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Vol. 1, No.2 * * * October/November 2006

Heart Health

In This Issue:

Bernadette WulfA Message from Bernadette Wulf

Heart health has been constantly in my awareness these past few weeks. On Labor Day, my dad had an emergency bypass surgery after suffering a series of small heart attacks, even though his doctors had never found any indication of heart problems in the past. Fortunately, my dad made it through, but many people never have any warning. They become part of the dismal statistics indicating a major problem in our health-care system.

Known as the "silent killer," heart disease claims the lives of millions of unsuspecting victims every year. Yet, even though heart disease is increasing all over the world, there are certain populations that seem to be immune. Perhaps we can learn from them and decrease our chances of being the next victim.

Also in this newsletter are some unusual ways to look at the whole issue of health and healing. From Abraham, to diet, to EFT, you will be sure to find something of value here.
To Your Health!

Visit My Website Heal It

green tea

Green Tea for Your Heart

We've all heard that oat bran, anti-oxidants, whole foods, and exercise are good for the heart. Yet there is still an epidemic of heart disease in the USA and Europe. In Asia there is a much lower incidence. Asians tend to eat lots of vegetables and more whole foods in their traditional diet, which may account for their general good health. They also drink lots of green tea. Recent research points to its benefits for heart health. Here's an excerpt from an article on green tea, indicating its usefulness in preventing both heart disease and cancer.
Click on link to read complete article.

"In the case of cardiovascular disease, a 30% reduction was found to result from large intakes of green tea. Not surprisingly, these researchers also found that green tea consumption resulted in an extension of lifespan among those people who drank the largest amounts. While drinking more than 10 cups a day of tea is difficult for most people, the availability of highly concentrated green tea extracts in capsule form has made it possible for anyone to easily obtain the benefits of drinking large amounts of green tea."

Article on Green Tea

abraham-hicks law of attraction

Abraham on Healing

"Guest: I use the flow of energy in healing a lot. How do I best use that flow?

Abraham: whether you are healing yourself or you are wanting to influence the healing of another, the first thing to recognize is that the sickness or cellular imbalance has already caused a request for energy. The cells themselves know what they want to stay in balance.

So when you see someone who is sick and as a healer you want to assist them, the first thing that you want to understand is that they're already doing Step 1, because their sickness is causing them to ask in a more powerful than ever way. And even if the conscious thinking human weren't saying "I'm sick I want to be well," the cells of his body are asking and the asking is already well underway and flow is already going regarding this individual.

Step 2 is [also] already taking place; the asking and the answering have already taken place. So what you are as a healer is a facilitator in helping them to relax and allow what they've already asked for and allow Source's answering to occur.

Sometimes healers see themselves as needing to goose up the flow and we say that more flow in the light of resistance is counterproductive in every situation. That would be like watering your flowers with the fire hose. There are healers, as they approach people who are out of balance, who actually believe that if they can harness this Source Energy and focus it towards this vessel that is in need of healing, then that is the answer, and we say that this is utterly counter productive. Because all of the healing power that that person could ever want, need, or endure, is already being summoned by these delicate cells and answered by Source, who understands the intimacy of your physical apparatus.

So a healer helps by preparing the physical vessel for the receiving of the energy and to see the vessel as not broken."

Abraham - Washington, DC 5/13/06

Abraham-Hicks official website

EFT for heart healing

EFT for Heart Health

EFT, a relatively new acupressure technique, has been shown to combat six major risk factors of Heart Disease.

"1. Smoking: Smokers are 2 to 4 times more likely to develop heart disease than non-smokers. EFT consistently provides relief to people with addictive cravings including cigarettes. When EFT is used to address the emotional reasons for smoking, many people are able to quit permanently.

"2. High Cholesterol. Elevated cholesterol levels are associated with an increased risk for heart disease. EFT users have lowered LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels and increased HDL cholesterol levels without drugs.

"3. High Blood Pressure. Elevated blood pressure places extra strain on the heart and EFT's results for blood pressure problems are often astonishing. In most cases, blood pressure improves within a few minutes of applying EFT and repeated applications of EFT often eliminate the problem for the long term.

"4. Physical Inactivity. Physically inactive adults are at higher risk for developing heart diseases. EFT is an effective personal performance tool. Apply EFT to increase personal motivation to exercise and eliminate negative beliefs about abilities and skills.

"5. Overweight/obesity. People with excess body fat are at higher risk for developing Heart Disease even if no other risk factors are present. One of EFT's most common applications is in targeting the issues associated with emotional overeating. Using EFT enables patients to eat for nutrition, rather than to tranquilize emotions.

"6. Stress. Elevated stress levels are consistently linked to a growing number of serious health issues, including Heart Disease. While meditation, relaxation exercises, deep breathing or anti-anxiety medication may help people cope with stress, these techniques do not address the cause of stress. EFT, however, is one of the only techniques available that addresses this true cause. This simple technique balances the energy and eliminates the body and mind's stress response.

"Gary Craig, founder of EFT says, 'EFT cannot be expected to continually neutralize the effects of high stress situations or a poor diet, but it is a complement to any positive health regime. When people are faced with the challenge of making significant lifestyle changes, EFT is a versatile support tool that anybody can use.' "

To read complete article click on link.

Bernadette Wulf is an EFT practitioner with a world-wide practice via phone or Internet.

For more information on using EFT for a variety of health and emotional issues, visit

EFT Simultaneously Reduces 6 Heart Disease Risk Factors

natural health with eft and law of attraction

Coconut Oil and the Surprising Heart Protection Factor

I've recently been reading a lot about the benefits of coconut oil on health in general, and particularly on heart health. Contrary to what we have been hearing for years, it now appears that coconut oil is one of the best foods to protect the heart. Populations in the South Sea Islands who eat a diet based on coconut are almost immune to heart disease and arteriosclerosis. When they begin to move away from their traditional coconut-based diet and include more processed, modern foods, they begin to show the same signs of heart disease as the rest of the Western world, so it becomes clear that it is their diet and not genetics that has protected them in the past.

It appears that coconut's medium-chain triglycerides actually help to clear arterial plaque and kill germs that can cause infections in the blood, heart, or arteries, which could lead to serious heart disease. "Coconut oil consumption was found to have many factors associated with a reduced risk of heart disease compared to other dietary oils namely, improved cholesterol readings, lower body fat deposition, higher survival rate, reduced tendency to form blood clots, fewer uncontrolled free radicals in cells, low levels of blood and liver cholesterol, higher antioxidant reserves in cells, and lower incidence of heart disease in population studies." (Bruce Fife, N.D.)

Here is an excerpt from an article by Bruce Fife, N.D. on coconut oil. I hope it will inspire you to follow up with your own research.

"Scientists have recently discovered a powerful new weapon against heart disease. As surprising as it may seem, this new weapon is coconut oil. Yes, ordinary coconut oil. Eating coconut oil on a regular basis can reduce your chances of suffering a heart attack.

"Coconut oil is composed of a group of unique fat molecules known as medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA). Although they are technically classified as saturated fats, this fat can actually protect you from getting a heart attack or suffering a stroke.

"Although coconut oil is predominately a saturated fat, it does not have a negative effect on cholesterol. Natural, nonhydrogenated coconut oil tends to increase HDL cholesterol and improve the cholesterol profile. HDL is the good cholesterol that helps protect against heart disease. Total blood cholesterol, which includes both HDL (good) and LDL (bad) cholesterol, is a very inaccurate indicator of heart disease risk. A much more accurate way to judge heart disease risk is to separate the two types of cholesterol. Therefore, the ratio of the bad to good cholesterol (LDL/HDL) is universally recognized as a far more accurate indicator of heart disease risk. Because of coconut oil's tendency to increase HDL, the cholesterol ratio improves and thus decreases risk of heart disease.

"People who traditionally consume large quantities of coconut oil as part of their ordinary diet have a very low incidence of heart disease and have normal blood cholesterol levels. This has been well supported by numerous population studies. The research shows that those people who consume large quantities of coconut oil have remarkably good cardiovascular health."

Click on link to read complete article.

Complete Article on Coconut Oil and Heart Health

Bernadette Wulf - Heal It · P.O. Box 9546 · Santa Rosa · CA · 95405

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