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HealItAll Newsletter
Vol. 1, No. 22 * * * June 2008

It's Wisdom - Not Dementia!

In This Issue:
Message from Bernadette Wulf
Your Herbal Medicine Chest
Older Brain - Wiser Brain
The Healing Power of Oprah
Contact Info
Bernadette Wulf Message from Bernadette Wulf -

To paraphrase Alphred E. Neumann, "What - me crazy?" There are moments when I can't remember the name of someone I know pretty well, or a fact that I learned just yesterday slips my mind. I sometimes wonder if it's the beginning of the end of my mental acuity. Whew! I'm glad to learn that it is just a sign of wisdom. I've got so many facts stored in my brain files that it just takes longer to dig them out! Read more below.

For some reason, the herb Elcampane has been popping up over and over again in my life. Seems like it's time for me to sit up and take notice of this amazingly useful plant. Check it out. You may want to use it yourself.

Then there's Oprah. I couldn't believe the scathing remarks I got from family members when I mentioned her name in our family e-group. Everybody seems to have an opinion about her, and some of them weren't so positive. Be that as it may, I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, and I certainly admire her for making such an effort to present the work of Eckhart Tolle to the world.

No matter what people may say about Tolle, one way or the other, it doesn't matter so much who he is. He's just the messenger. It's the message that is important. Whether you know it or not, the message is important to you because he points to a fundamental reality that the modern world has all but forgotten - a reality that may be the key to the evolution of human consciousness.

To Your Health!
Bernadette Wulf
Visit My Website

 natural health with eft and law of attraction
Your Herbal Medicine Chest -
The link below this article will take you to an excellent list of herbs to keep on hand for emergencies and treatment of everyday problems. However, right now I want to focus on the first herb on the list. I have been familiar with Elcampane as an expectorant that is remarkable at clearing out mucus from the respiratory system, but the following quote indicates that it has much broader applications. In addition to taking probiotics, which I frequently recommend, Elcampane can give your intestinal flora the food they need to thrive!

The following quote from explains:
"Elecampane: First on my list because I think that the need for it is greatest. Elecampane (Inula helenium) is rich in inulin, the indigestible (by us) starch that is ambrosia to healthy flora. It is like spreading fertilizer on a rain forest to our flora.

"Our flora-bearing surfaces in the bowel, mucus membranes and skin just burst out into huge, protective flora that covers our body in a nourishing, protective coating that heals our immune system, gives us many medicines, nutrients and checks and balances and helps us in dozens of ways not yet understood by science.

"Inulin is extracted from the root of elecampane by soaking it overnight in water and then bringing it to a boil. This is immediately reduced to a very low simmer which is maintained for a couple hours. The resultant liquid is fertilizer for your healthy flora. It will help with regularity, digestion, elimination and irritable bowel conditions."
Read entire article

 natural health with eft and law of attraction
Older Brain - Wiser Brain -

As we all get older, the prospect of dementia may loom frighteningly over our heads, but recent research indicates that forgetfulness may actually be a positive sign. It could mean that we just have a lot more information to sort through. So next time you can't remember a phone number or the name of a friend, just chalk it up to wisdom, as the following New York Times article suggests:

"Some brains do deteriorate with age. Alzheimer’s disease, for example, strikes 13 percent of Americans 65 and older. But for most aging adults, the authors say, much of what occurs is a gradually widening focus of attention that makes it more difficult to latch onto just one fact, like a name or a telephone number. Although that can be frustrating, it is often useful.

“It may be that distractibility is not, in fact, a bad thing,” said Shelley H. Carson, a psychology researcher at Harvard whose work was cited in the book. “It may increase the amount of information available to the conscious mind.”
Read the Entire Article

 natural health with eft and law of attraction
The Healing Power of Oprah -
I got a lot of flack from my family about bringing up Oprah in our family e-group, but I'm going to bring her up again here. Not that I'm a fan. In fact, I don't think I have ever even watched her show or read her magazine. But she has been very instrumental in getting out the message of Eckhart Tolle. Of course, some people want to knock him, too, saying he's just presenting a rehash of Buddhist teaching, or whatever.

The problem with that kind of thinking is that you can never learn anything new. Just because Buddhists embrace the power of Now, doesn't mean they have the corner on the market. "Now" is here for everybody - Christians (like Oprah), Jews, Muslims, agnostics, atheists, Pagans, Hindus, you name it. "Now" is a universal human experience, available to all of us.

Tolle, a fairly ordinary, intellectual guy, who seems to have a rather narrow emotional range, discovered that simply being consciously present in the moment is a key to happiness, health, and abundance. The fact that the Buddha discovered the same thing 2500 years ago does nothing to undermine the value of Tolle's rediscovery for himself. I would think it even adds credence to his views.

The nice thing about "Now" is that it is always here, even 2500 years after the Buddha discovered it. But what does any of this have to do with us?

Stop for a moment and just be aware of the air against your skin, the pumping of your heart, the breath flowing in and out of your lungs, the sounds in the distance, the feel of the floor beneath your feet, or the chair beneath your posterior. Whatever is happening, just "let it be," as the wise Beatles' song advises. Notice the still, calm space within which your awareness resides. If you are thinking a thought, just notice that you are aware of yourself thinking that thought.

That's what it has to do with us. Simple. Nothing more than awareness. But that awareness is the basis for peace, balance, and harmony in the world - our inner world and the world around us. That awareness is what Tolle calls "the power of Now."

When you make a practice of returning again and again to that awareness, you will find that you are less and less affected by the swings of life, the actions of other people, or even your own fears and negative beliefs. You have a calm and centered anchor at the core of your being that allows you to see things in perspective.

Can you see the health benefits here? Scientists say that at least 95% of physical illness is the result of emotional imbalances. What if we could pull the rug out from under all those emotional issues, simply by being fully present in our lives - present in this Now moment? What if we could live in bliss even while the outer trappings of our lives seem to be falling apart? And what if finding that inner state of harmony and acceptance of "what is" was actually the way to allow your health and abundance to unfold in the most harmonious and natural way? I believe it is.

Even though Eckhat Tolle and Oprah have nothing to offer that wasn't offered 2500 years ago, it is always nice to be reminded of things that we tend to forget in our hectic modern world. Eckhart Tolle's recent book, "A New Earth," was a great reminder for me, and I even enjoy watching his deadpan responses to Oprah's fawning and enthusiastic questioning in the webcast classes she offers.

He talks a lot about ego and moving beyond ego - but the real key is simple awareness. I'd let the ego go - and just be. Life doesn't get much better than that.

Check it out and see what you think.
Watch Oprah interview Eckhart Tolle

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Law of Attraction Coach Bernadette Wulf is a Health and Wellness Coach, Reiki Master, and EFT therapist, with a world-wide practice via phone and Internet.
Visit for more information.

For Health & Wellness Coaching contact Bernadette Wulf at

Bernadette Wulf - Heal It • P.O. Box 9546 • Santa Rosa • CA • 95405


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