issue."

And, as if that is not bad enough, bioplastics don't break down in a normal compost pile. They need a commercial compost operation using high temperatures. Not to mention the fact that most people wouldn't think of trying to compost their plastic, anyway. The exception is bioplastic leaf bags that can be tossed in city composting containers.

The solution... recycle plastic, reuse cups, plates, and utensils, just like we did in the good old days. It really wasn't all that hard to wash the dishes, was it?
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 natural health with eft and law of attraction
Low Vitamin D May Be Root Cause of Cancer
I recently went to a lecture by one of my favorite nutrition experts, Dr. Rick Dina, at Cafe Gratitude in Healdsburg. One of the things he said that really struck me is that anyone living north of San Francisco, no matter how much you are out in the sun, should be taking a vitamin D supplement! I had never heard that before, but I sure listened up, because vitamin D deficiency is no laughing matter. It can lead to osteoporosis, heart disease, and even cancer.

Breaking news from - "According to Dr. Garland, researchers have documented that with enough vitamin D present, cells adhere to one another in tissue and act as normal, mature epithelial cells. But if there is a deficiency of vitamin D, cells can lose this stick-to-each other quality, as well as their identity as differentiated cells. The result? They may revert to a dangerous stem cell-like state and become cancerous."

The article goes on to say that, "Healthy levels of vitamin D have been found to slash the risk of numerous cancers by 77 percent." That's a whopping statistic and one that we should all take note of in our quest for ideal health!

Most nutrition experts specify vitamin D3 as the best form to take in a supplement. Statistically, about half the population is deficient in Vitamin D, so you should probably be supplementing if you are not outdoors every day, or if you live in a latitude north of San Francisco. If you are not sure, you can have a blood test to determine your Vitamin D level.

Meanwhile, get out in the summer sun and soak up those rays! (In moderation, of course. It only takes 15 to 20 minutes to get all the vitamin D you need.) And I'm sure the sun has even more good things to offer than vitamin D.
Read the Entire Article

 natural health with eft and law of attraction
Bone Health - Is There a Calcium Conspiracy?
Be sure to click the link at the bottom of this section, because the complete article is excellent and full of great information that everyone with bones should know - like you! I can only touch on a few of the most important points here. By the way, if you happen to have ridges running the length of your fingernails, you probably have the beginnings of osteoporosis. Listen up!

According to - "...the US government’s fight against osteoporosis has actually increased the incidence of this debilitating disease. The numbers speak for themselves ... by 2020 [it is predicted that] one in two Americans over the age of 50 will already have, or be at risk of developing, osteoporosis!"

The article goes on to say, "the secret to bone health lies not in increasing your calcium intake as you have always been told, but instead increasing your intake of the critical nutrients necessary to recycle bone calcium and to preserve, protect, and build healthy new bone."

The problem is that calcium loss, not calcium intake, is the cause of osteoporosis. Very little of the calcium you ingest ever gets to your bones. Most of it is either excreted or deposited in arteries and soft tissue, causing joint calcification and hardening of the arteries. So rather than adding more calcium, it is important to minimize the loss of calcium in the first place by keeping your system alkaline. The way to do that is to eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, and to avoid eating too many animal products, grains, nuts, and processed foods which are acid forming.

Because acidic blood means death, the body will pull alkaline calcium from your bones to keep the blood alkaline, even at the expense of bone strength. If you are a regular reader, you have heard this before, but I can't repeat it too often. We are bombarded with media and social pressure to chow down on burgers, fries, twinkies, and sodas day in and day out. The least I can do is give you the other side of the story once a month. Just a friendly reminder.

In addition to keeping your system alkaline, there are a few important nutrients that help the body recycle calcium. Vitamins K2 and D3 are key factors. The Smart-Publications article says, "Clearly, vitamin K2 and vitamin D3 are two of the missing puzzle pieces when it comes to battling osteoporosis and osteopenia."

"...vitamin K reduced bone loss with K2 being most effective, reducing risk of vertebral fracture by 60%, hip fracture by 77%, and all non-vertebral fractures by 81%. And remember, reducing fracture risk is the true measure of bone health."

"...We’ll say this again, because it bears repeating: Vitamin K2 deficiency leads to BOTH osteoporosis/osteopenia and calcification of arteries!"

Other important nutrients for bone health are the minerals Boron, Magnesium, and Silica, along with an isoflavone called Daidzein that stimulates bone formation and mineralization.

"Daidzein is an isoflavone found mostly in soybeans, legumes, and peas. Soy isoflavones are free radical scavengers (potent antioxidants) and are antiangiogenic (they interfere with unwanted blood vessel growth in disease states). They have been shown to have a beneficial effect on some types of cancer and bone health."

So eat up those beans and peas, but remember that soy can be detrimental unless it is eaten in fermented form such as miso, tempeh, tamari, or natto. And what do you know, natto also happens to be the world's best source of Vitamin K2, and it is one of the only vegan sources of K2 aside from sauerkraut.

Vitamin K1 is supplied by leafy green vegetables. I keep saying it - EAT YOUR GREENS. They're good for you! Vitamin K2, is created by bacteria (Bacillus subtilis in natto), as well as by probiotic flora found in a healthy digestive tract (destroyed by the antibiotics used in medical treatments and in non-organic meats and dairy products). Most natural K2 supplements are made from natto.
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heart health Vitamins D3 and K2 for Cardiovascular Health!
Here's another interesting D and K connection - bones and heart health! If your bones are brittle, your heart probably isn't doing so well either.

From Longevity Medicine Review - "Strong correlations have been noted between cardiovascular diseases and low bone density/osteoporosis—connections so strong that the presence of one type of pathology is considered a likely predictor of the other."

Vitamins D3 and K2 have been shown to improve both bone strength and cardiovascular health. I suppose the big question now is how do we know how much of this stuff to take? Here's their answer: "A recently published review of the evidence regarding the risk-related consequences of vitamin D supplementation in adults concluded: 'Evidence from clinical trials shows, with a wide margin of confidence, that a prolonged intake of 10,000 IU per day of vitamin D3 poses no risk of adverse effects for adults, even if this is added to a rather high physiologic background level [sun exposure, dietary intake] of vitamin D.'"

For comparison they offer this statistic: "...15 to 20 minutes on a summer day while wearing a bathing suit, generates 10,000 – 20,000 IU of vitamin D3 in 15 to 20 minutes." That's for the average white person. People with darker skin need longer exposure.

The usual therapeutic dose for Vitamin D3 is 1,000 - 5,000 IU per day. If you are in doubt, get a blood test to find out how much D3 is in your blood and have an experienced doctor tell you exactly how much to take. The lower your blood level, the more you should be taking in supplement form.

The article does not mention how much K2 to take, but other sources recommended 1 to 5 mg. per day, with therapeutic range up to 10mg. No toxicity for Vitamin K1 or K2 has been reported. However, those taking blood thinning medication should consult a physician before supplementing with Vitamin K.

If you are feeling up to it, the following link will take you to a very scholarly article with lots of research statistics and references.
Read entire article

naturopath interview One Last Thing...
That's me looking through the magnifying glass I found at the Korbel Champagne Cellars tasting room. Yum! (Photo by Ben Aronoff.)

I told Brysen, who interviewed me for, that I would include a link to his site, so here it is.

Check out all the fascinating interviews!
(The link to my interview is under my introductory letter up top.)
Link to

To read past issues of Newsletter go to

Health & Wellness Coach Bernadette Wulf is also a Law of Attraction Coach, Reiki Master, and EFT therapist, with a world-wide practice via phone and Internet.
Visit for more information.

For Health & Wellness Coaching contact Bernadette Wulf at
or call 707-824-0675

Bernadette Wulf - Heal It • P.O. Box 9546 • Santa Rosa • CA • 95405