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Vol. 1, No.3 * * * November 2006

Amazing Minerals

In This Issue:

bernadette wulf

A Message from Bernadette Wulf


I've been immersing myself in information about minerals and how they affect our health lately, both the kind we need and the toxic ones that have infiltrated our environment. Minerals may well be the most important nutritional factors in maintaining health.

In the past, we didn't have to concern ourselves with minerals so much. Our soils and oceans were rich in all the minerals we needed, and levels of heavy metals (toxic minerals) were much lower than they are today. We could simply eat a wide variety of foods and maintain a healthy mineral balance. Now it is not so easy.

Commercial factory farms only add three minerals to the soil: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK). Not only does this fail to supply all the minerals the plants need (which causes disease and insect infestations that are increasingly kept under control with toxic pesticides), but it robs those of us who eat the plants of needed minerals.

On top of that, we are bombarded with toxic minerals in the form of heavy metals from farm and factory runoff and air pollution. Every one of us has much higher levels of heavy metals in our bodies than our ancestors did. And this build-up of heavy metals also causes imbalances in the good minerals we need.

This is not an ideal picture, but once we know what we are up against, we can compensate. There are ways to remove heavy metals from our bodies, and ways to enhance mineral absorption from the foods we eat, as well as many good supplements to replace minerals we may have lost along the way.

Organic farming increases the mineral content of the plants we eat, so buy organic whenever possible, for your own health and the health of our planet. Homeopathic cell salts (also known as tissue salts) enhance mineral absorption. There are twelve of them for specific symptoms, plus Bioplasma, which is a combination of all twelve. Oral chelation removes heavy metals. Seaweeds and alfalfa can supply many of our needed minerals. So, even though it is not as easy as it once was, with a bit of study and awareness we can still maintain a healthy mineral balance.

Above all, avoid stress, and find something to appreciate. A happy mind creates a healthy body. Read on for more information. May this Thanksgiving season fill you with gratitude for all the abundance in your life.

To Your Health!

Visit My Heal It All Website

oral chelation

Elation Over Chelation - 
Clear Out Toxic Heavy Metals!

Excerpt from interview with Dr. Garry Gordon
By David Jay Brown

"Garry Gordon, M.D., D.O., is one of the world's experts in chelation therapy, nutrition, and mineral metabolism. He is the founder and current president of the International College of Advanced Longevity Medicine (ICALM), and is one of the co founders of the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM). Dr. Gordon wrote the original protocol for the safe and effective use of EDTA oral chelation therapy, and is the author of numerous scientific papers on the subject. He is also the coauthor of the bestselling book The Chelation Answer.

Chelation is a chemical process in which a metal or mineral—such as lead, mercury, or calcium—is bonded to another substance. This is a natural process that goes on continually in our bodies. Chelation therapy—which employs the weak acid EDTA—has been shown to safely improve blood flow and relieve symptoms associated with atherosclerotic vascular disease in more than eighty percent of the patients treated. Chelation therapy also helps to prevent arteriosclerosis, improve circulation, and remove lead and toxic heavy metals from the body. This results in a myriad of beneficial effects, including improved vision and hearing, as well as better skin texture and tone. It also helps to improve cognitive function by increasing circulation to the brain."

Dr. Gordon: "The Earth has become so totally polluted that everybody today is walking around with high-levels of styrene, PCBs, and dioxins. They're in every human being we test today, as well as is lead, mercury, and cadmium. These are taking their toll—and not just on humans. It's getting to be more and more extreme. We're seeing problems like birds at a 10,000 foot elevation that are loaded with mercury. For example, at Mount Washington the birds are loaded with mercury that's coming from the burning of coal in China. There is simply no escape from the particulate matter. We have poisoned our nest. We have got to do natural things, which means somehow learn how to use simple things—whether it's garlic, vitamin C, or a high-fiber diet. We have to do something that's natural, but that's not the focus of conventional Western medicine today."

(Pictured above is Cilantro, one of the plants known to help remove heavy metals.)
Click on link to read entire article and find out how you can clear toxic minerals from your body. It is long, but well worth reading. Full of information on do-it-yourself oral chelation, and also new research on longevity.

Elation Over Chelation: An Interview with Dr. Garry Gordon

dentistry and health

Your Mouth Reflects Your General Health

An excerpt from Dental Economics September, 2006
Author: Mike Robichaux, DDS

" dentistry, we know what a healthy mouth looks like. We have a model of health against which we compare our patients at each recare visit."

"What [H. L. "Sam" Queen, a researcher, biochemist, and nutritionist from Colorado Springs] has done is to establish a health model. He created reference ranges that are a reflection of health and, as you can imagine, have a much more narrow range. Like many of us, he believes that our bodies are the heroes, that we are created by design, and that given the right nutrients, we can remain healthy and free of disease. In a very unique way, he can ask the body questions through the design of a unique blood profile, understand where a person's chemistry has strayed from the health model, and determine what the body needs to return to health. Finally, he has identified six subclinical (not readily visible) defects that are present in all chronic illnesses, infections, and toxicities. Ironically, all six defects are seen by dentists every day as we look into the mouths of our patients.

You could easily describe health as the opposite of these six defects. A stable acid/base balance, a healthy balance of free and bound calcium in the blood, a robust aerobic metabolism, a healthy acute inflammatory response, connective tissue integrity, and a good balance of oxidant/antioxidant activity within the body would be a good representation of a healthy individual.

Before we take a look at these defects, keep in mind that the body is much more complex than I am making it out to be in this short article, and that the "one size fits all"/quick-fix mentality so pervasive in our society today can be very dangerous. Only through careful analysis of your blood chemistry can you truly determine how best to eliminate these six defects. In addition, the order in which these defects are handled is extremely important and should not be compromised. For example, to begin taking antioxidants without dealing with the other defects first can be a very dangerous path."

Click on link to read complete article. It is fascinating and very informative!

The Mouth Reflects the Body's Health

stress and vitamins

Relax! Stress Depletes Minerals and Vitamins

Article by Bernadette Wulf

Quite a few of our modern dis-eases are related to STRESS. One thing stress does is burn up vitamins and minerals, which can lead to anxiety and depression (not to mention all sorts of other ailments).

The first thing I would look at in stress-related conditions is the B vitamin complex. B vitamins are quickly used up by stress, so you might want to take a balanced B complex every two or three hours for a day or two, and then stay on a high maintenance dose a couple of times a day until the stressful conditions are eased up. You don't have to worry about taking too much, because they are just washed out of your system when not needed. But you do have to take the entire B complex (i.e. not just B1 or B2) in order to avoid creating an imbalance of B vitamins.

Vitamin C is also quickly used up by stress. I would take 500 mg. every few hours for a day or two and then 500-1000mgs/day maintenance.

To a lesser degree, Vitamins A, D, and E are necessary to combat the free radicals formed by negative emotional states. I sometimes take up to 100,000 IUs of A for short term, especially if I've been reading or using my eyes intensively. (Usually you can tell you need it, because your skin breaks out or the backs of your thighs or buttocks may feel bumpy like an orange peel.) But generally you should not take more than 10,000 IUs/day of Vitamin A over the long term, because it can build up in your liver.

If you are not out in the sunshine for at least 1/2 an hour a day (without sunscreen), you should take 400-1000 IUs of vitamin D (NOT the kind added to milk, or from irradiated sources. Make sure it comes from natural sources like mushrooms or fish oil).

Vitamin E should be supplied in the form of Mixed Tocopherols, natural of course (d-alpha, not the dL-alpha source), 400-1000 IUs/day. It is best to start out with 100 IUs and work up to 1000 IUs.

I would start with the higher dose on all of these, except vitamin E, and drop down to the lower dose after a week or so. I look at pills as remedial medicines. Once you are back in balance it is better to get vitamins from food.

One easy way to add an abundance of natural vitamins to your diet is to eat lots of sprouts... soak seeds and nuts overnight before eating... i.e. lentils, almonds, sunflower seeds... and of course the old standby, alfalfa sprouts.

Important minerals (maybe even more important than vitamins) that are used up by stress are mainly Phosphorus, Magnesium, Potassium, and Calcium... which also happen to be (except for Phosphorus) alkalizing minerals. So your system can become over acid, making you susceptible to all sorts of illnesses.

Best food sources of minerals:
Magnesium - figs (unsulphured if dry), grapefruit, barley, cherries, rye, almonds (best if blanched and salted, sprinkled on food), any fruit or vegetable with a tart flavor.

Phosphorus - barley, beans, fish, lentils, milk (goats milk, cheese, yogurt are best), nuts, oats, brown rice, rye, raw egg yolks

Potassium - most herbs, lentils, almonds (see above), blueberries, coconut, lettuce, oatmeal, potato peelings, endive, spinach, carrots, peaches, any food with a bitter flavor.

Calcium - cranberries, cabbage (raw or cooked with salt), milk & cheese (see above), onions, mustard greens, sauerkraut (natural), spinach, Lima beans (yuck!), raw egg yolk, lentils, dark green lettuce, yellow peas, dark leafy greens.

Seaweeds and alfalfa are excellent sources of minerals in your general diet. And a good supplemental source of minerals is liquid colloidal minerals. Pills are generally useless, because the minerals are not from plant or animal sources that our bodies can metabolize, though chelated mineral supplements appear to be well absorbed.

Raw foods almost always supply more vitamins and minerals than cooked. There are many raw food 'cookbooks" on the market now that offer creative ways to include more raw foods in your diet.

Restoring your mineral balance may take months or even years. Generally at least 6 months, so don't expect an overnight transformation. On the other hand, we have barely even begun to tap into the power of our minds, and overnight transformations do happen, so don't rule it out.

Many people find that EFT works really well for relieving stress and anxiety, and as you will see in the next article, it can even help improve vitamin and mineral balance. Can't hurt to try it. And of course removing yourself from the stressful conditions is essential.

More important than anything is your ability to find things to be happy about, appreciate, and be grateful for, because then you are open and allowing healing to take place. Use the Law of Attraction to draw health, relaxation, joy, and peace into your life. What you think about you will bring about.

Click on link to learn more about using the Law of Attraction.

Use the Law of Attraction in Your Life

EFT helps absorb vitamins and minerals

Improve Mineral & Vitamin Balance with EFT

Note: EFT is a simple tapping technique based on acupressure. It has been useful in relieving numerous mental and physical ailments. As this article shows, it has even been used to enhance mineral absorption and balance.

While you can easily learn the EFT process and do it on yourself, it is often helpful to work with a therapist to address the deeper issues behind any particular problem.
Bernadette Wulf in an EFT practitioner with a world-wide practice via phone and Internet.

Here's a fascinating letter from Gary Craig, founder of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)

"Hi Everyone,

"Maggie Adkins had an analysis done to determine whether any of her body's minerals, amino acids or vitamins was deficient. As Maggie explains, there were 17 deficient readings.

"She decided to use EFT as her only treatment for these deficiencies and describes the details, along with the results in her article. I ran some simple calculations on her data and, as a summary, please note that 15 of the 17 items improved substantially (an average of 57%). The two that didn't improve actually got worse. It was suggested by the testers that this may have been due to a detoxification effect caused by EFT. When these two results were lumped back into the figures the overall improvement still came out to be 47%.

"This, of course, is not a pristine scientific study. Nonetheless, the results are hard to ignore. Spend some time on our website and you will see many other remarkable reports of improved health by using EFT.

"Hugs, Gary"

Click on link to read test scores for yourself.

EFT improves Minerals, Amino Acids & Vitamins

To read past issues of Heal It Newsletter go to

Bernadette Wulf is a Reiki Master and an EFT practitioner with a world-wide practice
via phone and Internet.

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